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Planning - Freedom of Information Requests

Disclosure Log - Planning

  • Conservation
  • Land Charges
  • Planning
  • Planning Policy
  • Street Naming


Reference: 3604853


  • 1a. What percentage biodiversity net gain does your local authority currently require?
  • 2a. How many employees are currently directly employed by the authority to specifically/solely support the delivery of BNG requirements?
  • 2b. Has the local authority created any new positions specifically to support the delivery of BNG requirements since 1 April 2023? (Yes/no)
  • 2c. If so, please provide the job titles and whether these roles are temporary or permanent.
  • 3a. Has your authority invested in specific training or upskilling for existing staff to manage BNG assessments, requirements, or policies since 1 April 2023? (Yes/no)
  • 3b. If so, how much money has been invested in specific training or upskilling for existing staff to manage BNG assessments, requirements, or policies in total since 1 April 2023?
  • 4a. Has your authority hired external consultants or third-party experts to assist with BNG implementation since 1 April 2023? (Yes/no)
  • 4b. If so, how much has been spent on external consultants or third-party experts to assist with BNG implementation since 1 April 2023?
  • 5a. Has any additional budget been allocated specifically for implementing or enforcing BNG requirements? (Yes/no)

If so, please provide the total additional budget assigned for this purpose for:

  • 5b) 2024/25,
  • 5c) 2025-2026 and
  • 5d) 2026-2027.

Response date: 9 January 2025

Response: Response to this request - 3604853.




Reference: 3599045


  1. Settlement Boundaries: Defined perimeters that delineate areas where new development is generally permissible, contingent upon compliance with additional policies outlined in the Plan concerning the Council's developmental guidelines and restrictions.
  2. Article 4 Directions: Specific legal tools used by local planning authorities to restrict permitted development rights in an area, primarily to protect the character of conservation areas or other significant architectural or historical significance.
  3. Conservation Areas: Designated zones notable for their special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.
  4. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA): A comprehensive evaluation conducted to identify suitable land for housing development, aiming to ensure a sufficient supply to meet anticipated housing needs over a specific period.
  5. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in the UK are legal mechanisms used by local planning authorities to protect specific trees, groups of trees, or woodlands in the interest of amenity.

Response date: 19 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3599045.


Reference: 3595500


Question Set 1

  • Does the Rushcliffe Planning And Growth department currently have a printer that will print A1 or larger high resolution detailed images?  Yes or No?
  • If Yes on what date was it first available for use?
  • If yes how often has this A1 or higher scale printer been used to print high resolution detailed printed A1 images of Rushcliffe landscapes?
  • If  “No” How often since 2020 has the department paid a 3rd party to print, or secured from another Rushcliffe Council department, delivery of high resolution detailed printed A1 images of real or imagined Rushcliffe landscapes?

Question Set 2

By which solar site application or screening number since 2020


  • By each and every named councillor and any named council planning official please specify who has been given how many:
  • Physical paper full scale A1 prints of Landscapes used in an LVIA (Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment)
  • Physical paper full scale A2 prints of Landscapes used in an LVIA (Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment)
  • Physical paper full scale A3 prints of Landscapes used in an LVIA (Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment)

Question Set 3

In Particular:

  • How many A1 high resolution detailed actual prints of Landscapes photographs or photomontages in the LVIA for 24/00161 have been produced and when and for who?
  • How many A3 high resolution detailed prints actual prints of Landscapes photographs or photomontages in the LVIA for 24/00161 have been produced and when and for who?

Question Set 4

  • If A1 print outs are NOT made available, please specify what other means or technologies have been made available and when, to view at the original full scale A1 high resolution images of Landscapes used in an LVIA’s.

Response date: 18 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3595500.


Reference: 3596194


  1. How many times have this section of the Act be used to refuse to determine a 'second go' planning application.
  2. How many times have the council excepted an identical design for a planning application and not refused to determine an application.

Response date: 17 December 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3596194.



Reference: 3573092


 I am requesting the following information related to biodiversity net gain:

  • Any policies or papers published since 1 November 2023 which state the percentage of biodiversity net gain your council will require as a condition for planning permission (under the Environment Act 2021) (a) as part of an agreed Local Plan; or (b) as part of a draft Local Plan.
  • How many hectares of land has been improved for biodiversity on-site as part of a development for the purposes of biodiversity net gain since 12 February 2024
  • How many hectares of land has been improved for biodiversity off-site for the purposes of biodiversity net gain related to developments in your authority area since 12 February 2024

Response date: 15 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3573092.


Reference: 3569808


Do you have an excel sheet of unexpended/unused/unspent s106 contributions as the particular clawback of 5/7/10 years has expired?

Response date: 15 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3569808.


Reference: 3580436


How many enforcement/ stop notices has your council issued against illegally erected static caravans/mobile homes since January 2023?

Response date: 1 November 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3580436.



Reference: 3570363


  1. Has your local authority adopted a design code? if so please provide a copy.
  2. If you have adopted a Design Code, what measures (if any) you undertook to test its popular support locally? Specifically, was any market research conducted? Was the relative support of alternative types of architecture measured using illustrated examples?
  3. If you have not adopted a Design Code, what plans (if any) do you have to do so?

Response date: 16 October 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3570363.


Reference: 3564683


  1. Please can you fill in the table below to indicate what, if any, software the council has obtained specifically to help with implementing the following aspects of BNG?
  2. Is the council generating income, or planning to generate income, by charging BNG monitoring fees? If so, how are you calculating this fee?
  3. Has the council made use of the government’s new burdens funding for BNG.

Response date: 15 October 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3564683.



