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Response 1841849

Response to request for information



Response date

6 September 2023


  1. How many incidents of anti-social behaviour were reported in 2022/23 where council tenants were the alleged perpetrators? Please advise both by number of incidents and by number of households accused of being responsible for at least one incident.
  1. How many of the above incidents resulted in any penalty being imposed?
  1. How many of the above incidents resulted in any warning being issued?
  1. How many evictions for anti-social behaviour (ASB) took place from 2022/23?


  1. How many incidents of anti-social behaviour were reported in 2022/23 where council tenants were the alleged perpetrators? Please advise both by number of incidents and by number of households accused of being responsible for at least one incident.
    • Response: The council does not own any domestic properties. We do not keep records of the status of a property on ASB cases records. We can provide the number of cases for all ASB cases made to RBC community safety broken down by ASB type but not by tenure of ownership

  1. How many of the above incidents resulted in any penalty being imposed?
    • Response: We cannot provide this in relation to question 1 for the reasons stated.

  1. How many of the above incidents resulted in any warning being issued?
    • Response: We cannot provide this in relation to question 1. We can provide a list of CPW’s (Community protection warning notice) issued for all ASB cases if required.

  1. How many evictions for anti-social behaviour took place from 2022/23?
    • See answer to 1 above. RBC does not own any domestic properties. As such this is Nil.