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Tell Us links

Report an Abandoned Shopping Trolley
Abandoned Vehicle
Link to Antisocial Behaviour reporting form
Link to GOV.UK Benefit Fraud
Link to broken or damaged bins report.
Link to report a Bins – missed bin collection.
Link to report a missing bin.
Bins - remove a bin
Link to report a change to your address, name or household.
Complain About a Councillor
Link to make an official complaint.
Link to general enquiry form.
Link to report a dead animal.
Link to report dog fouling.
Link to report fly posting.
Link to report fly tipping.
General Enquiries form
Link to report graffiti.
Link to report grass issues.
Hedges need cutting
report litter
Link to report litter and dog waste bins.
Tell us about a lost anial.
Report playground cleaning /repairs.
Public toilets - cleaning or repairs
Link to report someone breaking planning rules.
Link to report stray dogs.
Link to report street cleansing.
Link to report a street nameplate.
Link to the Tell Us Once service.
Link to report issues with trees.
Link to report vandalism.
If you can't find the service you are looking for - Tell Us