Reference: 3566154


I am writing to request the following information regarding Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) within your jurisdiction:

  1. The number of trees currently registered with Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).
  1. The number of applications received from insurance companies to fell trees with TPOs, within the following timescales:
    • 2024 to date
    • January 2019 – December 2023
    • January 2014 – December 2018
  1. The number of successful applications from insurance companies to fell trees with TPOs, within the following timescales:
    • 2024 to date
    • January 2019 – December 2023
    • January 2014 – December 2018

Response date: 26 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3566154.


Reference: 3561650


Specifically, I am requesting the following information, with data broken down by calendar month since 12 February 2024:

  1. The total number of planning applications received by your authority that were subject to the mandatory statutory biodiversity net gain (BNG) requirements. (For the avoidance of doubt, please include both applications received that claimed BNG applied to their development AND applications that claimed BNG did not apply on their site (i.e. they claimed an exemption)).
  2. The total number of planning applications that:
    1. Claimed to be exempt from BNG
    2. Of this number, please provide the number that:
      1. Claimed they were exempt from the BNG requirements under the householder exemption
      2. Claimed they were exempt from the BNG requirements under the de minimis exemption (developments impacting less than 25 square metres of habitat or 5 metres of linear habitat)
      3. Claimed they were exempt from the BNG requirements under the self-build and custom-build exemptions
      4. Claimed they were exempt from the BNG requirements under different criteria
  3. For the answer to 2b(ii), 2b(iii) and 2b(iv) please set out
    1. How many of these claims of exemption were accepted by the validation team
    2. Of this number, how many applications provided a complete statutory biodiversity metric sheet or Small Site Metric Sheet to demonstrate that they were genuinely entitled to an exemption

Response date: 19 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3561650.


Reference: 3560696


Please provide a list (in Excel format) of all planning applications submitted from 6 December 2023 to the most recent data available where no decision was made within the statutory period (26 weeks for major applications and 16 weeks for non-major applications), unless a longer period has/had been agreed in writing between the applicant and the Local Authority, and no refund of fees has been made to date.

Requested Columns:

  1. Planning application reference
  2. Applicant name
  3. Site address
  4. Valid date
  5. Planning application fee paid (£)
  6. Decision due date
  7. Actual decision date
  8. No. of days to decision
  9. The decision (e.g., approved, refused, etc.)
  10. Extension of time/Planning performance agreement (Yes or No)
  11. Refund (Yes or No)
  12. Eligible for Refund (Yes or No) (Based on statutory decision deadlines: 16 weeks for non-major applications and 26 weeks for major applications)
  13. Withdrawn (Yes or No)
  14. Proposal description

Response date: 19 September 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3560696.



Reference: 3541414


My query relates to your local authority's policy on "Street Votes" - where a vote is held to allow the residents of a street to give themselves the right to extend or redevelop their properties. This could include building a mansard roof. An extension. Or building housing on land currently occupied by derelict alleys or disused garages.

The Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 included provision for Street Vote Development Orders, though the new Government has not yet announced if it will proceed with implementing this or not.

  1. Has your local authority stated an opinion on street votes? Specifically, did you respond to the official consultation on Street Vote Development Orders?
  2. I understand that regardless of Street Vote Development Orders legislation being implemented, individual local authorities could choose to introduce a similar arrangement of their own volition. Have you held any such street votes? Do you have any plans to allow street votes in future?

Response date: 16 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3541414.


Reference: 3541033


I would like to request the following information regarding staff and councillor training development and education regarding the relatively new industrial technologies listed below that are now coming before them for planning approval.

In particular can you tell me:

By each and every named councillor and all named Rushcliffe planning officials who has or has not had training in the last seven years regarding

  1. the specific risks to the public and other services posed by the different chemistries involved in grid scale lithium battery energy storage systems, (BESS) inverters and solar panels of different chemical composition.
  2. The most recent government, planning, fire service and nature conservation guidance and laws regarding grid scale lithium battery energy storage systems, (BESS) inverters and solar panels of different chemical composition.
  3. the lifecycle of grid scale lithium battery energy storage systems, (BESS) inverters and solar panels.
  4. how often grid scale lithium battery energy storage systems, (BESS) inverters and solar panels are changed and why
  5. the extent to which grid scale lithium battery energy storage systems, (BESS) inverters and solar panels can be recycled, at what costs and where and the transportation /carbon impacts.

Where training has been delivered please be specific as to the titles of the training delivered to each named employee or councillor and by which named person or organisation, on which dates for what duration per named person please.

Response date: 16 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3541033.


Reference: 3541744


Please provide evidence that appropriate due diligence was taken by the council prior to awarding planning permission to proposal 22/01468/REM, with regards to ensuring there were no conflicts of interest for the individuals that could vote on this case. Please also show the calculations that were made, demonstrating how the benefits of the proposed development outweigh the aggregate of the 224 objections (24 separate reasons), subsequently leading to planning being approved.

Response date: 16 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3541744.


Reference: 3540272


Please confirm how many change of use applications you received to move from ‘Class E - Commercial, Business and Service’ to a ‘Class C3(a) – Dwellinghouse’

Response date: 15 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3540272.


Reference: 3535832


Please can I request how many C3 dwellings have been allowed to be change to a C2 dwelling and become a Residential Care home for children in the past 3 years?

  • how many have been passed?
  • how many rejected?

Do Rushcliffe have a quota they have to fill in regards to private Children's Residential Homes?

Can I request of copy of the Management and Travel Plan for 14 Barry Close, Radcliffe on Trent NG12 1DY.

Also an explanation as to why a planning reported would have redacted information when presented to the panel?

Response date: 15 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3535832.


