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Response 3613549

Response to request for information



Response date

21 January 2025


  1. Please provide information on the number of individuals on your social housing waiting list who require accessible social housing:
    1. Provide the overall total number of people on the waiting list for a type of accessible social housing
    2. Include a breakdown of the number of people on the waiting list per type of accessible housing, according to your own accessible housing categorisation system. Accessible housing categorisation types vary by local authority. Examples of how properties may be categorised include, but at not limited to: Mobility Level 1, 2, 3; Part M Building Regulations 2010 – Cat 1 (M4(1)) Cat 2 (M4(2)) Cat 3 (M4(3)); Accessible Housing Register – Categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G
  2. Please provide a breakdown of your overall housing stock by accessibility level. As stated above, the accessibility categorisation of properties varies between councils, please present the information using the council’s own categorisation system. Please include properties that are unclassified in your breakdown.
  3. Please provide a breakdown of all newbuild dwellings approvals and completions in your council area by both Building Regulations Part M4 standard (M4(2), M4(3) etc) and tenure type (market, social rented, discount market sale etc, or the tenure breakdown you measure by) in the year beginning 1st January 2022 ending 31st December 2022.


    1. This information is not currently specifically recorded in a format that can be accurately reported.
    2. This information is not currently specifically recorded in a format that can be accurately reported.
  1. Rushcliffe Borough Council are not a stock holding authority.
  2. M4(3) 0 we didn't formally secure any through legal obligations
    M4(2) this information is not available as we have no policy requirement for this standard.
    For the year 2022 newbuild completions by tenure type are:-
    Affordable Rent – 81
    Social Rent – 65
    Shared Ownership - 83