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Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) gives anyone a right of access to all types of recorded information held by the council and other public authorities. 

There are a number of exemptions where information would not have to be provided by us. If the information you request is covered by an exemption, we will explain the reason why we cannot release it. For some information requests there may be a fee payable before the information is released and you will be informed if this is the case.

Publication Scheme

Under the FOIA we have to produce and maintain a document called a Publication Scheme. This is a directory of information and publications that are routinely available from us. If you have any suggestions or comments about the publication scheme or you would like further information, please contact us.

Make a request

You can make a request for information:

Before you make a request, you may find the information you need in the responses to previous requests in our Disclosure Logs.

Requests can be for information held in paper documents, electronic files (spreadsheets, Word documents etc), images, audio and video files. If you are unsure how to make your request contact us for assistance.

When we have received your request, we firstly have to let you know whether or not we hold the information. If we do, we have 20 working days to provide it to you or tell you why we are unable to provide it. If the information cannot be provided, it will be because one or more of the exemptions apply. If a fee is payable for the information, you will be advised of this and be given an estimated cost before the information is provided.

Right of access

Any request for information does not have to mention the Freedom of Information Act. However, to enable us to respond to you the request must contain:

  • Your contact details - so we can provide you with the information, or to contact you if we need clarification of the request. The contact details can be a postal address or email address.
  • Description of the information required - this should contain as much detail as possible to provide the information that you are looking for as quickly as possible, should it be available.
  • Format required - so that we can provide the information in the way that you want to receive it. This can be electronic (for example, email or CD), printed or you may simply wish to view the information. We will try to provide the information in the format you have requested, but this may not always be possible. Where it is not possible, we will offer a suitable alternative.

You can make a request by letter, email, fax, complete an online form and, in certain circumstances, by telephone or in person.
Requests can be for information held in paper documents, electronic files (spreadsheets, word documents etc) images, audio and video files.

Disclosure Log

These are the responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 which we feel are of wider public interest. You may wish to view responses to previous requests as these might contain the information you are seeking.

The requests published begin April 2021, if you need any information prior to this time please contact us.


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 there are currently 23 exemptions where information you have requested would not have to be provided by us. Of these 23, 15 apply to all local authorities. If the information you request is covered by an exemption, we will explain why we cannot release it. For some information requests there may be fees payable before the information is released. You will be informed if this is the case.

These exemptions are split into two types - Qualified and Absolute exemptions.

Qualified exemptions

There are 10 qualified exemptions under the FOIA. Where the information you have requested is considered to fall within one of the qualified categories it means we have to consider if it is within the public interest to withhold the information. If we decide it is within the public interest to release information you can have it. However, if we decide to withhold information we will tell you the reason for doing this.

For example: information intended for future publication - the information would not normally be released until the work has been finished or the intended publication date is reached. However, if it is considered to be in the public interest then we will release it - if not it will be withheld until the publication date is reached.

Absolute exemptions

Under an absolute exemption this information is exempt, and we do not have to consider the public interest, for example the information is already available elsewhere. The emphasis is on releasing information rather than withholding it.

More information about the Freedom of Information Act and the rights it gives you can be obtained by contacting the Information Commissioner or the Department for Constitutional Affairs.


If you disagree with any decision made about the release of information or a fee, you can make a complaint by emailing, by telephoning 0115 981 9911, or by writing to the Corporate Complaints Officer, Rushcliffe Borough Council, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG.


In some cases the council may charge a fee for providing information. If a fee is payable, we have to provide you with an estimate. If we tell you that a fee is payable you have to provide payment before the information can be provided. The 20-day period for providing the information is put on hold until we receive the fee. Any fee payable will be for:

  • Putting the information into the format you have requested, for example from printed to electronic or from electronic to printed
  • Reproducing the information, for example toner or paper charges or a CD-ROM
  • Posting the information out to you.

However, if we estimate that it will take us more than 18 working hours to:

  • Determine if we hold the information
  • Find it
  • Retrieve it
  • Extract it from another document e.g. a database or spreadsheet.

then we are not obliged to provide you with that information. If we estimate that your request will exceed the 18-hour limit then we have an obligation to assist you to refine your request.

Different rules apply to the provision of environmental information.

For more information on fees see our FOI fees and charges.