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Human Resources - Freedom of Information Requests

Disclosure Log - Human Resources



Reference: 3626860


  1. The total spending by your Council on training for your staff in the financial year 2023/24.
  1. The title of each training course your staff attended in the financial year 2023/24 and the name of any external provider where applicable.
  1. The total spending by your Council on conference fees and expenses for your staff in the financial year 2023/24.
  1. The name of each conference your staff attended in the financial year 2023/24.

Response date: 11 February 2025

Response: Response to this request - 3626860.



Reference: 3621073


  1. How many days of paid and/or unpaid leave per year can staff who are carers take?
  2. When were the last changes made to the hours/days registered carers can take and what change was made?
  3. Is your organisation a Carer Confident employer?
  4. How many staff members are registered carers in your organisation?
  5. How many days of paid and/or unpaid carer’s leave were taken on average per registered carer in 2023 and 2024?
  6. Was an Equality Impact Assessment completed for the policy?
  7. Was the policy reviewed alongside related policies, such as flexible working arrangements?
  8. Do managers receive training on the nature of being a carer and how best to support staff’s individual needs?
  9. If there is training, is it mandatory?
  10. Is there a Carers Network in the organisation? If there is, does it have a senior sponsor and what is their role within the organisation?
  11. Please provide a copy of your carers leave policy as a PDF and email/direct me to the policy. If there is not a stand-alone document, please provide the policies that contain and reference this, such as special leave or time off for dependants and a copy/link.
  12. Was the carer’s leave policy, or the policies that contain and reference this, co-produced with staff?

Response date: 20 January 2025

Response: Response to this request - 3621073.


Reference: 3621073


Request 1

In the previous 36 months on how many occasions have you engaged the services of an Executive Search recruitment company? i.e. a recruitment service for senior staff on a retained fee basis.

Request 2

If the response to Request 1 is positive what fees, either in percentage or a pounds and pence figure, where paid by your organisation to the supplier.

Response date: 20 January 2025

Response: Response to this request - 3621073.




Reference: 3604125


  1. Details of Internship Schemes:
    • A list of all internship schemes, including the year(s) they operated, the number of placements offered, and the departments or services involved.
  2. Eligibility Requirements:
    • A full breakdown of all requirements for applicants, including:
      • Age restrictions or criteria.
      • Any specifications based on ethnicity, religion, or other personal and protected characteristics.

Response date: 19 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3604125.


Reference: 3600245


Information on the modern slavery training you offer to staff:

  • Do you provide modern slavery training to your staff, or cover modern slavery as part of a wider training (e.g. Adult safeguarding, children’s safeguarding etc)? Please answer 'yes, standalone training', 'no', or 'yes, covered as part of other training'
  • If you provide modern slavery training, is it limited to one 'type' of modern slavery or is it general? (e.g. 'modern slavery', or on a specific type like ‘child’ or ‘criminal’ exploitation?)
  • Is your modern slavery training open to all staff?
  • Which of the following training formats do you offer?:
    • e-learning / on-demand module,
    • classroom learning (remote or in-person), or webinar/guest talk. If webinar/guest talk or classroom learning, please share when these trainings have taken place within the past two years.
  • What is the duration of the training (if you have access to this information)?
  • Does the training contain any of the following themes? Please highlight which are covered:
    • Survivors’ immigration status
    • Changes under the Nationality and Borders Act 2022
    • How to secure legal representation or emergency accommodation/support for potential victims
    • How to complete a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) referral form -How people with protected characteristics (for example, people of different genders, ages, sexualities, nationalities, and those who are disabled) may experience exploitation
    • The need for cultural awareness and sensitivity (a case study/image does not inherently count, unless there is a specific mention or exploration of relevant cultural issues or barriers)

Response date: 12 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3600245.


Reference: 3600075


When recruiting for cyber security roles, could you please advise what qualifications you require from candidates applying for the following five roles (or the equivalent job title)?

  1. Junior / Trainee Cyber Analyst
  2. Standard Cyber Analyst
  3. Senior Cyber Analyst / Cyber Team Leader
  4. Information Security Manager / Chief Information Officer
  5. Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO)

Response date: 11 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3600075.


Reference: 3588905


Please include the following information for 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
• Total number of days lost due to sick leave within the council
• Total number of days lost to Mental Health issues within the council
• Total number of council staff who required sickness absence on mental health grounds
• By Mental Health issues, we mean any staff member who required sickness absence due to anxiety, stress, depression, or any other mental health-related reason.

Response date: 5 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3588905.



Reference: 3593455


1. Could I please ask for the number of suspected “multiple contract working” cases your local authority has investigated among employees for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in financial years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018.

2. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.

3. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask for the number of “multiple contract working” cases the local authority has investigated where the employee was found to have been holding down two or more jobs - violating their contract. Please provide figures for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in calendar years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.

3. If the cost limit has not yet been breached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.

4. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask how many employees have been dismissed as a result of being found in breach of “multiple contract working” rules for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in financial years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.

5. If the cost limit has not yet been breached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.

Response date: 27 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3593455.


Reference: 3586664


Please include the following information for the following financial years, 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25:

  • Total Number of staff that have ‘wellbeing’ in their job title. 
  • Please include a breakdown of each role with ‘wellbeing’ in the job title:
    • Full job title name
    • Job description
    • Salary range or grade 

Response date: 12 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3586664.


Reference: 3578796


  1. Please provide a report showing all temporary agency spend (£) for your organisation, broken down for the last 3 financial years.
  2. Please provide a report showing permanent agency spend (£) for your organisation, broken down for the last 3 financial years.
  3. Please provide a report showing all temporary agency spend (£) at your organisation, broken down for the last 3 years covering the following services:
    • Legal & Governance Services
    • Finance & Corporate Services
  4. Please provide a report using the below table, showing all permanent agency spend (£) at your organisation, broken down for the last 3 years covering the following services:
    • Legal & Governance Services
    • Finance & Corporate Services
  5. Please provide a breakdown of all ‘off framework’ agency spend (£) at your organisation for the last 3 years covering the following services:
    • Legal & Governance Services
    • Finance & Corporate Services
  6. Do you use any of the following model(s) to manage temporary agency recruitment (for Legal & Governance Services; Finance & Corporate Services) at this moment in time?
    • Master Vendor/Managed Service
    • Neutral Vendor
    • Preferred Supplier List
  7. Do you use any of the following model(s) to manage permanent agency recruitment (for Legal & Governance Services; Finance & Corporate Services) at this moment in time?
    • Master Vendor/Managed Service
    • Neutral Vendor
    • Preferred Supplier List
  8. Please confirm the number of staff members for Legal & Governance Services and Finance & Corporate Services departments and the split between permanent members of staff, temporary staff (fixed-term contracts) and agency staff in the below table for this moment in time.
  9. Who are the top 5 agencies for agency spend (£) across Legal & Governance Services and what is the breakdown of their spend over the 23-24 financial year.
  10. Who are the top 5 agencies for agency spend (£) across Finance & Corporate Services and what is the breakdown of their spend over the 23-24 financial year?
  11. What frameworks, if applicable, do you use for temporary and permanent agency recruitment.

Response date: 4 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3578796.



Reference: 3575702


This is an information request relating to the council's total FTE staff.

Please include the following information for 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25:

  • The total number of staff employed (full-time, part-time, and temporary).
  • A breakdown of staff numbers by department or service area.