Reference: 3532068


Were the Borough Council made aware of the possibility that the site of Nottingham City Airport is contaminated with radium (due to its role in WWII as an aircraft repair works, and as a dismantling works in the decades afterwards), when it was offered up for inclusion in the Local Plan 2014?

What information was shared with the Borough Council about possible radium contamination of the site of Nottingham City Airport at the time that it was submitted in the "call for sites"?

What information about possible radium contamination of the site of Nottingham City Airport was submitted by the council to the general public as part of the consultation on the Local Plan?

What information about possible radium contamination of the site of Nottingham City Airport was submitted by the council to the Planning Inspectorate during the consultation, public hearings and formal approval of the Local Plan 2014?

Response date: 1 August 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3532068.



Reference: 3510026


I would like to request the following information as a new FOI pertaining to Section 106 agreements under the Town and Country Planning Act:

  1. Total number of Section 106 agreements since 2015
  2. Total number of Section 106s a) invoiced, and b) invoiced as per original S106
  3. Total number of Deeds of Variations successfully obtained by developers in relation to S106A since 2015
  4. Total number of enforcement 'matters' pertaining to S106 since 2015
  5. Total number of completions in line with S106 since 2015

Response date: 24 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3510026.


Reference: 3513490


  1. Most recent Article 4 Directive shape files in vector format. Currently, the mapped Article 4 Directive cannot be assessed in sufficient detail, and having access to them in vector format is crucial for our analysis for planning purposes. I am happy to receive map/shape files in any recognised vector format which contains the coordinates describing the shape of the Article 4 area and can be used in GIS software.

As Article 4 Directives are part of land designation, these shape files should be publicly accessible. Therefore, I kindly ask that you provide these shape files in a compatible vector format.

  1. Additionally, I request the most up-to-date Article 4 Directive documentation in re-usable (computer readable) format (not as images or scanned documents). Having access to this documentation is essential for our comprehensive understanding and application of these directives.
  2. Also, please provide information about any (Application Programming Interfaces) APIs that you may have relating to planning information such as shape files, planning applications (in machine readable PDF) or other information. Such APIs will help us accessing the files directly without the use of email.

Response date: 18 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3513490.


Reference: 3500483


  1. How much money received via Section 106 agreements is currently held, unspent, by the local planning authority?
  2. How much of this figure (Q1) is allocated for:
    1. affordable housing provision,
    2. highways/roads,
    3. schools and education contributions,
    4. social infrastructure (e.g. recreation, open spaces, play areas),
    5. health and social care services,
    6. unallocated?
  3. How much of this figure (Q1) was received:
    1. in the 2023/24 or 2024/25 financial years,
    2. between the 2019/20 and 2022/23 financial years (inclusive),
    3. in the 2018/19 financial year or earlier?
  4.  How much money received via Section 106 agreements has been returned to the developer within the last ten years (2013/14 financial year onwards), due to it not being spent in the required time frame? If the reason for returning money to the developer has not been recorded, please just put here the total amount of Section 106 money that has been returned to developers for any reason.
  5. How much money received via Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments is currently held, unspent, by the local planning authority?
  6. How much of this figure (Q5) is specifically earmarked for:
    1. transport,
    2. highways/roads,
    3. schools and education,
    4. social infrastructure (e.g. recreation, open spaces, play areas),
    5. health and social care facilities,
    6. unallocated?
  7. How much of this figure (Q5) was received:
    1. in the 2023/24 or 2024/25 financial years,
    2. between the 2019/20 and 2022/23 financial years (inclusive),
    3. in the 2018/19 financial year or earlier?

Response date: 18 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3500483.


Reference: 3509705


  1. How many planning applications have you received since (and including) 2 April 2024?
  2. Of those applications, how many have been validated?
    1. Of the validated applications, how many have claimed exemption from mandatory biodiversity net gain?
    2. Of those claiming exemptions, how many have relied on each exemption:
      1. Householder application
      2. Self build or custom build application
      3. Application for a biodiversity gain site
      4. HS2-related application
      5. 'De minimis' exemption where less than 25sqm of area habitat, 5m of hedgerow, 5m of watercourse and no priority habitat are affected
    3. Of those claiming the de minimis exemption, how many have set out what habitats are within the red line boundary for the application?
  3. Of the validated applications not claiming exemption from mandatory biodiversity net gain (i.e. answer to Q2 minus answer to Q3(a)):
    1. how many have been granted permission?
    2. of those granted permission under Q4(a), how many have submitted a biodiversity gain plan?
    3. of those submitting a biodiversity gain plan under Q4(b), how many have had it approved?

Response date: 18 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3509705.


Reference: 3512015


  1. Most recent Article 4 Directive shape files in vector format. Currently, the mapped Article 4 Directive cannot be assessed in sufficient detail, and having access to them in vector format is crucial for our analysis for planning purposes. I am happy to receive map/shape files in any recognised vector format which contains the coordinates describing the shape of the Article 4 area and can be used in GIS software
    As Article 4 Directives are part of land designation, these shape files should be publicly accessible. Therefore, I kindly ask that you provide these shape files in a compatible vector format.
  2. Additionally, I request the most up-to-date Article 4 Directive documentation in re-usable (computer readable) format (not as images or scanned documents). Having access to this documentation is essential for our comprehensive understanding and application of these directives.
  3. Also, please provide information about any APIs that you may have relating to planning information such as shape files, planning applications (in machine readable pdf) or other information.

Response date: 07 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3512015.


Reference: 3509251


Cases where a developer has yet to fulfil their obligation of paying a commuted sum and transferring the open space to the Council.

