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Response 3566317

Response to request for information



Response date

10 October 2024


  1. How many home adaptations were delivered in the following financial years under the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)?
  2. How many of the home adaptations delivered, as outlined in question 1, related to a) under-18s, and b) adults aged between 18 and 64?
  3. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the resident’s initial enquiry?
  4. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the initial enquiry for cases relating to under-18s?
  5. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the initial enquiry for cases relating to those aged 18-64?
  6. Among residents whose DFG enquiries or applications remain open, what is the longest amount of time a case has been ongoing (in days)? Please provide a figure from the point at which the resident first enquired about a home adaptation.
  7. Did the case in question 6 relate to an individual aged i) under-18, ii) 16-64 or iii) 65 and over?
  8. What was the total cost of the home adaptations delivered under the DFG in each of the following financial years?
  9. Do you use discretionary powers to top up grants?


  1. How many home adaptations were delivered in the following financial years under the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)?
    1. 2019-20 - 53
    2. 2020-21 - 70
    3. 2021-22 - 84
    4. 2022-23 - 68
    5. 2023-24 - 65
  2. How many of the home adaptations delivered, as outlined in question 1, related to a) under-18s, and b) adults aged between 18 and 64?
    1. 2019-20 - a = 5; b = 24
    2. 2020-21 - a = 10; b = 28
    3. 2021-22 - a = 14; b = 27
    4. 2022-23 - a = 10; b = 30
    5. 2023-24 - a = 6; b = 35
  3. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the resident’s initial enquiry?
    1. 2019-20 - 132
    2. 2020-21 - 140
    3. 2021-22 - 249
    4. 2022-23 - 309
    5. 2023-24 - 430
  4. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the initial enquiry for cases relating to under-18s?
    1. 2019-20
    2. 2020-21
    3. 2021-22
    4. 2022-23
    5. 2023-24 - 715
  5. Of home adaptations delivered under the DFG in the following financial years, what was the average amount of time, in days, for a home adaptation to be completed from the time of the initial enquiry for cases relating to those aged 18-64?
    1. 2019-20
    2. 2020-21
    3. 2021-22
    4. 2022-23
    5. 2023-24 - 486
  6. Among residents whose DFG enquiries or applications remain open, what is the longest amount of time a case has been ongoing (in days)? Please provide a figure from the point at which the resident first enquired about a home adaptation.

    Note: Please understand ‘first enquired’ as the first contact made by/on behalf of the resident with the local authority regarding a home adaptation, rather than the point at which an application was formally submitted. If such timeframes cannot be calculated because the data is not accessible in this format, please provide timeframes using the nearest data you have available, and explain what this timeframe relates to.

    • 1709 This is calculated from the date the resident first enquired.

  7. Did the case in question 6 relate to an individual aged:
    1. under-18, 
    2. 16-64 or
    3. 65 and over?
      • 16-64
  8. What was the total cost of the home adaptations delivered under the DFG in each of the following financial years?
    1. 2019-20 - £464,015
    2. 2020-21 - £524,460
    3. 2021-22 - £827,240
    4. 2022-23 - £858,930
    5. 2023-24 - £996,065
  9. Do you use discretionary powers to top up grants?

    At the current time we are unable to approve discretionary top up grants because we do not have sufficient resources available to fund other referrals that have been passed to the Authority by the Occupational Therapy Service.