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Elections - Freedom of Information Requests

Disclosure Log - Elections and Electoral Registration



Reference: 3614205


Please provide between January 2021- December 2024:

  • How often local election cycles are held excluding by-elections. For example, the full council is elected every four years or a third of councillors are elected every year except the county council year. 
  • The year or years local elections took place in the latest cycle since 2021 excluding by-elections. For example, if there is one local election where all councillors are elected once every four years then provide the year in which that election was held. If councillors are elected by thirds over a four year period then provide all years within the time period that these elections took place in the latest cycle to elect all councillors. 
  • The total cost of each local council election held excluding by-elections broken down by election. For example, if there is one election where all councillors are elected once every four years then provide the cost of running that election. If councillors are elected by thirds over a four year period then provide the costs for each of those three elections in the latest cycle. 

Response date: 7 January 2025

Response: Response to this request - 3614205.




Reference: 3531244


Please may I be provided with the 2024 general election results for the Parliamentary constituencies counted by your local authority, showing the votes for each candidate broken down by ward level.

Response date: 19 July 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3531244.


Reference: 3517538


Voter Registration System

  • Please provide the name and provider of your voter registration system?
  • When did you acquire the voter registration system (VR)?
  • What was the capital cost of the voter registration system?
  • Is the VR system on-premise or cloud-based?
  • What is the yearly maintenance cost of the voter registration system?
  • Please provide a copy of the current active contract with the supplier of the voter registration system.

Election Management System

Please provide the name and provider of your elections management system.

  • What year did you acquire the elections management system?
  • How long is the contract?
  • What was the capital cost of the elections management system?
  • Is the EM system on-premise or cloud-based?
  • What is the yearly maintenance cost of the elections management system?

Please provide a copy of the current active contract with the supplier of the elections management system.

Polling Station Management 

Do you use any hardware/software device for managing your polling stations?

If you use a polling station management system please answer the following questions:

  • What is the name of the company that provides it?
  • When did you acquire the polling station management system including hardware/ software and services?
  • Was the acquisition of the polling station management system the subject of a tender or pilot program?
  • What was the capital cost of the whole system including any breakdown for hardware/ software/ services and yearly maintenance cost ?
  • Please provide a copy of the current active contract with the supplier of the polling station management system?

Mobile Public Engagement Software

Do you provide any public engagement mobile apps or services for elections? if so can you provide:

  • What is the name of the company that provides it?
  • When did you acquire the system including hardware/ software and services?
  • Was the acquisition of the polling station management the subject of a tender or pilot program?
  • What was the capital cost of the whole system including any breakdown for hardware/ software/ services and yearly maintenance cost ?
  • Please provide a copy of the current active contract with the supplier of the polling station management system?

Canvass Technology

Can you provide a detailed description of any technologies you use for the canvass process including tablets, software, and suppliers of these systems

General Department Questions

Can you provide a segmented systems and services budget for all services used by the elections department for an entire parliamentary and local government election cycle including money spent on information printing for local and parliamentary elections?

Can you supply a summary of helpdesk tickets/calls placed with each hardware, software, and services supplier to the elections department for the last 5 years?

Response date: 11 July 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3517538.



Reference: 3458203


Please could you provide me with:

  • Current polling district boundaries in your council area in Shapefile/GIS format. Your GIS mapping team (if you have one) should have this. If you do not hold boundaries in this format, please provide the maps in PDF or image format.
  • Number of individuals registered to vote in each polling district in your council area by polling district reference. For example: AA - 1,000; AB - 500; AC - 600 etc.

Response date: 30 April 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3458203.




Reference: 2525806


I am reaching out with an FOI request for polling district or ward-level election results for any general elections for which they can be tabulated. I am agnostic about whether these results include postal votes or not, and in fact I believe the latter is necessary as postal votes probably cannot be assigned to any particular ward. I am also aware that some degree of vote-mixing is done at the polling district level. I am requesting this data for use in my dissertation.

Response date: 3 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2525806.



Reference: 1820889


  1. Please can you confirm the following regarding the May Elections:

A - How many voters were not issued with a ballot paper in total? (Even if they eventually returned)

B - How many voters came back and were issued with a ballot paper?

Response date: 19 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1820889.


Reference: 1815552


  1. Were greeters (i.e. staff positioned outside the polling station to inform potential voters about various issues) used at any polling stations in order to turn people away due to voter ID requirements?
  2. If so, at how many polling stations were greeters present out of the total number of polling stations?
  3. And if so, did greeters record the number turned away, and if so would it be possible to have that data?
  4. Will your council introduce or continue to use greeters to turn people away due to voter ID requirements in the future?
  5. Does the council have any further comments they’d like to make on the use of greeters (if so, please include)?

Response date: 19 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1815552.


Reference: 1811680


  1. How many people were turned away at polling stations in your local authority due to not bringing valid ID during the May 2023 local elections.
  2. How many of those subsequently returned with valid ID (if this information is available).
  3. The number of successfully submitted votes in the May 2023 election.
  4. The total number of people registered to vote at the time of that election.

