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Response 1818387

Response to request for information



Response date

31 July 2023


  1. Please can you provide me with the names, job titles, contact numbers and email addresses of the Head of Regulatory Services and Head of Environmental Health.
  1. Details of your current licensing platform/ systems relating to Regulatory Services/ Environmental Health including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract. For example, Northgate, Idox, Civica, Verso, Jadu.


  1. Please can you provide me with the names, job titles, contact numbers and email addresses of the Head of Regulatory Services and Head of Environmental Health. 

    The  councils structures is available in our Constitution which contains senior management names and roles. The is no designated role of Head of Regulatory Services.

    The most relevant senior managers are:

    Mr Dave Banks Executive Manager Neighbourhoods

    Mr Geoff Carpenter Service Manager - Public Protection

  1. Details of your current licensing platform/ systems relating to Regulatory Services/ Environmental Health including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract. For example, Northgate, Idox, Civica, Verso, Jadu.

    Idox, the details of which can be found on our contracts register at Contracts register (