Response date: 29 October 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3575702.


Reference: 3570393


  1. The details of any office accommodation your organisation provides to staff to carry out trade union business. Please include details of:
    • space measured in square feet
    • how much of this space is contained within entirely separate buildings (i.e. occupied solely by staff carrying out trade union business)
    • whether a professional valuation of the market rental value of the space has been sought either in-house or externally, and if so, what the valuation of the space was
    • any charges the council levy for office space given to trade unions.
  1. Do you deduct trade union subscriptions for any of your employees via payroll (sometimes known as the "check off" system)? If so, do you charge a fee to the trade unions concerned for providing this service? 
  2. With regard to trade union facility time, please provide the total cost of facility time from your pay bill for the financial year 2023/24 and the budget for the current financial year. Please also advise the current number of employees that you fund to be union officials, measured as full time equivalents? (For guidance on definitions please refer to the Government's Transparency Code for local government.
  3. Please advise any estimates for other costs met for those staff on trade union facility time apart from salaries - including travel expenses, office supplies, telephone expenses and energy bills.

Response date: 11 October 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3570393.



Reference: 3566693


Please can you provide me with the spend by your organisation on external consultants and training firms in the previous 12 months or the most recent 12-month period for which the data is available.
Please break down the spend by type of consultancy service or training service provided.

Response date: 26 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3566693.


Reference: 3566185


  1. Current Working Arrangements: Could you please provide details on the current working arrangements for council employees? Specifically, I am interested in the proportion of staff working:
    1. Fully remotely,
    2. Fully in-office, and
    3. On a hybrid basis (part remote, part in-office).
  2. Hybrid/Home Working Policy: If applicable, could you share a copy of the council's policy or guidelines on hybrid and/or home working, including any updates or changes made since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  3. Any job roles where working from home or hybrid working is not permitted. 

Response date: 25 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3566185.


Reference: 3565838


Please provide the following information for each of the financial years 2022-23 and 2023-24:

  1. Total Annual Spend:
    The total annual expenditure by the council on overseas travel.
  2. Breakdown of Overseas Travel Expenditure:
    • For each trip, please include the following details:
    • Destination: The country and city of the trip.
    • Length of Trip: Duration in days.
    • Number of Officials Involved: The number of councillors or officials on each trip.
    • Hotel Details: The name and address of the hotel(s) booked.
    • Flights Booked: Details of the flights, including which class was booked.
    • Purpose of Trip: A brief description of the purpose of the trip.
    • Expenses for Food and Drink: Details of expenses related to food and drink. Where possible, please provide receipts.
  3. Funding Details:
    Please specify whether each trip was fully funded by the council, partially funded, or fully funded by an external body. If funded by an external body, provide the name of the body and the amount contributed.

Response date: 24 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3565838.


Reference: 3550872


  1. How many members of staff are in your planning department if at full capacity?
  2. On average, during the year from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, what was the staff headcount of your planning department team? If not able to express as an average, perhaps you could confirm the headcount at a specific date or at year-end.
  3. How many employees were directly employed by the authority during this period?
  4. How many employees were employed through agencies during this period?
  5. On average, during 2023/24, how many days were agency workers employed for to work in the planning department
  6. How much was spent on employing agency workers in the planning department between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024?
  7. What was your average department headcount in the financial years (a) 2017/18 (b) 2019/20 and (c) 2021/23?
  8. How many members of the planning department left their role between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024?

Response date: 10 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3550872.


Reference: 3558599


  • How many staff worked from abroad – full time or for a period of time – in the year ending 31 December 2023 (by abroad I mean overseas- ie not Wales or Scotland (or Rep. of Ireland if the local authority is in Northern Ireland))?
  • If any staff did work from abroad – full time or for a period of time – please name the country and the grade of the employee.
  • If for a period of time, please say how long the staff member worked abroad.
  • And please include the details of employees working abroad full time – or for a period of time - in 2024.

Response date: 05 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3558599.


Reference: 3562314


Please include the following information for the following financial years, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 :

  • The number of employees currently with permission to work outside of the United Kingdom
  • The number of employees who were given permission to work outside of the United Kingdom in the 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 financial years
  • If possible, for each employee given permission, please provide their pay band, and the country which they were provided permission to work from

Response date: 17 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3562314.


Reference: 3558601


  1. Please can you confirm your expenditure on agency staff for the most recent year available broken down by service and where the information is available also the role.
  2. Can you confirm if you use a vendor (such as Matrix) or engage with agencies directly.
  3. Can you confirm which frameworks you use.
  4. Please confirm if you have any off-framework spend and the % of the total spend this represents.

Response date: 17 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3558601.



Reference: 3547927


Information requested for HR case management (HRCM) software.

  1. Total number of employees
  2. Number of HR Staff
  3. What is your current HR case management (HRCM) Solution?
  4. Is the solution cloud-based or on-premise?
  5. If on-premise, do you have a cloud migration strategy?
  6. If yes, please share more details, including budget allocation.
  7. Number of licenses
  8. Length of contract
  9. Contract expiry date
  10. Contract review date
  11. Annual cost of contract
  12. Total cost of contract
  13. Person responsible for the HRCM software and their contact details
  14. Person responsible for any future projects on reviewing or replacing the HRCM software and their contact details

Response date: 15 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3547927.



Reference: 3536260


  1. Do you currently offer employees Long Service awards? 
  2. What are the year increments for your Long Service awards?
  3. What types of Long Service awards do you offer (e.g. certificates, badges, plaques, etc.) and what is the design and production process?
  4. Do you offer money for Long Service awards, and if so, how much?
  5. How are the Long Service awards presented? Email, post, or management; a formal ceremony or presentation, and if so, what is the typical format and attendance of such events?
  6. Are Long Service awards automatically presented upon reaching the qualifying milestone, or do employees need to actively apply for recognition?
  7. How many Long Service awards have been presented by your council in the past 5 years? 
  8. Have you historically offered Long Service Awards/recognition/rewards? What was this scheme? Why was the scheme removed?

Response date: 31 July 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3536260.


Reference: 3535825


Please could you provide the organisational structure charts (including names, job title, email address & contact numbers for the following teams please:

  • Revenues and Benefits
  • Financial Assessments
  • Income Maximisation
  • Homelessness
  • Adult Social Services
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing

This may also include commissioning teams covering the following job titles:
Director, Assistant Director, Head of Service, Service Manager / Senior Managers.

It would be very interesting to know the following information for these teams:

  • How often do these teams carry out training within their departments to ensure they are up-to-date with their areas (legislative, procedural and soft skills)?
  • Does the training take place in-house or is this delivered by external companies?
  • Is there a system in place where they can access up-to-date information/documents?
  • How much is spent annually on training and any system to store policies/documents for these departments?

Response date: 30 July 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3535825.


Reference: 3532694


  1. Has the Council asked a member of staff to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?
  2. Has the Council asked a individual who is not a member of staff in the last three years to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?
  3. Please can you attach a copy of any NDA’s used.
  4. How many members of staff have signed NDAs?

All requests should be limited to the past 3 years.

Response date: 30 July 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3532694.



