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Response 1009935

Response to request for information



Response date

8 February 2023


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act to request the following information:

  1. Do you use public space protection orders (PSPO), criminal behaviour orders (CBO) or community protection notices for the purpose of stopping people begging?
  2. If yes, please specify which and how many are in place currently.
  3. How many PSPOs, CBOs or community protection notices were in place to stop begging in January 2019?
  4. Since January 2019 how many fines have been issued for begging? Please provide an annual breakdown.
  5. Since January 2019 how many prosecutions have there been for begging? Please provide an annual breakdown.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits, please provide advice and assistance, as to how I can refine my request.

In any case, if you can identify ways that my request could be refined please provide further advice and assistance to indicate this.


Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 25 January, please see our response below.

  1. Do you use public space protection orders (PSPO), criminal behaviour orders (CBO) or community protection notices for the purpose of stopping people begging? yes
  2. If yes, please specify which and how many are in place currently. One pspo, details are publicly available at PSPO - Rushcliffe Borough Council. The council has not issued any CBO’s. The council has not issued any CPNs for Begging
  3. How many PSPOs, CBOs or community protection notices were in place to stop begging in January 2019? Nil
  4. Since January 2019 how many fines have been issued for begging? Please provide an annual breakdown. Nil
  5. Since January 2019 how many prosecutions have there been for begging? Please provide an annual breakdown. Nil