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Response 3630398

Response to request for information



Response date

13 February 2025


Our client is gathering information on council compliance with the public sector equality duty in England and Wales, in particular with regards the 3 aims of the public sector equality duty, namely:

  1. Aim - Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation
  2. Aim - Advance equality of opportunity between Disabled people and non-Disabled people
  3. Aim - Foster good relations between Disabled people and non-Disabled people


In accordance with s.149 Equality Act 2010, we request that you provide us with a copy of:

  1. your most recent and your historical written compliance record; and
    • Please confirm what specific compliance record you are requesting? The Council completed an equality impact assessment in respect of its Housing Allocations Policy.
  2. any other information you have recorded / hold about the impact of requiring Disabled people and non-Disabled people applying for housing and homeless assistance under either Part 6 or Part 7 Housing Act 1996 to complete application forms (or otherwise communicate)
    • Applicants applying for assistance under Part 6 and/or Part 7 Housing Act 1996 are able to access assistance online, via telephone and face to face appointments if required.