Reference: 3517418


  1. Please could you provide details of any existing employee recognition and reward scheme/policy operated by your organisation?
  2. What criteria is used in order to identify an employee or team for recognition or reward?
  3. How does the organisation ensure that the employee recognition/reward policy is consistently applied?
  4. To your knowledge, are there any other more informal ways that employees are recognised or rewarded by managers within individual teams. If so, please provide details.
  5. What impact does your current employee recognition and reward scheme/policy have on staff?
  6. What benefits does your current employee recognition and reward scheme/policy have for the organisation?
  7. What is the annual budget for your current recognition and reward scheme/policy?

Response date: 24 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3517418.



Reference: 3479140


  1. How many complaints of each of the following types of discrimination were reported to your organisation in 2021, 2022 and 2023:
    1. Disability discrimination
    2. Race or ethnicity discrimination
    3. Sexual orientation discrimination
  2. How many complaints were reported to your organisation about discrimination related to a person’s HIV status in:
    1. 2021
    2. 2022
    3. 2023
  3. If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, how many of the following incidents were reported?
    1. Refusal of a service after HIV status was shared.
    2. Failure to make reasonable adjustments for a person’s HIV status.
    3. Harassment related to a person’s HIV status.
    4. Use of an organisational policy that discriminated against a person based on their HIV status.
    5. Another kind of HIV discrimination incident.
  4. If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, were they reported by?
    1. Members of the public
    2. Employees of your organisation
  5. If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, how many complaints were upheld?
  6. Does your organisation have a policy to deal with incidents of HIV discrimination reported to them at a strategic level? If so, could you explain what the policy is or attach a copy of said policy?

Response date: 21 May 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3479140.


Reference: 3482130


  • Please could you provide details on the number of staff employed at the council in roles focused on equality, diversity or inclusivity and their salary band.

Response date: 30 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3482130.


Reference: 3390348


  • How many cumulative working days did council staff spend working from home in 2022-23
  • How much the council spent on work from home related costs for council workers (i.e. home desktop screens/office chairs etc) in 2022-23?

Response date: 05 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3390348.



Reference: 2599912


The total spending by your organisation on unconscious bias training for your staff in the financial year 2022/23.

The number of your staff that undertook unconscious bias training in the financial year 2022/23.

Response date: 01 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2599912.



Reference: 2580213


Under the FOI Act I would like to request the amount of staff employed by the council that are currently on long term sick leave as of 12th February 2024. 

I would also like to request the amount of staff that were on long term sick leave on the same day in 2023 and in 2019. 

Response date: 19 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2580213.


Reference: 2574540


  1. Did your council adopt a working definition of antisemitism? If so
    1. Which one?
    2. When?
  2. Did your council adopt a working definition of Islamophobia? If so
    1. Which one?
    2. When?

Response date: 19 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2574540.


Reference: 2569564


Please can you provide me with the number of meetings anyone at the council has had with the following groups in the years since January 2022:

  • Extinction Rebellion
  • Just Stop Oil
  • Stonewall
  • Stop the War
  • Trade Union representatives (e.g. TUC, RMT etc)
  • Any pro-Palestine groups

Response date: 9 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2569564.


Reference: 2569030


  1. Total number of staff that went on maternity leave since 2012? 
  2. Average length of maternity leave mothers has taken since 2012? E.g. 9 months or 1 year 
  3. Total number of mothers that returned full time to work after maternity leave? 
  4. Total number of mothers that returned to work part time following maternity leave? 
  5. Total number of mothers that did not return to work at all following maternity leave? 
  6. Number of stress absences after turning to work post birth in the first 2 years? 
  7. How many management instructions or disciplinaries related to mothers returning to work post birth? E.g. off for too many periods of time 
  8. What is your policy for staff needing time off to take care of their children or take their children to doctors’ appointments? 
  9. Do staff have to take unpaid leave to take care of their sick children, or do they get paid? 
  10. Do you carry out a health and safety risk assessment for pregnant women? 
  11. What is your maternity pay policy? 
  12. Are women explained their pregnancy rights when they tell their employer/manager they are pregnant? 
  13. Total number of employment tribunal claims since 2012 taken by mothers against the Council for any case with ‘maternity’ or ‘pregnancy’ mentioned since 2012? 
  14. Reason for employment tribunal claims if stated. 

Total number of successful tribunals claims against the Council for any case with ‘maternity’ or ‘pregnancy’ mentioned since 2012? 

Response date: 9 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2569030.


Reference: 2572688


Please could you provide me with details for the last three years (2023/2022/2021) of how many full-time staff:

  1. Work from home/remotely in a hybrid form (i.e. dividing their time between office and remote/home working)?
  2. Work from home permanently (i.e. work from home for the majority of their contractual hours)?
  3. Have been granted permission to work from abroad firstly, permanently (i.e. work from abroad for the majority of their contractual hours) and secondly, in a hybrid form (i.e. dividing their time between office and remote/home working abroad)? Please list the countries where they work from. If possible - particularly if the above numbers are low - please specify what departments they work in.
  4. The council employed? In other words, what were the total numbers of all full-time staff employed by the council for 2023/2023 and 2021 (broken down per year)?

Response date: 09 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2572688.



Reference: 2570277


  • How many council-employed gas engineers do you have in your council at the moment in total?
  • How many council-employed gas engineers do you have in your council at the moment who are males?
  • How many council-employed gas engineers do you have in your council at the moment who are females?
  • How many council-employed tradespeople do you have in your council in total at the moment?
  • How many council-employed tradespeople do you have in your council at the moment who are males?
  • How many council-employed tradespeople do you have in your council at the moment who are females?

Response date: 26 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2570277.


Reference: 2569525


Does the council have a four-day working week policy?

Response date: 26 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2569525.


Reference: 2572548


This is an information request relating to whether the council has had any contact with any individuals from the 4 day week campaign

Please include the following information:

  • Whether, in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial years any members of senior management have had any email contact with anyone with an email address ending
  • If so, please release all the email correspondence . If redactions need to be made, please provide the information with the necessary redactions

Response date: 25 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2572548.


Reference: 2569524


How much in total the council spent on unconscious bias training in the years 2022/23?

How much the council spent on their Stonewall subscription in the years 2022/23 (if applicable)?

Response date: 24 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2569524.


Reference: 2569518


I would like to request the following information in the format provided below for the period 1 January 2023 to 1 January 2024.

  • The cumulative total of days of work lost due to strikes by council workers/employees

    Days should be defined by the number of officials who took strike action times by the number of days those officials engaged in strike action.

    If unable to provide days, please provide number of council officials took strike action in this period and the number of days that council staff engaged in strike action.

  • Number of council officials took strike action in this period
  • Number of days that council staff engaged in strike action

Response date: 19 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2569518.


Reference: 2553976


Could you please send the organisation structure for the Environmental Health Team.

Response date: 18 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2553976.


Reference: 2564673


This is an information request relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) roles:

Please include the following information for each of the following financial years; 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23:

  • Total number of EDI staff employed for each financial year 
  • A breakdown of the staff employed including:
    • The job titles 
    • The pay band associated with each role

Response date: 18 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2564673.


Reference: 2553959


Please provide me with the following information for the financial years 2020/2021, 2021/22, 2022/23:

The amount spent by the council on translation, interpretation and language services in all areas of council competence, including:
Primary and secondary schools;
adult social care services and child social care services; the provision of any social housing for which it has responsibility; libraries; recycling and waste collection; transport; and other area in which such expenditure has been made.

Response date: 11 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2553959.


