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Response A1346026

Response to request for information



Response date

7 December 2021


How many people were on your council housing waiting list in the followings financial years, please: 

If you could provide a number beside each year, that'd be great. 

  1. April 2016-17
  2. April 2017-18
  3. April 2018-19
  4. April 2019-20
  5. April 2020-21


  1. April 2016-17 - 1079
  2. April 2017-18 - 1082
  3. April 2018-19 - 1132
  4. April 2019-20 - 1158
  5. April 2020-21 - 1168


NB: Due to reporting restrictions the figures above are the total number of applications to join the housing register and will include active and non-active applications, i.e did not qualify.