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Response A1345832

Response to request for information

Response date

22 October 2021


Please may you provide me with details of:

  1. The Council’s carbon footprint in tonnes of CO2 emissions per year across your built assets, including:
    1. Housing
    2. Facilities
    3. Offices
    4. Any other council-owned buildings
  2. Do you have a plan in place to reduce carbon emissions from your built assets?


  1. The Council’s carbon footprint in tonnes of CO2 emissions per year across your built assets, including: Please note Rushcliffe Borough Council do not own any council housing properties. All properties of this kind in the borough are owned by an independent 3rd party 
    1. Housing - Please note Rushcliffe Borough Council do not own any council housing properties. All properties of this kind in the borough are owned by an independent 3rd party
    2. Facilities
    3. Offices
    4. Any other council-owned buildings
  2. Do you have a plan in place to reduce carbon emissions from your built assets? Yes, we have a carbon reduction commitment to be carbon neutral for our own operations by 2030 and have a carbon management action plan in place - both are available to view on the Rushcliffe Borough Website 

2020/21 data is currently unavailable. The total carbon footprint for 2019/20 was 1383tco2e. I am unable to provide the detail on a building by building basis, however I have provided a summary breakdown. Please let me know if this meets your needs.