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Response A1346413

Response to request for information



Response date

2 February 2022


Care Providers - supported living
How many care providers of Supported Living for adults with learning disabilities/mental health does the council have contracts with? If possible, please list these providers.

Accommodation classed as supported living:
A list of supported living accommodation providers (social landlords, voluntary providers, housing associations .etc) that the council has contracts with, or has individuals in placement with, that have a learning disability or mental health difficulty.


Care Providers - supported living
How many care providers of Supported Living for adults with learning disabilities/mental health does the council have contracts with? If possible, please list these providers.

None we are a stock transfer authority.

Accommodation classed as supported living:
A list of supported living accommodation providers (social landlords, voluntary providers, housing associations .etc) that the council has contracts with, or has individuals in placement with, that have a learning disability or mental health difficulty.