  • Site name / address of all unadopted areas of public space within the Council's jurisdiction
  • Name of developer associated with the corresponding site
  • Date of the Section 106 Agreement to which the open space applies
  • The agree commuted sum value to be paid by the developer
  • Planning application reference(s)

Response date: 4 June 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3509251.



Reference: 3483257


  1. The total number of Section 106 agreements between developers and the Council for each financial year since 2010.
  2. For the total number of planning obligations agreed under Section 106 since 2010, please provide the number of agreements that fall under each of the following categories:
    1. Delivered in line with S106 and to expectations
    2. Expected to be delivered in full in due course
    3. Delivered but with agreed changes
    4. Not delivered as agreed
    5. Outcome unknown
  3. Of the total S106 agreements made between 2010 to present, the number that resulted in a financial payment to the Council instead of a building or construction obligation.
  4. Of financial contributions collected under Section 106,  how much remains unspent

Response date: 29 May 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3483257.


Reference: 3471678


I would like to know how much money the council has collected in affordable housing contributions under section 106 or community infrastructure levies in the years: 2023,2022,2021,2020.

I would like to know for the same years how much of the money was spent.

I would also like a list of the projects that the money was spent on.

Response date: 14 May 2024

Response: Response to this request - 3471678.



Reference: 2600496


  1. How many streets have been renamed by the council since January 2022? 
  2. What was the cost of each street renaming listed in question A?
  3. How much expenditure has been incurred in total by the council to deliver street renaming since January 2022?

Response date: 06 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2600496.


Reference: 2597777


Could you please provide the following information for each year from 2015 to the most recent year with available data: 

  • The total number of heat pump planning applications received by your council broken down by heat pump type (e.g. water source, air source, ground source, shared loop ground source).
  • The number of heat pump planning applications that were granted broken down by heat pump type (e.g. water source, air source, ground source, shared loop ground source).
  • The average time taken to process a heat pump planning application, from submission to approval broken down by heat pump type (e.g. water source, air source, ground source, shared loop ground source) including specifying the longest and shortest timeframe.

If it is not possible to complete the above request broken down by heat pump type, please omit this part of the request and instead provide the overall figures of all heat pumps.  

If it is not possible to receive information as far back as 2015, please start with the oldest year on record. 

If it is not possible to complete all of the requests, please prioritise them in the order listed above. 

Response date: 06 March 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2597777.



Reference: 2587286


Could you please provide a csv (or xlsx) file containing the following information on all individual planning applications from Jan 1 2010 to Dec 31 2023?


  • Planning application number/reference
  • Easting
  • Northing
  • Postcode
  • Address
  • Ward
  • Parish (if applicable)
  • Current application status
  • Application outcome (if applicable)
  • Consent type (eg. Full, Outline, Reserved Matters, etc.)
  • Development category (eg. major dwellings, minor dwellings, any other category of new dwellings)
  • Number of dwellings created (if possible and applicable)
  • Development proposal summary (if it exists)
  • Date received
  • Decision date
  • Date validated

Please define any/all ambiguous variables in the dataset (eg. 1: minor dwellings application).

Response date: 23 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2587286.


Reference: 2571789


Can you please provide me with details for s106 agreements signed between 2000-2010, including but not limited to:

  1. Planning references
  2. Total Contributions received
  3. Total Contributions allocated (if possible where and when allocated)
  4. Total Contributions Spent (with proof of expenditure)
  5. Total Balance remaining

Response date: 19 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2571789.


Reference: 2571880


  1. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is designated as Green Belt.
  2. The proportion of the total area of your local authority that is designated as Green Belt.
  3. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that consists of contaminated land - under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible.
  4. The total area of your local authority, measured in acres, that is both designated as Green Belt and is contaminated land, under the official definition. If you do not have an exact figure please provide a minimum figure or approximate estimate if possible.

Response date: 01 February 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2571880.



Reference: 2572630


I would like to see all emails that mention ‘drains’, ‘drainage’, ‘William Davis’, ‘William Davis Limited’, ‘Shelford Road’, Radcliffe On Trent’ or ‘Prince’s Place’ that have been sent or received by any and all members of the Authority, mainly in relation  to the development covered by application number 18/02688/REM or William Davis’ site on Shelford Road (also known as Prince’s Place). 

I specified that the time period of these emails should be 1st January 2023 to 11th January 2024.

The specific site is Prince’s Place / Shelford Road. 

I’m also awaiting information from the Authority on the following:

  • the LPA approved surface water design and strategy in relation to the William Davis development, Prince’s Place, in Radcliffe On Trent.
  • Provide evidence of the planning considerations submitted to The Authority in relation to section 44(e) of the a planning application titled: 18/02688/REM.

Response date: 25 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2572630.


Reference: 2564682


Between the 1 January 2020 and the 1 January 2023, please provide the below requested information for contraventions reported against trees and hedges protected through Tree Preservation Orders, Conservation areas, and Hedgerow Regulations. Please work from the 1st of January 2020 to most recent, should the free FOI time limit be met, please state at what year/month this was met and return. Please input answers next to the below requests.

Please provide numerical data for:

  1. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions reported.
  2. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions pursued to magistrates and/or crown court.
  3. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed with no action deemed necessary.
  4. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions where a decision to take action or not was reached within 6 months of the case being registered.
  5. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed through serving of tree replacement notices, or voluntary tree planting.

Response date: 12 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2564682.


Reference: 2551476


  1. The balance for unspent, unallocated and uncommitted monies collected from S106 documents agreed and signed between 1st January 2006 and 31st December 2011
  2. The planning reference for the corresponding sum

Response date: 12 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2551476.


Reference: 2561985


Information requested for Class A premises, which includes shops and retail premises such as restaurants. 

Response date:
4 January 2024

Response: Response to this request - 2561985.




