Response 2549300
Response to request for information
Response date
28 December 2023
The information I'm requesting is regarding the software contracts that the organisation uses, for the following fields.
Enterprise Resource Planning Software Solution (ERP):
Primary Customer Relationship Management Solution (CRM):
For example, Salesforce, Lagan CRM, Microsoft Dynamics; software of this nature.
Primary Human Resources (HR) and Payroll Software Solution:
For example, iTrent, ResourceLink, HealthRoster; software of this nature.
The organisation’s primary corporate Finance Software Solution:
For example, Agresso, Integra, Sapphire Systems; software of this nature.
- Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?
- The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software. Please do not provide me with the supplier name again please provide me with the actual software name.
- Description of the contract: Can you please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included. Please also list the software modules included in these contracts.
- Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?
- Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?
- Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract.
- Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.
- Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.
- Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provide please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.
- Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number).
- Name of Supplier: Can you please provide me with the software provider for each contract?
We do not have a Primary Human Resources software. Our payroll function is provided by Gedling Borough Council who use ResourceLink
- The brand of the software: Can you please provide me with the actual name of the software. Please do not provide me with the supplier name again please provide me with the actual software name.
We do not have a software contract this function is provided by an external organisation (Gedling Borough Council) - ResourceLink
- Description of the contract: Can you please provide me with detailed information about this contract and please state if upgrade, maintenance and support is included.
We do not have a direct contract with supplier
Please also list the software modules included in these contracts.
Do we do not have a software contract
- Number of Users/Licenses: What is the total number of user/licenses for this contract?
Not applicable
- Annual Spend: What is the annual average spend for each contract?
We do not have a software contract
- Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract please include any available extensions within the contract.
We do not have a software contract
- Contract Start Date: What is the start date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.
We do not have a software contract
- Contract Expiry: What is the expiry date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.
We do not have a software contract
- Contract Review Date: What is the review date of this contract? Please include month and year of the contract. If this cannot be provide please provide me estimates of when the contract is likely to be reviewed. DD-MM-YY or MM-YY.
We do not have a software contract
- Contact Details: I require the full contact details of the person within the organisation responsible for this particular software contract (name, job title, email, contact number).
We do not have a software contract of this nature.
Our Strategic HR Manager – Joanne Wilkinson would be the person responsible for Primary Human Resources (HR) and Payroll Software. Our Strategic HR Manager can be contacted on 0115 914 8561 or at
FOI Responses Contracts and Procurement 2024
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- Response 2572203
- Response 2565629
- Response 2573167
- Response 2575811
- Response 2581316
- Response 2585372
- Response 2619355
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