Response date: 19 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1811680.



Reference: 1806009


Colleagues and I are trying to compile a study of the extent and effect of postal voting. We hoped that the department might be able to provide the figures in each of these categories for all wards in May 2023.

  • - the eligible electorate
  • - the total number of ballot papers issued
  • - the number of postal votes sent out
  • - the number of postal votes received back
  • - the number of postal votes included in the final count

Response date: 29 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1806009.


Reference: 1799823


Under the terms of the Elections Act 2022 and the Amendments of RPA 1983, voters in your local authority were entitled to apply for a Voter Registration Certificate either online, by post or in person, in advance of the local elections held on May 4th, 2023.

My request is for the number of people in your local authority who applied for a Voter Registration Certificate before the election on May 4 2023, and/or the number of Voter Registration Certificates which were issued ahead of May 4 2023.

Response date: 29 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1799823.



Reference: 1135679


  1. Please can you confirm if this council used "greeters" at the entrance to voting stations during the recent May 2023 elections?
  2. Did you record the number of people turned away from voting stations by "greeters" during the May 2023 elections?
  3. Please provide ALL datasets you hold regarding the number, use and impact of "Greeters" at polling stations during the recent local elections held in May 2023

Response date: 14 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1135679.



Reference: 1086676


I am looking for information on the percentage of applications for Voter Authority Certificates (VACs) that have been accepted and rejected by the council. I understand these are made in the first instance on the website, and then passed on to yourselves to process - and so please take ‘received’ here to mean applications which come to you to be processed.

Please could you tell me:

  1. The number of VAC applications received by the council 
  2. The number of these applications accepted/approved by the council
  3. The number of these applications rejected by the council
  4. Any numerical breakdown you hold on the reasons for these rejections (I understand these may include, but not be limited to: issues with the photograph, applicant not being registered to vote, National Insurance number not supplied)

For part D, I am asking for numerical data and not any information that may lead to the identification of an individual. If satisfying part D of the request would exceed the time and resource limits stipulated by the act, please feel free to disregard it.

Response date: 12 April 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1086676.


Reference: 1081915


  • 1a. Has your council made any assessments on the potential impact that the requirement for voters to show ID will have, for example on voter turnout or on staffing needed?
  • 1b. If so, please provide a copy of or link to the document(s) 

Response date: 12 April 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1081915.



Reference: 1067049


  1. a) What is the total budget that is to be spent on awareness campaigns, ii) what is the spend up to the 28th February 2023?
  2. b) How much of the total budget is local authority funded and how much is funded by central government?
  3. c) How many days have council staff spent on the awareness campaign?
  4. d) What assessment did you make of the number/% of residents who were unaware of the requirement to present photo ID at polling stations before your campaign started?
  5. e) What target have you set for the number/% of residents who are aware of the need for Photo ID, ii) how are you measuring it and iii) what is your latest estimate of the number/% of residents who are aware of the need for photo voter ID?
  6. f) Which, if any, groups have been identified as the most difficult to communicate the new requirements under the Election Act 2022 to?
  7. g) How much extra time has been set aside for training polling station staff who will be present at the local election polling stations on the 4th May 2023 on the new requirements under the Election Act 2022 to present a photo ID at polling stations?
  8. h) What additional planning have you undertaken with the local police force to ensure that polling stations staff are kept safe in the event that voters raise concerns regarding having to show photo ID?
  9. i) What guidance have you received from central government regarding the safety of polling station staff on polling day?
  10. j) How many questions or complaints from residents have you received regarding the new requirements for Voter ID under the Election Act 2022?

Response date: 24 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1067049.

Reference: 1044935


  1. How many Voter Authority Certificates (VACs) has the council issued, how many applications has it rejected, and what is the demographic profile of those applications, both accepted and rejected?
  2. Can you confirm that the Chief Executive, acting in their role as the Returning Officer, and/or the Elections Department of your council, has received guidance from the Electoral Commission and/or the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities about implementing the new voter ID legislation for the May 4th elections?
  3. Can you confirm a) all polling station staff have been trained on implementing the new processes and if so, b) what that training has entailed?
  4. Can you confirm whether the Chief Executive, in their role as Returning Officer, has presented a report on preparedness for the Voter ID requirements to the full council or any other appropriate committee of the council? Has this included a risk assessment and mitigation plan? (If yes, please can you supply a copy of that report?)
  5. Can you confirm whether an audit has been undertaken of all proposed polling stations to identify a private room for those people who, for whatever reason, cover their faces in public? What was the outcome of this audit if it has happened? (For example, have any polling stations been found to be unsuitable, and if so, how many?)
  6. Has the council undertaken a public information campaign to inform voters about the new Voter ID requirements?

Response: Response to this request - 1044935.



Reference: A1345641

Subject: Information about West Bridgford North Division for Nottinghamshire County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner election of 6 May 2021.

Response date: 2 September 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345641.



Reference: A1345219

Subject: Information about staffing and costs for elections.

Response date: 2 June 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345219.

Disclosure Log