Reference: 2550719


Please can you tell me if you have obtained any software specifically to help with your implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain (a new statutory requirement for Local Planning Authorities).

Response date:
28 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2550719.


Reference: 2547819


Please can you supply me with the settlement boundaries (sometimes also termed development boundaries) that are shown on the adopted polices map the Development Plan in a format that can be opened in Graphic Information Systems (GIS) software.

Response date:
15 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2547819.


Reference: 2543088


  1. How many hectares of  grade 1/2/3a agricultural land were there in the district in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023?
  2. How many planning permissions to build solar farms on grade 1/2/3a agricultural land were submitted in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023?
  3. How many planning permissions were granted in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023?
  4. How many planning permissions were rejected in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023?

Response date: 12 December 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2543088.



Reference: 2528714


  1. How many minor planning applications were received by the authority in
    1. 2020-21,
    2. 2021-22,
    3. 2022-23?
  2. How many minor planning applications were determined by the authority in (
    1. 2020-21,
    2. 2021-22,
    3. 2022-23?
  3. How many major planning applications were received by the authority in
    1. 2020-21,
    2. 2021-22,
    3. 2022-23?
  4. How many major planning applications were determined by the authority in
    1. 2020-21,
    2. 2021-22,
    3. 2022-23?
  5. For major applications determined during 2020-21, how many were determined: (a)
    1. In under 13 weeks,
    2. In 13 to 26 weeks,
    3. In 27 to 52 weeks and
    4. In more than 52 weeks.
  6. For major applications determined during 2021-22, how many were determined: 
    1. In under 13 weeks,
    2. In 13 to 26 weeks,
    3. In 27 to 52 weeks and
    4. In more than 52 weeks.
  7. For major applications determined during 2022-23, how many were determined: 
    1. In under 13 weeks,
    2. In 13 to 26 weeks,
    3. In 27 to 52 weeks and
    4. In more than 52 weeks.

Response date: 6 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 2528714.



Reference: 1861053


I would like to know whether the council has changed the names of any roads in the area between 1 May 2020 and 6 October 2023. If so, I would like to know:

  • The former name of the road, and what it was changed to
  • The date the change took place
  • Which stakeholders were consulted regarding the change
  • How many road names have been changed in total

I would also like to know whether the council has removed or relocated any monuments, statues or plaques in the area between 1 May 2020 and 6 October 2023. If so, I would like to know:

  • What the monument/statue represents (e.g. who is it a statue of?) or what is written on the plaque
  • Where it has been moved and where it was previously installed
  • Which stakeholders were consulted regarding the change
  • How many monuments, statues or plaques have been relocated or removed in total

Response date: 13 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1861053.


Reference: 1858745


  • How many Householder (domestic) planning application requests have been rejected in your local authority between 1 October 2022 and 30 September 2023?
  • Can you please list all the reasons planning permission was rejected and how many instances for each reason were recorded.

Response date: 6 October 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1858745.



Reference: 1853316


I would like to get a list of the most up to date S106 amounts attributable to Ruddington. Also when they need to be spent by. I am interested in the sports and leisure sums and allotments sums.

Response date: 27 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1853316.


Reference: 1853109


Any article 4 directions that you have across the council – ideally in a shapefile with details of which planning policy is removed by the article 4.

Response date: 26 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1853109.


Reference: 1847858


The number of times a breach of planning permission occurred

The reason for the breach of planning permission

The number of fines handed out and cost due to breach of planning permission

Can these be supplied for the years of 2023, 2022 and 2021.

Response date: 26 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1847858.


Reference: 1842311


  1. How many new homes have been built as part of developments in your council area in each of the financial years:
    a. 2023/24 (as much information as can be provided)
    b. 2022/23
    c. 2021/22
    d. 2020/21
    e. 2019/20
    f. 2018/19
  2. For those news homes, how much money did the council collect from the developers, either via section 106 obligations or by the community infrastructure levy, to support local infrastructure in:
    a. 2023/24 (as much information as can be provided)
    b. 2022/23
    c. 2021/22
    d. 2020/21
    e. 2019/20
    f. 2018/19
  3. How much of that money was spent on building or developing GP practices in your area in:
    a. 2023/24 (as much information as can be provided)
    b. 2022/23
    c. 2021/22
    d. 2020/21
    e. 2019/20
    f. 2018/19
  4. Please list, for each year in questions 1-3, what kind of support was given to GP practices using this money.

Response date: 22 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1842311.


Reference: 1847127


  • Section 38 and Section 278 Agreements of the Highways Act 1980.
  • Section 104 Agreements of the Water Industry Act 1991.
  • Copy of all Outstanding Statutory notices which relate to the property for building works, environment, health and safety, housing, highways, public health and flood and coastal erosion risk management.
  • Copy of all Enforcement Register entries in relation to properties or if the local authority has decided to issue, serve, make or commence an enforcement notice, a stop notice, a listed building enforcement notice, a breach of condition notice, a planning contravention notice, another notice relating to breach of planning control, a listed building repairs notice, in the case of a listed building deliberately allowed to fall into disrepair, a compulsory purchase order with a direction for minimum compensation, a building preservation notice, a direction restricting permitted development, an order revoking or modifying planning permission, an order requiring discontinuance of use or alteration or removal of building or works, a tree preservation order and proceedings to enforce a planning agreement or planning contribution.

Response date: 9 September 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1847127.



