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Response A1345610

Response to request for information

Response date

23 August 2021


  1. Have you declared a climate emergency?

    1. Do you have an action plan or strategy (or equivalent) related to net zero goals?
    2. If yes, is 'Spatial Planning' featured within the action plan/strategy?

    1. Does your 'Local Plan' reflect net zero targets? 
    2. If yes to what year?
    3. If no, does your 'Local Plan Review' plan to include net zero?
    1. Do you have an in-house sustainability (or equivalent) officer/s supporting local planning policy, if yes, the number of officers? 
    2. Who is the key contact at your council? 

    1. What tools do your planners use to support climate planning policy and delivery in your authority? 
    2. Do your planning officers receive climate literacy training or equivalent?
    3. Do you use climate change mitigation as a material consideration in balancing planning applications? 


  1. Have you declared a climate emergency? Yes - principally to deliver the Council's initiatives to reduce operational carbon emissions.

    1. Do you have an action plan or strategy (or equivalent) related to net zero goals? Yes
    2. If yes, is 'Spatial Planning' featured within the action plan/strategy? Yes

    1. Does your 'Local Plan' reflect net zero targets? No
    2. If yes to what year?
    3. If no, does your 'Local Plan Review' plan to include net zero? No but may ask for higher environmental standards.
    1. Do you have an in-house sustainability (or equivalent) officer/s supporting local planning policy, if yes, the number of officers? One officer - employed to deliver the Council's Climate Change Action Plan and deliver initiatives in the community, not directly employed to support local planning policy but feeds into the process.
    2. Who is the key contact at your council? Laura Howlette (due to start work early September), Laura will be a replacement for the previous post holder who recently left the Council.

    1. What tools do your planners use to support climate planning policy and delivery in your authority? None
    2. Do your planning officers receive climate literacy training or equivalent? No
    3. Do you use climate change mitigation as a material consideration in balancing planning applications? In appropriate cases, e.g. recent proposal for a dwelling under paragraph 80 of the NPPF, i.e. is truly outstanding, reflecting the highest standards in architecture, and would help to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas. This sometimes includes environmental credentials.