Reference: 2558604


  1. How many equal pay claims have been made against your council in the time period between 31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023.
  2. Please share the cost of claims closed/settled with compensation paid for successful claims in the last five years (31 December 2018 and 29 December 2023) in relation to equal pay claims. Please include the following information in the table:
  3. What is your council's current estimated equal pay liability?

Response date: 3 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2558604.




Reference: 2545413


Please can I have a management structure with names for the following within the Council:

  • Whole Council
  • Finance Department
  • IT/Digital Department
  • Regeneration Department
  • Housing Department

Response date: 29 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2545413.


Reference: 2547817


  • How many staff members are in your council 
  • How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council
  • How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council
  • How many council properties with solar panels installed this year
  • How many total council properties with solar panels installed
  • How many total council properties with renewables installed
  • How many council properties with renewables installed this year
  • How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties
  • How many gas-related incidents in council properties

Response date: 22 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2547817.


Reference: 2545534


Staffing structure:

  • Maintenance/Property Services Department
  • Facilities Department

What the total agency spend on Temporary/Interim staff has been in the last twelve months.

Which/if any recruitment consultancies have been used to provide these staff.

Response date: 22 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2545534.


Reference: 2542327


Please provide the organisational structure charts (including names, job title, email address & contact numbers for Housing, Property & Regeneration.

This may also include Communities, Homelessness Highways, Environment, Planning, Construction & Place directorates covering the following job titles:

Director, Assistant Director, Head of Service, Service Manager / Senior Managers.

Response date: 15 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2542327.



Reference: 2540130


This request relates to the training offered to staff on modern slavery. Please share the details of training on modern slavery delivered to staff, including:

  • The nature of training offered (e.g. e-learning or in-person, shared with housing staff or adult safeguarding etc) and whether themes of cultural intelligence, equality, diversity and inclusion are included as part of this training
  • Where held, please share copies of training materials used to support council staff in identifying modern slavery (such as PDFs, guidance, or presentations)

Response date: 29 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2540130.


Reference: 2540832


  • What is the total number of Covid Marshalls currently employed? 
  • What is the total number of Covid Marshalls employed since January 2020?
  • What was the average contract duration?
  • What is the total cost spent on Covid Marshalls since January 2020? 

Response date: 29 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2540832.


Reference: 2541878


  1. How many staff have been disciplined in any way (by this I mean any formal reprimand that would either be dismissal or some sort of record on that person’s personnel file) because they breached your rules/guidelines in relation to multiple contract working? Please give figures for each of the last five financial years (2018/19)(2019/20)(2020/21)(2021/22) and (2022/23).
  2. In relation to the cases in 2022/23 how many of the people who were disciplined are allowed within their working conditions to work from home for some or all of their contracted hours?
  3. In relation to the cases in 2022/23 please state in broad terms the nature of the other job that the person may have been doing that was in breach of your rules/guidelines? Eg: Waiter, car cleaner etc……

Response date: 29 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2541878.


Reference: 2540935


A tiered hierarchy of people within your organisation that are responsible for Estates, Property, CAFM, Finance and Facilities for your organisation. Please provide their name, job title and email address where possible. i.e. Estates Directors, Facilities Managers, Operations Directors etc.

Response date: 29 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2540935.


Reference: 2532566


Please could you provide me with details of the current pay scale/officer grade for the following roles or their equivalent within your organisation:

  1. Customer Services Manager
  2. Complaints Manager/Coordinator
  3. Information Governance Officer
  4. Data Protection Officer
  5. FOI Coordinator

Response date: 24 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2532566.


Reference: 2535160


  1. Is your organisation and apprenticeship levy payer? Yes or no is sufficient.
  2. What was the value (£) of your organisation’s apprenticeship levy contributions in:
  3. How much apprenticeship levy ‘expired’ – i.e. was not used:
  4. How many apprenticeship starts did your organisation create in:
  5. How many of those apprenticeship starts created were
    1. male
    2. female

Response date: 24 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2535160.


Reference: 2532509


  • The total amount of money spent on recruitment agencies during the financial year 2022/23.
  • A breakdown of the amount spent with each individual recruitment agency.
  • The types of roles that recruitment agencies were used to recruit for.
  • The names of Hiring Managers responsible for recruitment
  • Is there a Preferred Suppliers List?
  • Is there requirement to work with local businesses?
  • I would also like to know if you have any policies or procedures in place for the use of recruitment agencies, and if so, please could you provide me with copies of these documents.

Response date: 20 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2532509.


Reference: 1865589


Number of Employees

Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees

Is the training budget managed corporately or departmentally?

What is the total spend paid to training providers for training employees in the tax years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023? Please exclude any and apprenticeship training paid through the apprenticeship levy.

Response date: 10 November 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1865589.



Reference: 1866568


A breakdown of the amount your authority has spent on campaigns combating misogyny since January 2021

Response date: 31 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1866568.


Reference: 1867627


Information about L&D / HR systems, specifically used for training staff, whether that be for basic compliance or the upskilling of staff.

Response date: 30 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1867627.


Reference: 1863605


Please advise the current number of staff you have employed on "zero hours contract".

Response date: 13 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1863605.


Reference: 1851063


  1. Please could you confirm the total number of accidents at work involving council employees and contractors that have been reported between September 2022 to September 2023.
  2. What were the causes of these accidents?
  3. How much compensation was paid out between September 2022 and September 2023 as a result of employee accident at work claims irrespective of the date the claim was submitted?

Response date: 12 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1851063.


Reference: 1852511


  1. What apprenticeship qualifications and levels does your council offer to externally recruited apprentices and existing employees within your council or local authority maintained schools?
  2. For September 2021 – July 2022:
    1. What was the annual rate of pay for an: externally recruited apprentice working in the council, or a local authority maintained school?
    2. Did existing employees while doing an apprenticeship in the council or a local authority maintained school remain on the same pay as for their substantive post?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. What was the total number of apprentices that started as an:
      1. Externally recruited apprentice to do an apprenticeship scheme in:
        1. the council.
        2. local authority maintained school.
      2. Existing employees that started an apprenticeship as part of their career progression in:
        1. the council.
        2. local authority maintained school.
    4. What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by age range:
      1. 18-24
      2. 25-34
      3. 35-44
      4. 45-54
      5. 55-64
    5. What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by race, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation?
    6. f the total number of starts, what number of apprentices completed, left and continued their apprenticeship scheme?
    7. What number of externally recruited apprentices got a permanent job at the end of their apprenticeship?
  3. For September 2022 – July 2023:
    1. What was the annual rate of pay for an: externally recruited apprentice working in the council, or a local authority maintained school?
    2. Did existing employees while doing an apprenticeship in the council or a local authority maintained school remain on the same pay as for their substantive post?
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. What was the total number of apprentices that started as an:
      1. Externally recruited apprentice to do an apprenticeship scheme in:
        1. the council.
        2. local authority maintained school.
      2. Existing employees that started an apprenticeship as part of their career progression in:
        1. the council.
        2. local authority maintained school.
    4. What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by age range:
      1. 18-24
      2. 25-34
      3. 35-44
      4. 45-54
      5. 55-64
    5. What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by race, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation?
    6. Of the total number of starts, what number of apprentices completed, left and continued their apprenticeship scheme?
    7. What number of externally recruited apprentices got a permanent job at the end of their apprenticeship?
  4. Does your council’s official pay scale points include an apprenticeship pay band?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  5. On what terms and conditions do you employ all apprentices? For example: National Joint Council (Green book), Scottish Joint Council, or other (please specify).

