Response A1346489
Response to request for information
Response date
10 March 2022
Please detail the number of trees that have been cut down by your council in the last 3 years. Break down the figures by year and tree species. Please detail the number of trees that have been planted by your council in the last 3 years. Break down the figure by year and tree species.
The public free tree scheme has supplied (supplied too and planted by member of the public):
- 2018/19 = 1386 total trees; by species = 742 Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) and 644 Field Maple (Acer campestre) to 724 addresses
- 2019/20 = 4161 total trees; by species = 2,016 Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) and 2,145 Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) to 2,204 addresses
- 2020/21 = 1,929 total trees; by species = 873 Crab Apple and 1056 Hazel trees to 1003 residents;
- 2021/22 = 1,200 total trees; by species = 579 Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) and 621 Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) delivered to 631 addresses.
Through the Parish and Community tree scheme we have supplied :
2018/19 = 149 trees to 21 parishes and communities;
- 10x Alder (Alnus glutinosa);
- 11x Aspen (Populus tremula);
- 3x Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana ‘chanticleer’);
- 18x Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris),
- 20x English Oak (Quercus robur);
- 25x Field Maple (Acer campestre);
- 6x Large Leaved Lime (Tilia platyphyllos);
- 6x Small-leaved Lime (Tilia cordata;
- 1x Bird Cherry (Prunus padus ‘Abertii’);
- 4x Prunus Pandora; 45x Wild Cherry (Prunus avium);
- 3x Whitebeam (Sorbus aria);
- 1x white willow (Salix alba).
2019/20 = 210 trees to 22 parishes and communities;
- 24 x Alder (Alnus glutinosa);
- 8 x Aspen (Populus tremula);
- 15 x Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris);
- 36x English Oak (Quercus robur);
- 32 x Field Maple (Acer campestre);
- 7 x Large Leaved Lime (Tilia platyphyllos);
- 38 x Small Leaved Lime (Tilia cordata);
- 45 x Wild Cherry (Prunus avium);
- 5 x White Willow (Salix alba).
2020/21 = 146 trees and 300 hedging plants (Hornbeam) to 17 parishes and communities.
- 7x Alder (Alnus glutinosa);
- 13x Aspen (Populus tremula);
- 2x Bird Cherry (Prunus padus);
- 26x Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris);
- 34x English Oak (Quercus robur);
- 17x Field Maple (Acer campestre);
- 3x Large-leaved lime (Tilia platyphyllos);
- 8x Small-leaved Lime (Tilia cordata);
- 1 + 300 hedge Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus);
- 14x White Willow (Salix alba); 21 x Wild Cherry (Prunus avium).
2021/22 = 161 trees to 14 Parishes and Communities
- 2x Alder (Alnus glutinosa);
- 4x Aspen (Populus tremula);
- 2x Bird Cherry (Prunus padus);
5x Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris); - 35x English Oak (Quercus robur);
- 30x Field Maple (Acer campestre);
- 3x Hazel (Corylus avellana);
- 5x Large-leaved lime (Tilia platyphyllos);
- 33x Small-leaved Lime (Tilia cordata);
- 3x White Willow (Salix alba);
- 24x Wild Cherry (Prunus avium);
- 7x Common Whitebeam (Sorbus aria);
- 8x Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus).
Trees removed: 21/22 3x Goat Willow at The Hook (replanted within scheme above).
From our estates team
Trees planted 2019-20
- Beech - 50
- Cherry - 12
- Hawthorn - 270
- Hazel - 25
- Lime - 1
- Oak - 1
- Rowan - 1
Trees planted 2020-21
- Blackthorn - 60
- Cheery - 72
- Hawthorn - 30
- Hornbeam - 7
- Lime - 42
- Maple - 62
- Oak - 42
- Rowan - 2
- Sweet chestnut - 1
Trees planted 2021-22
- Birch - 1
- Cherry - 13
- Hawthorn - 120
- Hornbeam - 4
- Lime - 1
- Liquidambar - 1
- Maple - 18
- Oak -1
- Pear - 2
- Rowan - 2
Trees felled 2019-20
- Alder - 1
- Ash - 15
- Beech - 1
- Cheery - 8
- Dead/not identified - 11
- Elder - 1
- Elm - 1
- Hawthorn 8
- Horse chestnut - 1
- Lime - 1
- London plane -1
- Maple - 10
- Poplar - 4
- Scots pine - 1
- Silver birch - 4
- Sycamore - 2
- Whitebeam - 5
- Willow - 3
Trees felled 2020-21
- Cherry - 4
- Elder - 1
- Elm - 6
- Hawthorn - 3
- Lime - 1
- Maple - 2
- Not recorded - 68
- Sycamore - 4
- Group - 1
Trees felled 2021-22
- Cherry - 1
- Conifer - 1
- Not recorded - 68