Reference: 1815704


I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

  1. What was your target for the number of affordable housing units fulfilled through section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023?
  2. How many housing units (all types of housing) were fulfilled in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 from planning applications where a s106 obligation was in place?
  3. How many affordable housing units were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023?
  4. What were your targets for the number of affordable housing units fulfilled through section 106 planning obligations for each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022?
  5. How many housing units (all types of housing) were fulfilled each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022 in planning applications where a s106 obligation was in place?
  6. How many affordable housing units were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations each financial year from April 2017 - April 2022?
  7. How many planning applications, that had Section 106 obligations to provide affordable housing, were fulfilled in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023?
  8. How many planning applications with Section 106 obligations to provide affordable housing, fulfilled in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023, were impacted by viability assessments?
  9. Of those Section 106 obliged planning applications that were impacted by viability assessments in the financial year from April 2022 - April 2023 (Answer to Question 8), how many affordable housing units were removed?
  10. How many affordable housing units that were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 were fulfilled on-site?
  11. How many affordable housing units that were fulfilled through Section 106 planning obligations in the financial year April 2022 - April 2023 were fulfilled off-site?
  12. How many planning applications that included affordable housing and were fulfilled in the financial year between April 22 - April 23 under section 106 obligations resulted in a fine by the council?

Response date: 1 August 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1815704.



Reference: 1800771


I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information on all known cases whereby the Developer has yet to fulfil their obligation of paying a commuted sum and transferring the open space to the Council.

Response date: 4 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1800771.


Reference: 1813582


Please could you email over the planning criteria/considerations, local planning report that RBC planning refer to when determining 'heat pump' applications.

Response date: 4 July 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1813582.



Reference: 1803342


In accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I write with 5 separate requests for information:

  1. How many appeals against decisions relating to residential-led planning applications were lodged in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23 and how many residential units were involved in these appeals?
  2. How much was spent by the authority on legal advice and action relating to planning appeals in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
  3. How many planning applications were granted permission after appeal in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
  4. How many new residential units were granted permission following an appeal in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23
  5. How much was spent by the authority on legal advice and action relating to planning appeals that were then granted permission in (a) 2020/21, (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23

Response date: 28 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1803342.


Reference: 1135678


  1. How many affordable housing units have been provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments that were signed in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23?
  2. What percentage of overall housing units in this local authority have been provided by as a result of these planning agreements?
  3. How many of the affordable housing units provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments in 2022/23 were for (a) social rent, (b) affordable rent, (c) shared equity/shared ownership, (d) discounted market housing (including starter homes) and (e) other affordable housing tenure.
  4. How much was received by the authority in S106 payments in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23?
  5. How much money received via S106 agreements is held, unspent, by the local planning authority? How much of this figure is specifically earmarked for:
    • (a) affordable housing provision,
    • (b) highways improvements
    • (c) education contributions,
    • (d) social infrastructure,
    • (e) healthcare services and
    • (f) other?

Response date: 23 June 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1135678.



Reference: 1111507


Can you please supply the online location of the up-to-date and complete Planning Enforcement Register, Breach of Condition Notices Register and Stop Notices Register for your area. Ideally I am looking for an online link that is kept up-to-date as new enforcement notices are issued.

Response date: 23 May 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1111507.



Reference: 1102599


This is an Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) request regarding new intensive poultry farms.

  • How many planning applications have been filed with your council between 01/01/23 and the day this request is processed with regard to a new intensive poultry farm (if you need a specific capacity, I define "intensive" in the same way as the Environment Agency, that is, greater than 40,000 birds)?
  • How many of these applications have you approved to date?
  • For each approved application, please provide a brief summary of the new intensive poultry farm, including (where possible) the farm's capacity, acreage, ownership details, address and Eastings and Northings.

Response date: 28 April 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1102599.


Reference: 1078965


The number of planning applications in each of the last 3 years for which a bat activity survey has been requested to support the application.

Response date: 27 April 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1078965.



Reference: 1072902


Can you please provide the Local Plan Policies map for the Council? Can you please provide this in shapefile format?

Response date: 22 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1072902.


Reference: 1030348


Please can you provide the following information:

  • The date the agreement was signed along with the corresponding planning reference;
  • list all contributions and their intended purpose;
  • the dates of when all and any contributions were received by the council;
  • the project name and details to which any contributions were allocated, expended or committed;
  • the total amount allocated, expended or committed per contribution and the date this was done;
  • the total amount that remains unspent and/or unallocated per contribution;
  • please confirm whether the contribution monies, either in whole or part, were held in an interest bearing account;
  • name of the party/parties that paid the contribution;
  • name of the party/parties that have been repaid and when;
  • all council spreadsheets that contain the requested information; and
  • Finally, please include either copies of the s.106 agreements or live links to where the agreements can be found.

Response date: 6 March 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1030348.



Reference: 1039015


  1. Have you adopted the Nationally Described Space Standard in your local plans or planning guidance?
  • If so, please provide the date it was adopted.
  • If not, do you have any plans to adopt it, and if so, by when are you planning to adopt it?
  1. Do you use any alternative space standards in your local plans or planning guidance?
  • Please provide details of the space standard in use, including the origin such as HQI (Housing Quality Indicator).

3. If you are using space standards, do you have data on the rate of compliance for new dwellings for up to the last 10 years?

I would like you to provide the information for questions 1 and 2 in an email, and question 3 in a spreadsheet, if available.

Response date: 24 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1039015.


Reference: 1022353


I am requesting the following information from you in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

  1. How much have you:
    1. Spent on changing street names in the financial year 2021/22
    2. Spent on changing street names in the financial year 2022/23 so far?
  1. Since April 2021, how many streets have you renamed?
  2. Since April 2021, please can you provide a list of what you have renamed streets from and to?

Response date: 8 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1022353.


