Response 2581020
Response to request for information
Response date
19 February 2024
Good afternoon. I want to request information about the training and experience the present Planning Committee members have undertaken between the local elections in May 2023 and the Planning Committee meeting on the 6 July 2023.
Planning Committee comprises of 11 councillors and is politically proportionate.
Two training sessions covering planning were held between the election in May 2023 and the planning meeting you specify in July 2023.
The first session, held on 18 May and 30 May, was a general planning training session and was open to all councillors. Seven standing members of the planning committee attended this training (and all three of the substitute members on that particular day).
The second set of training sessions were held on 1 June, 7 June, and 21 June and specifically focused on the workings of the Planning Committee. Under the Council’s Constitution, councillors cannot serve on the Planning Committee until they have undertaken this training. All members of the Planning Committee and all three substitutes present on 6 July had undertaken this training since May 2023.
In addition, you asked about the experience of the councillors on the committee. Looking specifically at those that were in attendance on 6 July, six were newly elected in 2023. Three had been elected since 2015 but the Chair has been a councillor since 2003 and has extensive experience as a councillor, cabinet member, and in terms of his involvement with the planning committee both as a member and the Chair.
FOI Councillors / Democratic Services
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