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Communication and Media - Freedom of Information Requests

Disclosure Log - Communication and Media

  • Communication
  • Complaints
  • Marketing
  • Media



Reference: 3585633


Please advise how many  ombudsman's enquiries Rushcliffe Borough Council have dealt with since its inception. 

Response date: 14 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3585633.



Reference: 3522673


What is the total cost for all translation and interpretation activities for each of the financial years 21/22 and 22/23. I would like a separate total for each financial year.

Response date: 06 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3522673.



Reference: 3474067


The information that we require is as follows:

  1. Do you use a social media management platform?
  2. If so, what tools do you use?
  3. What is your annual spend on a Social media management tool?
  4. What dates does your contract with your current supplier end (month & year) ?
  5. Do you use a social listening / media monitoring platform?
  6. If so, what tools do you use?
  7. What is your annual spend on a social listening / media monitoring tool?
  8. What dates does your contract with your current supplier end (month & year)
  9. Who is the senior person responsible for managing these contracts?

Response date: 7 May 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3474067.



Reference: 2621995


Please provide your total spend on communications and public relations for the last three financial year's (20/21,21/22,22/23). For each year I would like a breakdown containing the following information:

  • Spend on communications and public relations activities.
  • Total number of communications and public relations employees.
  • Total salary cost for all communications and public relations employees

Response date: 03 April 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2621995.



Reference: 2622317


What is the total cost for all translation and interpretation activities for each of the financial years 21/22 and 22/23. I would like a separate total for each financial year.

Response date: 06 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2622317.



Reference: 2563550


Could you please let me know how much you spent on advertising on social media platforms in each of the last four financial years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 - broken down by platform. 

Response date: 19 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2563550.




Reference: 2549000


  1. Do you have a Policy/procedure that covers the use of WhatsApp within the Council? This can be either as a standalone policy/procedure or as part of a larger policy/procedure. If yes please could you provide the most recent copy. 
  2. If you do not have any policy/procedures please could you let me know if you allow the use of WhatsApp on Corporate devices? 
  3. If you have answered no to the above and yes to answer 2 please let me know if you have any plans on introducing a policy/procedure to cover the use. 

Response date: 15 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2549000.



Reference: 1822057


  1. Whether your organisation is currently using any Media Intelligence services.
  2. If your organisation is using Media Intelligence services, what specific services are being utilised? (e.g., media monitoring, media analysis, media contacts database, etc.)
  3. The name of the provider(s) of these Media Intelligence services.
  4. The total cost of the contract(s) with the provider(s) of these Media Intelligence services, including any fees for additional services not covered by the original contract.
  5. The overall value of the contract(s) with the provider(s) of these Media Intelligence services, including both direct costs and indirect costs (such as training, implementation, or support).

Response date: 20 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1822057.


Reference: 1820887


  • The name of the person who heads the public consultation team, and their direct email address (not the generic address, as I have been unable to receive a response from this)
  • If there is an insights team, then the name of the person who heads this team and their direct email address (not the generic address (if it's the same person as above, then please indicate that)
  • If the 'department' name I have suggested don't match what you have, then I think possibly searching under 'citizens' panel', 'residents' surveys', 'have your say' etc.
  • I would also like to know if any element of the administration of surveys is outsourced.

Response date: 18 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1820887.


Reference: 1139988


  • A list of all the different complaints the council has received over the past 12 months. It would be great for the file to contain as much information about the complaints as possible under the Information Act.
  • This would include - the compliant type, heading of the complaint, what the complaint was about and the date and month the complaint was filed.
  • Include an overview of the data, sharing:
    1. The total number of complaints in the past 12 months.
    2. The percentage of the complaints upheld.
    3. The complaint type with the highest amount of complaints.
    4. The complaint type with the lowest number of complaints

Response date: 23 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1139988.



Reference: 1052127


  1. How many formal complaints have you received from citizens from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (inclusive)?

Here complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction with the council’s services whether justified or not.

  1. How many of the above formal complaints have been escalated to another stage?
  2. If possible, how many formal complaints have you received from citizens from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 (inclusive)?
  3. How many of the above formal complaints have been escalated to another stage?

Response date: 3 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1052127.



Reference: 1022439


How much money have you spent on external contractors for public relations (including marketing and communications),

  1. In the financial year 2021/22
  2. So far in the financial year 2022/23?

Response date: 24 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1022439.




Reference: 975031


  1. Do you use any social listening or media monitoring tools?
  2. If so, what tools do you use?
  3. How much do you spend annually on Social listening and / or media monitoring tools?
  4. When does your contract with your supplier end?
  5. Who is the senior officer in charge of this contract?

Response date: 14 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 975031.



Reference: 870422


  • 1. Does the council have a Marketing Strategy? If so, please provide either a copy of the strategy or a link to the published version of the strategy.
  • 2. Please confirm the population of the area covered by the council, to the nearest and latest estimate.
  • 3. Does the council have an approved place brand and / or narrative*(see definition below) for a space, town or city within your local authority area?
    • 3.a If the council have an approved place based narrative what were the key drivers behind the decision to develop a place brand and / or narrative? (e.g. – inward investment, tourism, community building)
    • 3.b Which geographical area does the place brand and / or narrative cover?
    • 3.c When was the place brand and / or narrative developed and approved?
  • 4. How did the council develop the place brand and / or narrative?
    • 4a. When developing the place brand and / or narrative, did the council organise any participatory exercises?
    • 4b. If so, please provide details of the engagement undertaken, including the names of any local groups who were involved.
    • 4c. Was the place brand and / or narrative endorsed by the council’s Cabinet / Policy and Resource Committee / other political group?
    • 4d. Following approval of the place brand and / or narrative, which organisation is currently the custodian of the place brand and / or narrative?
  • 5. Prior to commencing work to develop a place brand and / or narrative, did the council identify specific benefits that it was believed the place brand and / or narrative would deliver?
    • 5a. If benefits were identified, were these benefits quantifiable (i.e. – could they be measured)?
    • 5b. Please provide the benefits identified and any quantifiable measurables. These should be broken down by individual benefit lines as listed in your Project Initiation Document, Benefits Realisation Plan or other project documentation.
    • 5c. Was a baseline of the identified benefits taken prior to the implementation of the place brand and / or narrative and, if so, please provide these metrics? These should be broken down by individual benefits lines as listed as the response for
      question 5b.
    • 5d. Please provide the current metrics for the benefits identified. These should be broken down by individual benefits lines as listed as the response for question 5b.
    • 5e. Is the council monitoring the realisation of the benefits / have the benefits been realised?
    • 5f. What is the methodology for monitoring the realisation of these benefits?
  • 6. How did the council go about implementing the place brand and / or narrative?
    • 6a. Was the place brand and / narrative fully implemented?
    • 6b. If not, what difficulties did the council run into in implementing the place brand and / narrative?
    • 6c. How long did it take the council to implement the place brand and / or narrative? 
  • 7. What was the estimated cost to the council in developing and implementing the place brand and / or narrative? This should include the estimated cost of officer and member time and any actual costs such as consultants’ fees. The total number should be broken down into categorised lines of expenditure.
  • 8. If you have a place brand and or narrative document, please provide either a copy of the document or a link to the published version of the document.

Response date: 10 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 870422.


Disclosure Log