Reference: 1007826


Under the Freedom of Information Act, please may I request the following information:

  1. The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) planning department case officers employed by the council in each year between 2013 and 2022.
  2. The number of major planning applications determined by the council in each year between 2013 and 2022.
  3. The average number of weeks between major planning applications being validated and determined, in each year between 2013 and 2022.

Response date: 3 February 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1007826.



Reference: 1000384


  1. Copies of Rushcliffe Borough Council's Policy(s) that apply to UK Planning legislation in respect of:
    1. The initial conversion of Class C3 - Dwellinghouses to Class C2 - Residential Institutions
    2. The ongoing operation and governance of Class C2 - Residential Institutions
  2. Copies of Rushcliffe Borough District Council's Processes used to govern or assess the Materiality of a C3 to C2 change

Response date: 26 January 2023

Response: Response to this request - 1000384.




Reference: 985566


I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 funding in your area.

Response date: 6 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 985566


Reference: 974900


I request to receive a list of all housing planning applications (with minimum of application reference, location and developer shown by column), where they are for 50 or more dwellings, that have been accepted since 1st November 2020 in Rushcliffe, and with each whether or not a condition has been imposed/agreed whereby the council do not adopt the green spaces and instead expect ‘alternative arrangements’, usually being estate rent charges.

Response date: 6 December 2022

Response: Response to this request - 974900


Reference: 969865


Information regarding the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA).

Response date: 24 November 2022

Response: Response to this request - 969865



Reference: 974896


Information regarding the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA).

Response date: 24 November 2022

Response: Response to this request - 974896


Reference: 970590


Can you please provide the Settlement boundaries in shapefile (.shp) format?

Response date: 10 November 2022

Response: Response to this request - 970590


Reference: 946492


  1. Does the council have a Local Plan, which has been developed and/or updated in the past seven years (from January 2016 to date)?
  2. Has any area(s) been identified as suitable for wind energy development in the latest Local Plan?
  3. Has the council explicitly considered and has been unable to identify a suitable area for wind energy development in the latest Local Plan?
  4. Does the council have a Neighbourhood Plan(s), which has been developed and/or updated in the past seven years (from January 2016 to date)?
  5. Has any area(s) been identified as suitable for wind energy development in the latest Neighbourhood Plan?
  6. Has the council explicitly considered and has been unable to identify a suitable area for wind energy development in the latest Neighbourhood Plan?
  7. Please confirm how many (if any) onshore wind farm applications have been granted planning approval by the local authority during the past seven years (January 2016 to date)?
  8. Please confirm how many (if any) solar farm (large-scale ground-mounted solar PV system) applications have been granted planning approval by the local authority during the past seven years (January 2016 to date)?

Further, can you kindly provide a copy of the latest (a) Local Plan and (b) Neighbourhood Plan and (c) confirm which sections (or pages) relate to the identification (or non-identification) of suitable areas for wind energy development?

Response date: 12 October 2022

Response: Response to this request - 946492


Reference: 953417


The number of enforcement actions you have served over shipping containers not having proper planning permission. I would like this information broken down for the years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022), the outcome of enforcement action and where the container was located (for example on green belt land, in a back garden of a dwelling, on a brownfield site).

Response date: 11 October 2022

Response: Response to this request - 953417


Reference: 949934


Information regarding developer contributions, or Section 106 payments.

Specifically, my request concerns unpaid and overdue payments, for example payments that were tied to a specific date or point in a project, or payments that have been invoiced for but not received.

For every payment that is owed to the council, I would like the following details:

  • a) The amount of money owed;
  • b) The date by which it was supposed to have been paid OR;
  • c) If payment is tied to a trigger point in development rather than a date, then the date an invoice was raised
  • d) The reference number for the associated planning case.

Response date: 5 October 2022

Response: Response to this request - 949934



Reference: 932983


How much has the council received in planning application fees in total for each of the last five financial years (2017/18 to 2021/22).

Can you provide the planning department budget for each of those years, and how much the department actually spent?

Can you provide the three figures in a spread sheet under headings: planning fee income, budget, actual spend (see attached for example).

Over the same period, can you provide a list of roles within the planning department and the month/year they became vacant, and how many months each role was vacant for?

Response date: 23 August 2022

Response: Response to this request - 932983



Reference: 906400


Details of planning staffing.

Response date: 19 July 2022

Response: Response to this request - 906400



Reference: 889401


  • The total area of publicly accessible green space currently owned by the council. By green space, I mean areas which are primarily covered in grass, meadow, woodland, marshland, beach land etc, including parks. It would not include areas which are primarily covered in tarmac or concrete even if they have incidental planting of trees or other greenery.
    • The same figure as it was on 1 January 2012
    • The same figure as it was on 1 January 2002

Ideally these figures would be provided in square kilometres or square miles.

Response date: 23 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 889401



Reference: 877768


Householder applications received between 27 March 2020 to 26 March 2021:

  • The number of householder full planning applications received by yourselves
  • The number of householder full planning applications you received where a decision was made within the 8 week decision making timeframe
  • The number of householder full planning applications that you received where you did not make a decision within the 8 week decision making timeframe
  • The number of written requests for extensions of the period of time within which you have to decide a householder full planning application that you made to the applicants where a decision was not made within 8 weeks

Householder applications received between 27 March 2021 to 09 May 2022:

  • The number of householder full planning applications received by yourselves
  • The number of householder full planning applications you received where a decision was made within the 8 week decision making timeframe
  • The number of householder full planning applications that you received where you did not make a decision within the 8 week decision making timeframe
  • The number of written requests for extensions of the period of time within which you have to decide a householder full planning application that you made to the applicants where a decision was not made within 8 weeks

Response date: 30 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 877768


Reference: 886926


The number of enforcement actions you have served over shipping containers not having proper planning permission. I would like this information broken down for the years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022), the outcome of enforcement action and where the container was located (for example on green belt land, in a back garden of a dwelling, on a brownfield site).

