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Response A1345325

Response to request for information



Response date

6 July 2021


Compulsory Purchase Orders and Enforced Sales arranged by the Council in last 5 years:

  1. How many such procedure (CPO and Enforcement Sales) has the Council enforced in last 5 years.
  2. In each case please disclose:
    1.  The address of the property
    2.  The name of the owner and the person entitled to the proceeds
    3.  The amount of the money raised as the result of these orders in each procedure
    4.  Where the monies are held.

Properties under Exemption F tax code:

  1. Please provide us with the list of addresses classified under the Exemption F tax code.
  2. Whether the list is published
    1. How often the list is updated
    2. When was the list updated last
    3. Who is responsible for Empty Homes matters, please provide us with their names and contact details.


Compulsory Purchase Orders and Enforced Sales arranged by the Council in last 5 years:

  1. How many such procedure (CPO and Enforcement Sales) has the Council enforced in last 5 years. We have done 1 Enforced Sale.
  2. In each case please disclose:
    1.  The address of the property - 50 Rutland Road, NG2.
    2.  The name of the owner and the person entitled to the proceeds - Not covered by FOI, unable to release personal details.
    3.  The amount of the money raised as the result of these orders in each procedure - The property sold at auction for £277,000.
    4.  Where the monies are held. No monies are held by Rushcliffe Borough Council.

Properties under Exemption F tax code:

  1. Please provide us with the list of addresses classified under the Exemption F tax code - The Council Tax database is not a public document and cannot be disclosed via an FOI.
  2. Whether the list is published
    1. How often the list is updated - Not applicable.
    2. When was the list updated last - Not applicable.
    3. Who is responsible for Empty Homes matters, please provide us with their names and contact details. Gary Pickering - please speak with Nick Beetham regarding this matter.