Response date: 6 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1852511.



Reference: 1852680


What is the total number of staff hired in a diversity, equity or inclusion role? I would like information for those currently on staff and for any vacancies you may currently have.
What is the total annual salary cost for these roles?

Response date: 28 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1852680.


Reference: 1848672


Can you please advise the names and contact details for the following:

  • CEO of council
  • Leader of council
  • The Mayor
  • Member for the environment.
  • Member for Climate Change
  • Member for communities
  • Director of waste Services
  • Head of Street Team
  • Head of Waste
  • Head of Parks
  • Head of Highways
  • Head of communities/Neighbourhoods
  • Head of environment/Climate Change
  • Director of Place

Response date: 15 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1848672.


Reference: 1851054


  1. A list of the following officers within the organisation in an excel document (which we have attached for your ease):
  • Chief Executive
  • Assistant Chief Executive
  • Executive Director
  • Director
  • Assistant Director
  • Head of Service
  • Service Manager
  1. Along with their:
  • Name
  • job title
  • the function/service they are directly responsible for/oversee
  • email address
  • phone number
  • If they have an executive assistant/p.a./business manager the name, email address and phone number of this person.
  1. A copy of the organisation chart and structure or a link to this information on the council website.

Response date: 15 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1851054.


Reference: 1849669


Can you please provide a list of the prime contractors and their subcontractors delivering employability programmes for Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Response date: 14 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1849669.



Reference: 1836641


  1. The Council’s spend on agency workers (both on-framework and off-framework);
  2. Which framework/s the Council is using and when does the contract/s expire;
  3. If not using a framework, which provider/s and when does the contract/s expire.
  4. Agency spend by job roles (including all staffing groups - for example supply teachers, refuse collection workers etc).

If possible, it would be helpful for this information to go back the last 12 months, financial or calendar, or failing that any information you might have from recently.

Response date: 31 August 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1836641.


Reference: 1828594


  1. The total head count, number of employees currently employed within the non-domestic rates business rates team within Rushcliffe,
  2. The total head count, number of employees currently employed within the council tax team within Rushcliffe,
  3. The total head count number of qualified IRRV members within the business rates team employed within Rushcliffe business rates team.

Response date: 18 August 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1828594.



Reference: 1811142


Please include the following information, broken down by the 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:

  • The number of expense claims submitted, per year, for home internet costs
  • The number of expense claims approved, per year, for home internet costs
  • The total cost to the council of expenses for home internet costs
  • The highest expense claim for internet costs approved, per year

Response date: 19 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1811142.


Reference: 1818384


Could you please provide me with your local authority’s complete and most-recently updated list of all business (non-residential) property rates data, including the following fields:

  • Billing Authority Property Reference Code (linking the property to the public VOA database reference)
  • Firm's Trading Name (i.e. property occupant or ratepayer)
  • Full Property Address (Number, Street, Postal Code, Town)
  • Occupation / Vacancy status
  • Date of Occupation / Vacancy
  • Actual annual rates charged (in Pounds) and/or categories of reliefs/exemptions granted

If you are unable to provide an absolute “Occupation / Vacancy” status, please provide the Exemptions and / or Reliefs that a particular property may be receiving.

Response date: 19 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1818384.


Reference: 1800773


I would be grateful if you could please provide the following for each of the last three financial years, 2020/21-2022/23:

  • (i) Total spend on staffing
  • (ii) Total spend on agency staff
  • (iii) Initial budget for spend on agency staff
  • (iv) Annual percentage turnover rate
  • (v) Annual percentage sickness absence rate

    If possible, the above 5 requests also broken down by department across your local authority

Response date: 11 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1800773.



Reference: 1802476


  1. Could you please outline an projects undertaken to increase inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally

For example, putting out pride flags or rainbow crossings, staging Pride march, or a drag queen story hour, school outreach work

  1. Could you please outline an policies relating to inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, and any particular guidance for staff used (perhaps from an outside body) or devised by the authority itself - and can you provide examples of this

For example, a guide to correct use of language (particularly gender-inclusive language) or targets for representation

  1. If possible, could you provide a cost breakdown from 2020 on spend to date on the following:
  • Pride flags
  • Rainbow crossing
  • Badges or pins related to LGBTQIA+ (pronoun badges for example)
  • Pride march expenses broken down in as much detail as possible
  • Drag queen events (story hours for example)
  • School events overseen by the council in some way
  1. For the above work to, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, charities with expertise in this area)
  2. Can you also detail any outside advice of consultation offered or procured for all issues detailed above, i.e, boosting LGBTQIA+ inclusion in libraries and museums

For example, advice given by Stonewall

Response date: 30 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1802476.


Reference: 1803167


For the purposes of this FOI, I define ‘third parties’ as a person who is not council staff, including service-users, members of the public or contractors’ staff.

Sexual harassment is defined in law in the Equality Act 2010 as ‘unwanted conduct [related to a person’s sex] which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual’. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, requests for sexual encounters and favours, sharing sexual images.

If you categorise incidents of sexual harassment in other ways, including sexual misconduct, sexual assault or rape, please include these cases too for the questions below.

All questions require information regarding the last five financial years: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/2022, 2022/23.

Please note there are 9 parts to my request.

  • Q1. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual harassment allegedly perpetrated by council staff against colleagues has the council recorded? Please share a breakdown by gender for both claimant and alleged perpetrator.
  • Q2. Please share the nature of the allegations. For example, indecent exposure, sexual assault, sexual jokes.
  • Q3. Of the above cases in Q1, how many staff have been formally disciplined for sexual harassment.
  • Q4. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual harassment allegedly perpetrated by council employees against third parties has the council recorded? Please share a breakdown by gender.
  • Q5. Please share the nature of the allegations. For example, indecent exposure, sexual assault, sexual jokes.
  • Q6. Of the above cases in Q4, how many staff have been formally disciplined for sexual harassment against third parties?
  • Q7. a) Over the past five years, how many staff have been suspended over allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual misconduct?
  • Q7. b) Please provide a total figure of how much the Council has spent on wages during their (the staff referred to in Q7. a)) suspension.
  • Q8. Please share the number and cost of claims closed/settled with damages paid in the last five years in relation to sexual harassment. Please include the following information in the table:
    • Number of claims
    • Damages paid
    • Defence costs paid
    • Claimant Costs Paid
    • Total Paid
    • Breakdown by year (year of closure or settlement year)
    • Breakdown by claimant type (staff or third party)
  • Q9. I define non-disclosure agreements as a contract through which the parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement. Over the past five years, has the council issued a non-disclosure agreement to resolve a sexual harassment case? If so, how many non-disclosure agreements were to resolve sexual harassment cases?

Response date: 21 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1803167.


Reference: 1137206


  1. How many permanent/Fixed term Contract (FTC) hires did you make in the calendar year 2022?
  2. How do you manage permanent recruitment? E.g. internal team, outsourced etc.
  3. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end?
  4. How much did you spend in a year on permanent recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?? Please include any advertising costs and fees paid to agencies.
  5. How many agency hires in a year did you make in 2022?
  6. How do you manage the recruitment of Agency staff? E.g. a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service? Where do you advertise permanent / FTC and temporary roles currently?
  7. If the answer to question 6 involves a 3rd party, when does this contract expire? When will you decide on the future method & procurement? Who is the 3rd party?
  8. On average how many temporary staff did you have engaged on a monthly basis(as an average) for 2022?
  9. How much did you spend in a year on Agency temporary recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?

