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Response 2548268

Response to request for information



Response date

28 December 2023


This request relates to uses of the call-in mechanism that forms part of the overview and scrutiny committee system.

If your authority has an overview and scrutiny system please answer the following:

For the past ten years, please confirm how many decisions taken by the council’s cabinet/executive were available for call-in.

Please provide a table showing a breakdown of the following for each year since 2013.

For each year please state how many call-ins there were.

For each call-in please show which committee called them in, what the response was, the topic and provide a link to the relevant committee where the call was discussed.


Rushcliffe Borough Council operates an Executive / Scrutiny Model of Governance. The information is not stored in a way that would make a 10 year retrospective possible in the timescale but I can confirm there have been no call-ins during that time. The following statistics apply to the last three calendar years:

Number of meetings of the Executive: 27

Number of Key Decisions: 6

Number of Call-ins: 0