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Rushcliffe Borough Council

In Focus

Sign up to e-billing for your Council Tax

As we aim to be even more Carbon Clever and produce less paper, switch over today to an e-bill for your Council Tax – and a chance to win one of five £100 One4all vouchers.

Register online and in minutes you can have your council tax account, billing, balance and other correspondence at your fingertips

Small electrical items can be recycled on top of blue bins

Residents in Rushcliffe can place small electrical items on the top of their blue bins in a new recycling service.

News Area

Forgotten WWII air raid shelter brought back to life for lessons in local history

An air raid shelter which was closed and forgotten for decades has been fully restored to allow schoolchildren and history enthusiasts to experience what it was like to take shelter from bombs during World War II.

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Leader sends sincere condolences to family and friends of Sam Perkins

Our Leader Cllr Nel Clarke has sent sincere condolences on behalf of the Council to the family and friends of Motor Neurone Disease campaigner Sam Perkins from East Leake who has passed away.

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