Response date: 14 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1137206.


Reference: 1123377


This is an information request relating to whether the council has been in contact with researchers and campaigners for a four day working week

Please include the following information:

  • Whether or not the council has been in contact with Liz Watts, a PhD student from the University of West of England and chief executive of SCDC, regarding a four-day working week trial
  • If so, please provide the following details: who contacted whom first, why contact was made, what was the outcome of the discussion?. In particular: did Liz Watts ask the council if they would be willing to run a four-day working week trial, or did the council offer to run a four-day working week trial? If the former, what was the council’s response to the request?
  • If possible, please provide copies of all emails between the council and Ms Watts

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

Response date: 8 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1123377.



Reference: 1104065


Please can you provide me with the following information for the most recent complete fiscal year:

  • Total number of temporary workers engaged by your organisation, broken down by department or function, if possible.
  • Total annual expenditure on temporary workers, including a breakdown of costs by department or function, if possible.
  • Total number of agency suppliers (Preferred Suppliers/non-Preferred Suppliers) in your organisation’s labour supply chain

Details of any existing Managed Service Programme or Provider (MSP) and/or Vendor Management System (VMS) used to manage temporary workers:

  • Name of the MSP and VMS.
  • Date the contract was awarded.
  • Date of contract expiration.
  • Name of the government procurement framework through which the MSP and VMS were procured.

Details of any upcoming retendering or renewal processes related to your MSP and VMS contracts:

  • Anticipated date for the retendering or renewal process to commence.
  • Name and contact information of the person responsible for overseeing the retendering or renewal process.

Response date: 23 May 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1104065.



Reference: 1092789

  1. Do you have a managed service provider that manages your agency temporary/interim recruitment (example Matrix Comensura, Reed, Hays)
  2. What is the contact information for the Account Manager of that company?
  3. What is the contact information for the officer that manages that contract?
  4. What was your agency recruitment spend for 2022

Response date: 28 April 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1092789.


Reference: 1083037


Could help us in providing the information contacts for equality, diversity and inclusion as well as information about service for Deaf awareness.

Response date: 24 April 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1083037.



Reference: 1074346


This is an information request relating to relocation payments made to employees hired by the council.

Please include the following information, for council staff only (i.e. not school staff) for the 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:

  • How many relocation payments have been made, per financial year, to employees hired by the council
  • What was the value of each payment
  • What was the total amount paid per financial year

By “relocation payment” I mean a payment made above and beyond a salary for the purpose of paying for the expenses of moving, in cases where the employee did not, at the time of hiring, live within commuting distance of their place of work

Response date: 31 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1074346.


Reference: 1060578


  1. Does your authority have an Equalities Officer or a role that includes responsibility for Equalities ? If Yes, please provide: Job Title, name of team, service & Directorate they are within?

If No, how do you ensure Equality Act is complied with ? or advice relating to Equality issues?

  1. Does your authority have Data Analyst Officers (or Data Insight Officer / Data Performance Officer) or a role that includes corporate data analysis ? If Yes, please provide: Job Title, name of team, service & Directorate they are within?

Response date: 22 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1060578.


Reference: 1043038


This is an information request relating to bonuses and redundancy payments.

Please provide the following information:

  • How many bonuses were given out to staff during the 2022 calendar year? Please include the monetary value of the bonus and also the format of the bonus (i.e. was it a gift card, voucher, cash bonus)
  • Any redundancy payments made to employees leaving in 2022. If any were made, please provide information on the total amount of each payment

Response date: 13 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1043038.


Reference: 1042952


I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to your temporary agency usage, the details I require are:

  • Your Current Model of Recruitment E.G. is it a PSL (Preferred Supplier List), Neutral or master Vend
  • The End Date of the recruitment models contract listed above
  • All the Supplier Names who supplied temporary staff to yourself in the dates between 06 April 2021 and 05 April 2022 (or a recent year if that is easier)
  • The Actual spend value each Supplier in the above period
  • The Dates the above where work/Invoiced & paid (If available)
  • The area the above was Expensed/costed too (If available)
  • The Purpose of spend (If available)
  • The Category Internal Name (If available)
  • Any Extras that may be on record (If available)

Response date: 10 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1042952.



Reference: 1017010


For the financial years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, please provide a breakdown of all council spending on equality, diversity, and unconscious bias training for council staff.

This is to include, for instance, travel and accommodation costs where staff have been sent on such courses.

Please provide this information:

  • Amount spent in financial year 2021-2022 (£)
  • Amount spent in financial year 2022-23 (£)

Response date: 21 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1017010.


Reference: 1031969


  1. Do you have a policy/policies in place to protect staff from violence at work?
  2. Are these policies built into the commissioning process for organisations delivering outsourced services on your behalf?
  3. Have you updated your violence at work policies to reflect the increased number of home, remote and flexible workers?
  4. If you collect data on violent incidents, how many violent incidents towards staff did you record in the following years:
  5. Do you collect equalities data relating to violent incidents towards staff?
  6. If so, how many violent incidents did you record for each of the following groups over the following years:
  7. Is advice, support, or counselling available for staff who are victims of violence at work?
  8. Of those staff who were victims of violent incidents, how many took up the offer of the following:
  9. Are you signed up to UNISON’s End Violence at Work Charter

Response date: 15 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1031969.


Reference: 1010673


We are aware that we sent you a similar request for the data on zero hours contract in 2020/2021. We are now interested to know whether this data has changed and some of the questions are different.

For clarification:

By zero hours contract, I refer to the definition provided by section 27A of the Employment Rights Act 1996: "a contract for employment or other worker's contract under which

  • - the undertaking to or perform work or services is an undertaking to do so conditionally on the employer making work available or services available to the worker, and
  • - there is no certainty that any such work or services will be made available to the worker."

By minimum hours contract, I mean a contract where the employer guarantees a small number of hours work, say 1 to 10 hours a week, which can be topped up by more hours if available.

  1. What other terminology to do you use for contracts or arrangements meeting the above legal definition of zero hours contract?
  1. How many workers/employees do you currently directly employ on zero hours contracts? What is the breakdown of these figures according to:
    • (a) sex: Male, Female, Other, Prefer not to say
    • (b) age: 16-17, 18-20, 21-22, 23-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
    • (c) race:

White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Irish

White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller

White - any other background

Asian or Asian British - Indian

Asian or Asian British - Pakistani

Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi

Asian or Asian British - Chinese

Asian or Asian British - Any other background

Black or Black British - Caribbean

Black or Black British - African

Black or Black British - Any other background

Mixed - White and Black Caribbean

Mixed - White and Black African

Mixed - White and Asian

Mixed - Any other mixed background

Other ethnic group

Prefer not to say

  1. What is the minimum, maximum and average number of hours per week carried out by zero hours staff?
  1. Do you have a policy to offer zero hours shifts with notice, pay for zero hours shifts cancelled at short notice and to offer a fixed hours contracts to zero hours staff based on actual hours worked?
  1. How many workers/employees do you currently indirectly employ on zero hours contracts via agencies, contractors or sub-contractors? If this data is not available, please provide the names of the agencies, contractors or sub-contractors that you use to employ workers indirectly.
  1. How many workers/employees do you currently directly employ on minimum hours contracts or via agencies, contractors or sub-contractors?
  1. How many workers/employees in total do you currently employ? What is the breakdown of these figure according to same breakdown as Question 2? - please note this question concerns your entire workforce, not just zero hours staff.