Response date: 23 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 886926


Reference: 866113


Since the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy:

  1. How much money has been collected by Rushcliffe Borough Council?
  2. How much money has been paid out by Rushcliffe Borough Council in order to improve infrastructure and support community needs? 
  3. In the event of community needs being identified to Rushcliffe Borough Council what obligations do the council have to respond to elected local residents?

Response date: 23 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 866113


Reference: 858718


  • How many planning permission requests were received last year?
  • How many planning permission requests were rejected last year?
  • How many planning permission requests were rejected due to protected species? 
  • Of these, how many were rejected due to: badgers, bats, birds, dormice, newts, invertebrates, natterjack toads, otters, reptiles, water voles, white-clawed crayfish, or other? 

Response date: 10 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 858718


Reference: 853178


What was the council's planning department budget in total for each of the last five calendar (or financial) years (2017-2021)? 

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

Response date: 3 May 2022

Response: Response to this request - 853178



Reference: 869889


  1. The number of class E properties in your local authority area

Additionally, the number of

  1. Applications made and;
  2. Successful applications made since 1 August 2021 to convert Class E (commercial, business and service use) properties into Class C3 (residential use) properties through permitted development.
  3. The number of properties that have now been converted from Class E to Class C3 through permitted development

Response date: 28 April 2022

Response: Response to this request - 869889


Reference: A1346710


  1. The number of planning applications for existing residential properties (alterations / extensions etc) in the last calendar year (1 January 2021 - 31 December 2021).
  2. The average length of time between submission and acceptance of planning applications for existing residential properties in the last calendar year.

Response date: 4 April 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346710



Reference: A1346435

Subject: Information about planning fees received 2017-21.

Response date: 8 March 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346435


Reference: A1346504

Subject: Information on Local Plans for accessible housing.

Response date: 8 March 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346504



Reference: A1346Feb01

Subject: Information about planning policy:

  • Any article 4 directions that you have across the council – ideally in a shapefile with details of which planning policy is removed by the article 4
  • Details of any settlement boundaries within the local plan – ideally in a shapefile format
  • Details of any community infrastructure levy charges that you charge – ideally in a pdf, word or excel document

Response date: 11 February 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346Feb01


Reference: A1346433

Subject: Information about changes to street names for each of the following periods; 2020-21 and 2021-22.

Response date: 8 February 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346433.


Reference: A1346429

Subject: How many TPO requests have been applied to trees on private residential properties within the borough of Rushcliffe in the last 10 years?

Response date: 8 February 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346429



Reference: A1346206

Subject: How many homes have been allocated as part of its local plan to be built in medium and high-risk flood-zones?

The information relates to the council’s latest local plan. However, if the council’s local plan is out of date then please supply the number of homes that are currently allocated in its draft, examination or final adoption form clarifying this detail.

Response date: 13 January 2022

Response: Response to this request - A1346206




Reference: A1346094

Subject: I am writing to politely request details of the amount of money that has been committed under Section 106 Planning Obligations but not spent for the following years: 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/2020 (and, if available, 2020/21).

Response date: 15 December 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1346094



Reference: A1346074

Subject: Please can you tell me how many Tree Preservation Orders (TPO's) have been applied to private residential addresses where the TPO has NOT been made as a direct request of the property owners. So these are TPO's that have been applied exclusively by Rushcliffe borough Council without prior discussion with the residential owner. I am interested in the past 10 years if possible or less years if records not stored that far back.

Response date: 24 November 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1346074



Reference: A1345536

Subject: Breakdown of planning applications for extensions, basements, loft conversion, conservatories and other types in 2019, 2020, and to date in 2021.

Response date: 11 August 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345536



Reference: A1345438

Subject: When is the Local Planning Authority planning to introduce Biodiversity Net Gain as a mandatory requirement for all small development projects.

Response date: 22 July 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345438


Reference: A1345353

Subject: Affordable housing tenure policy and reference in the Local Plan.

Response date: 14 July 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345353


Reference: A1345295

Subject: Numbers of planning officers and budget questions.

Response date: 6 July 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345295



Reference: A1345278

Subject: Over the past 5 years, how many residential properties have been constructed? Over the past 5 years, how much money has the authority received from CIL and Section 106 agreements?

Response date: 18 June 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345278


Reference: A1345246

Subject: Number of householder applications in March and April and percentage which sough a net biodiversity gain.

Response date: 18 June 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345246



Reference: A1345184

Subject: Request for where the height of an outbuilding (CLASS E) is measured when it is a) within 2 meters of a boundary & b) on a sloping ground.

Response date: 12 May 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345184


Reference: A1345166

Subject: Hot food takeaway exclusion zones.

Response date: 12 May 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345166



Reference: A1345081

Subject: Builders Community Contributions.

Response date: 27 April 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345081


Reference: A1345057

Subject: For 2019 and 2020, a list of all the new properties constructed within the local authority

Response date: 22 April 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345057


Reference: A1345093

Subject: Construction Management Plan for 19/01287/FUL Applicant Bloor Homes Location Land North East of Marl Close, Wilford Road, Ruddington.

Response date: 15 April 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345093


Reference: A1345082

Subject: Impact by Natural England and Natural Resources Wales updated legal advice on nitrogen and phosphorous pollution in or near Natura 2000 sites in England and Wales since 2019.

Response date: 15 April 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345082


Reference: A1345052

Subject: Planning application data for 2019 and 2020.

Response date: 8 April 2021

Response: Response to this request - A1345052.

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