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Response A1345287

Response to request for information

Response date

15 June 2021


  1. Does the council have a formal policy in place for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors? If yes, please provide a copy.
  2. If no, does the council have any informal arrangements in place by which it would make provisions for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors?
  3. Does the council have a formal policy in place for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for councillors with a Special Responsibility Allowance? If yes, please provide a copy.
  4. If no, does the council have any informal arrangements in place by which it would make provisions for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for councillors with a Special Responsibility Allowance?
  5. Does the council have a formal standards committee?
  6. Does the council have a formal role to oversee member conduct and promote equality (e.g. chair of the standards committee, chief whip, etc.)?
  7. Does the council's Code of Conduct under Section 27(2) of the Localism Act 2011 make any reference to promoting equality or tackling sexism?


  1. Does the council have a formal policy in place for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors? If yes, please provide a copy.
    • No
  2. If no, does the council have any informal arrangements in place by which it would make provisions for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for all councillors?
    • No but when childcare costs were raised as an issue for one councillor attending evening meetings then the council responded to this need.
  3. Does the council have a formal policy in place for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for councillors with a Special Responsibility Allowance? If yes, please provide a copy.
    • No
  4. If no, does the council have any informal arrangements in place by which it would make provisions for maternity, paternity, adoption and kinship care for councillors with a Special Responsibility Allowance?
    • No but see answer to two above
  5. Does the council have a formal standards committee?
    • Yes
  6. Does the council have a formal role to oversee member conduct and promote equality (e.g. chair of the standards committee, chief whip, etc.)?
    • Yes - monitoring officer role to investigate complaints. Following consideration / investigation complaints may be referred to a hearing of the Standards Committee/sub committee for determination of the alleged breach of the code.
  7. Does the council's Code of Conduct under Section 27(2) of the Localism Act 2011 make any reference to promoting equality or tackling sexism?
    • (h) you must promote and support high standards of conduct when serving in your public post, in particular as characterised by the above requirements, by leadership and by example. By respecting others and not bullying, intimidating or harassing person or behaving in an improper or offensive manner (including the use of offensive language or making improper personal remarks to or about individuals, by respecting confidentiality of information you receive, and by not conducting yourself in a manner which is likely to bring the authority into disrepute.
    • Harassment can occur through verbal or written comments (including ones made online). The following list provides some examples but it is, by no means, exhaustive:
      • Unwelcome physical contact such as touching or invading 'personal space';
      • Inappropriate remarks or questioning such as comments about someone's appearance, lewd comments, and offensive jokes (such as ones of a racial, sexual or sectarian nature);
      • Intrusive questioning, including the persistent discussion of a person's sexual practices, misogynistic behaviour, sexual orientation or religious beliefs (either directly or with others); and
      • Sending unwelcome emails, messages or notes; circulating or displaying explicit or inappropriate images.
    • Bullying is inappropriate and unwelcome behaviour which is offensive and intimidating, and which makes an individual or group feel undermined, humiliated or insulted. Again, it is the impact of any behaviour rather than the intent which is the key.