Response date: 13 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1010673.


Reference: 1017434


Please can you provide all information for the financial year 2021-2022, and from the start of financial year 2022 to 31 December 2022, for the following:

  1. The total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of local authority employees who are trade union representatives.
  2. The total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of trade union representatives who spent at least 50 per cent of their time on union duties.

Response date: 13 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1017434.


Reference: 1017007


I would like to request the following information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, relating to working from home policies.

  1. How many employees in your organisation work from home (work from home being more than 5 hours per day) more than once a week?
  2. The number of employees in your organisation and, of these, the number able to perform their work remotely (i.e., not those who are front-line workers) and the number who have started returning to in person work.:
  3. What percentage of time, per week, are employees in your organisation entitled to work from home?

Response date: 8 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1017007.


Reference: 1017025


Please can you provide all information for the financial year 2021-2022, and from the start of financial year 2022 to 31 December 2022, for the following:

  1. The total number of days during this period affected by strike action by any member of council staff or council contractors.
  2. The total number of hours lost to strike action (where council staff or council contractors did not attend work).

Response date: 8 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1017025.


Reference: 1005779


I would like information about your council’s staff positions in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information is most likely to be held by a HR department or similar.

In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:

1a. How many staff does the Council directly employ (excluding contractors or subcontractors, and excluding teachers), that work directly for the Council as opposed to a school, leisure centres or other venture?

1b. How many directly employed staff spend 3 or more days per week (0.6 Full Time Equivalent (FTE)) on implementing the Climate Action Plan or other climate change projects? Please provide a list of all the roles. Please exclude waste management staff unless they are specifically working 3 or more days per week on implementing the Climate Action Plan or other climate change projects.

If you have answered yes to have a biodiversity planning officer and/or a retrofit staff member below, both these staff members can be included in this question even if they are contracted. This is likely to include all staff in your climate/sustainability team, such as Climate Change Officers or similar. This may include full time staff who spend 60% of their time on climate change projects and 40% of their time on other work.

You might include other staff in other departments, such as a procurement officer if they are spending 3 or more days per week (0.6 FTE) on writing and implementing a sustainable procurement policy or a planner that is working primarily on low carbon policies for new buildings.

  1. Does the council have one or more staff member who works on home energy efficiency retrofitting, such as retrofit officers or project managers across the council area, for 3 or more days per week (0.6+ FTE)? This can include both directly employed and contracted staff, provided they work 3 or more days per week (0.6 FTE). The work of this officer may include working on any retrofit projects, including council buildings, council homes or private rented or owned households.

Please list any roles that work in this area, including the full time equivalent (FTE) if they work part time.

Please include staff members that are shared with other councils, such as between county and district councils, and note if they are shared across other areas.

  1. How many planning ecologists (ecologists within the planning department) or equivalent working for 3 or more days per week (0.6+ FTE) does the council employ to scrutinise planning reports for Biodiversity Net Gain? This can include both directly employed and contracted staff, provided they work 3 or more days per week (0.6 FTE).

Response date: 2 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1005779.


Reference: 1011618


Please can you confirm what training is offered whether mandatory or optional, to your frontline contact centre/call centre staff who are answering calls/responding to emails.

Response date: 2 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1011618.



Reference: 988845


  1. How many staff (as measured by full-time equivalents) do you employ to work on communications? Please include all internal and external communications including work on your website, media queries and social media.
  1. What was your communication spending for the financial year 2021/22 and what is the budget for the current communications spending in the current financial year?

Response date: 19 January 2023

Response: Response to this request - 988845.


Reference: 999260


Please provide me with the following:

  • How many roles are there at Rushcliffe Borough Council’s planning department?
  • How many current vacancies at Rushcliffe Borough Council’s planning department?
  • What staffing capacity is Rushcliffe Borough Council’s planning department currently working at?
  • What has the staff turnover rate been in the past 12 months in at Rushcliffe Borough Council’s planning department?

Response date: 5 January 2023

Response: Response to this request - 999260.


Reference: 996450


  1. Has your organisation hired an interim chief-executive officer(s) in the past five years (from now up until January 2018)? If this is the case, please provide their names and the dates they held the position for (if more than one interim CEOs have been in place over the past five years, please give the dates both held the position? If an interim CEO is currently in place, please make this clear.
  1. For each interim-CEO who was in place, please provide their pay (before tax). Ideally, this will be given as a daily rate – however, if this is not achievable, please provide a monthly salary or an annual one. Please include any bonuses awarded to the individual(s) during their employment. If an interim-CEO is currently in place, please provide the number of months they are expected to serve and how many of these have been served so far. If their pay changed over their term, please clarify when and how it was altered.
  1. Please provide the salary of the current chief executive (full-time not interim). If an interim-CEO is currently in place, please provide the annual salary of the most recent permanent CEO and the dates they were in the position for. As above, please provide any bonuses awarded to the CEO in this period. If the individual’s salary changed over the five year term, please make this clear.

Response date: 5 January 2023

Response: Response to this request - 996450.




Reference: 989511


  1. How many staff (as measured by full-time equivalents) do you employ to work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)?
  2. What was your spending on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) for the financial year 2021/22 and what is the budget for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)  in the current financial year?
  3. What was your spending on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) training for the financial year 2021/22 and what is the budget for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training in the current financial year?
  4. How many staff working days do you estimate were lost from regular work due to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) training for the financial year 2021/22 and what is your estimate of staff working days that will be lost from regular work due to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training during the current financial year?

Response date: 23 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 989511.


Reference: 987157


Please include the following information:

  • The number of staff that currently work employed by the council that are contractual home workers

Please also include the following information:

  • The number of contractual home workers employed by the department in each of the last three financial years: 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22

By “contractual home workers” I mean employees who have it written into their contracts that their normal working arrangements are to work from home.

Finally, please also include the following information:

  • The daily occupancy rate of the council offices during the following months: September, October, November (2022)

The occupancy rate could be either the number of desks or workspaces booked per day through a hot-desking system as a percentage of the total number of desks, or it could be the percentage of eligible cardholders who have access to the council offices who have access it during this period

Response date: 20 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 987157.


Reference: 980742


  1. Do you currently have an existing Allyship initiative/scheme/programme, specifically for your staff around championing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion? Yes/No
    1. If yes, is it mandatory or voluntary membership?
    2. How many staff are signed up to this initiative?
    3. How many staff do you employ?
    4. Does it cover all 9 Protected Characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010?

Response date: 6 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 980742.


Reference: 976922


Please would you forward me the full staffing structure including any names and contact details of your following department: 

  • Human Resources Department 

Please can you also advise across the HR department:

  • What the total agency spend on Temporary/Interim/fixed term contract staff has been in the last twelve months
  • Which/if any recruitment consultancies have been used to provide these staff

Response date: 6 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 976922.



Reference: 953070


  1. The number of staff who have left the authority in each financial year for the last 3 years.
  2. The number of staff who have joined the authority in each financial year for the last 3 years.

