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Response 3596889

Response to request for information



Response date

18 December 2024


  1. Do you have a Car Parking Permitting System. How do you manage your car parking permits?
  2. Do you have a Car Parking Enforcement System
    1. Who is the provider
    2. When were they appointed
    3. When does the agreement come up for renewal
    4. How many PCNs do you issue
      1. Each year
      2. Across the life of the Agreement
    5. Is this provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS). If No, how is the Service procured e.g., Annual Licence,  Fee per Permit and/or other
  3. Do  you have a Car Parking Mobile App.
    1. If Yes:
      1. Who is the provider
      2. When were they appointed
      3. When does the agreement come up for renewal
      4. How many Parking Transactions do you process each year through the Parking App
      5. How much revenue did you generate through the Parking App. During the last financial year (2023/2024)
    2. If no:
      1. Are you intending to engage with a mobile app in the near future.
      2. Are you planning to be part of the National Parking Platform


  1. Do you have a Car Parking Permitting System. How do you manage your car parking permits?

    all permits are processed in house or via our other local councils we work in partnership with.

  2.  Do you have a Car Parking Enforcement System - Yes
    1. Who is the provider - Chipside
    2. When were they appointed - 2008
    3. When does the agreement come up for renewal - April 2027
    4. How many PCNs do you issue
      1. Each year
        • 2019 - 4681
        • 2020 - 3622
        • 2021 - 3522
        • 2022 - 3860
        • 2023 - 4235
        • 2024 - 5167
      2. Across the life of the Agreement -

        We only have data for the last 6 years

    5. Is this provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS). - Yes.
    6. If No, how is the Service procured e.g., Annual Licence,  Fee per Permit and/or other - not applicable
  3. Do  you have a Car Parking Mobile App - Yes.
    1. If Yes:
      1. Who is the provider - RingGo
      2. When were they appointed - November 2018
      3. When does the agreement come up for renewal  - January 2026
      4. How many Parking Transactions do you process each year through the Parking App - transactions processed from October 2023 to September 2024 = 260,941
      5. How much revenue did you generate through the Parking App. During the last financial year (2023/2024) £384,434.50
    2. If no:
      1. Are you intending to engage with a mobile app in the near future - not applicable
      2. Are you planning to be part of the National Parking Platform - decision hasn’t yet been made about if we plan to join the national parking platform.