Response date: 14 October 2022

Response: Response to this request - 953070.



Reference: 945215


  • a) The number of roles in your association (expressed in numbers of FTE), that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include (amongst other guises) “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.
  • b) Either a) the pay band of each of these roles, or b) the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.
  • c) In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. (staff days = duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course).
  • d) The contractual cost of any consultants hired, in the past twelve months, to provide any external training or advice on issues of diversity, equality, or inclusivity.
  • e) In the past twelve months, the number of staff days committed to attending conferences relating mainly or exclusively to matters of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. (duration of conference multiplied by the number of staff in attendance).
  • f) The costs of attending these conferences.
  • g) Membership costs the organisation pays for participation in equality charters such as the Stonewall Equality Champions, or Diversity and Inclusion Workplace champions.


Response date: 29 September 2022

Response: Response to this request - 945215.



Reference: 934202


What was the value of spend on temporary staff from recruitment agencies by the council in 2021-2022?

Please also ensure that a gross spend value is detailed and include all spend associated to any contract let for the management/provision of temporary staff by a contracted provider (whether Vendor neutral or Master vendor). Please ensure that all figures are provided separately by year.

If you have a managed service provider (MSP) in place for the provision of temporary agency staff, please provide the following;

  • a. How was the contract to manage/provide the supply of agency/temporary staff let?
  • b. Who was the contract to manage/provide the supply of agency/temporary staff let to?
  • c. When did the contract to manage / provide the supply of temporary / agency staff commence, how long does it run for and what is the end date?
  • d. Does your MSP cover Education recruitment?
  • e. If not, which provider do you use to fill Education specific roles?

Response date: 24 August 2022

Response: Response to this request - 934202.


Reference: 920097


Please could you advise on the following questions for the period 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022:

  • How many external hires were made at Rushcliffe Council over this period (all vacancies)?
  • What was your total recruitment spend for this period (all vacancies)?
  • How much of this budget was spent on external agencies (all vacancies)?
    • Who are these agencies and what was their total cost per agency?
  • Who is the senior responsible officer in relation to this budget?
  • Do you have a centralised recruitment team at Rushcliffe Council or are your recruitment budgets and responsibility managed by your service leads?
    • Who are these recruitment and/or service lead(s)?
  • What is the organisational structure within your recruitment and HR teams at Rushcliffe Council?

Response date: 1 August 2022

Response: Response to this request - 920097.



Reference: 880230


  1. Who is your agency or managed service provider: (Example, Adecco, matrix, Comensura, other)
  2. What was your method of procurement for this contract? (Example, ESPO/ LGRP, other)
  3. Who is your current contract manager: (The point of contact internally in the council/government body that manages the agency contracts for you)
  4. What is your spend on workers/interims/consultants engaged via agencies: (example £x) 
  5. Please provide the number of agency workers with a charge rate of over £400 per day/ £55 p/h through this managed service (point 1) and also off contract, so not via the provider in point 1 (‘ number’)
  6. List of the names of the agencies engaged that have supplied workers directly that are not through the agency managed service provider aka ‘off contract spend (example names of the recruitment agencies)

Response date: 1 June 2022

Response: Response to this request - 880230.



Reference: 881079


  1. During the month of April 2022, how many council employees were working from home, and what percentage of the office based workforce does this represent?
  2. Between 1 and 30 April 2022, how many desk bookings were made across the council's office buildings and, on average, how many desk bookings were there a day during this month?
  3. How many desks were available for use in the month April 2022 across the council's office buildings?
  4. What was the maximum number of office staff who could theoretically work in the office on any given day in April 2022?
  5. What was the total number of office staff who worked in your council's offices each day prior to the pandemic?

Response date: 17 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 881079.



Reference: A1346564


  1. How many British Muslim employees have you recruited? Please provide figures for every year since 2010.
  2. What is the average length of service?
  3. How many British Muslims have you employed in communications/media roles since 2010?

Response date: 24 March 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346564.


Reference: A1346521


  1. Does the council have a hot desking policy?
  2. Did the council use a hybrid model of home working and office working in 2020, before the pandemic?
  3. In a hybrid model how many office seats to staff ratio (people that use PC's not gardeners etc.) did you have before the pandemic?
  4. Is the council continuing with Hybrid Model of home working and office working or looking to dismantle after the pandemic i.e from 24th of March 2022?
  5. If the council is continuing with the Hybrid model what is its target office seats to staff ratio?

Response date: 3 March 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346521.



Reference: A1346484


  • A copy of your Clean Desk Policy
  • A copy of any Clean Desks Audits or inspections undertaken
  • A copy of the results, reports or recommendations of any Clean Desks Audits or inspections undertaken on your staff.

Response date: 21 January 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346484.



Reference: A1346320

Subject: Information for the financial year 2020-21, and from the start of financial year 2021 to 31 December 2021, for the following:

  1. The total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of local authority staff who are trade union representatives.
  2. The total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of trade union representatives who spend at least 50 per cent of their time on union duties.
  3. The number of days spent on union duties by authority staff.

Response date: 25 January 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346320.


Reference: A1346329

Subject: How many days council workers in your local authority area have been on strike in the past 12 months?

Response date: 21 January 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346329.


Reference: A1346347


  1. The total number of council workers who went on strike, for whatever length of time, for the financial year 2020-2021.
  2. The total number of hours lost to workers on strike for the financial year 2020-2021.

Response date: 21 January 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346347.


Reference: A1346226

Subject: Please indicate whether your local authority has formally adopted the socio-economic duty (Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010). For this purpose, ‘adoption’ of the socio-economic duty, means that the authority must have either passed a motion at full council that adopts the duty, approved adoption via delegated decision or have agreed it via the council’s executive or cabinet. Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response.

Response date: 13 January 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346226.




Reference: A1346010

Subject: Temporary agency Labour usage between the dates of 6 April 2020 and 5 April 2021.

Response date: 26 November 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1346010.


Reference: A1345997

Subject: Information about apprentices:

  1. What is the annual Apprenticeship Levy?
  2. How much Levy do you currently use? approx.
  3. How many Apprentices do you currently have?
  4. What training providers do you use?
  5. What Apprenticeship standards do you use?
  6. How many IT Apprentices do you have?
  7. Who is the best contact for Apprentices?

Response date: 10 November 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345997.



Reference: A1345890

Subject: Information about senior staff at the council.

Response date: 15 October 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345890.



Reference: A1345741

Subject: Information about staff on zero hours contracts.

Response date: 16 September 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345741.


Reference: A1345581

Subject: Information about the approach to antisemitism following adoption of International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Antisemitism.

Response date: 14 September 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345581.


Reference: A1345613

Subject: Information about people working in the roles created by the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA).

Response date: 7 September 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345613.



Reference: A1345622

Subject: Information about apprenticeships created in the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.

Response date: 27 August 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345622.



Reference: A1345395

Subject: Senior Officer Roles include Statutory Officers (Chief Executive, s151 Officer and Monitoring Officers), Executive Directors (and their deputies) and Senior Managers.

Response date: 26 July 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345395.



Reference: A1345254

Subject: Use of electronic signing tools for forms.

Response date: 15 June 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345254.


Reference: A1345230

Subject: Officers with Chartered Ecological status (CEcol).

Response date: 11 June 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345230.


Reference: A1345205

Subject: Names and contact details of senior officers.

Response date: 8 June 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345205.

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