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Response 1060891

Response to request for information



Response date

10 March 2023


  1. Does your Council provide a Careline/Warden Call service to residents? If your answer is No, then please return FOI but disregard questions 2-10
  2. How many connections (approximately) do you have? Please detail…Dispersed/  Hardwired (independent living), Hardwired (extra care)
  3. Do you use an external provider for Careline monitoring? If so, can you please detail:
    • Name of monitoring centre/ provider with contract start/end date
    • Not applicable as council run (disregard questions 5-9 and answer questions 4 & 10 only)
  4. Do you have any intention to outsource your Careline monitoring in the next 3 years?
  5. What is the annual value of your monitoring contract?
  6. What is the ‘per connection’ charge of your monitoring contract (per week/month/annual as preferred)?
  7. Are happy with the performance of your careline monitoring provider?
  8. What tender framework/ portal does the council use for the procurement of careline monitoring?
  9. For your future monitoring services tender, will you include equipment maintenance/upgrades or keep separate?
  10. Who is the main person(s)/ decision maker (s) or team – who would be responsible for your Telecare monitoring centre - name/title/direct dial number/email?


  1. Does your Council provide a Careline/Warden Call service to residents? If your answer is No, then please return FOI but disregard questions 2-10
    • Yes, home alarm service
  2. How many connections (approximately) do you have? Please detail…Dispersed/  Hardwired (independent living), Hardwired (extra care) 
    • approx. 1000 dispersed connections
  3. Do you use an external provider for Careline monitoring? If so, can you please detail:
    • Name of monitoring centre/ provider with contract start/end date - yes external monitoring provider (Tunstall) 
    • Not applicable as council run (disregard questions 5-9 and answer questions 4 & 10 only) - contract start date 1.6.18 end date 31.5.24
  4. Do you have any intention to outsource your Careline monitoring in the next 3 years? No
  5. What is the annual value of your monitoring contract? £26k
  6. What is the ‘per connection’ charge of your monitoring contract (per week/month/annual as preferred)? 0.48 per week
  7. Are happy with the performance of your careline monitoring provider? - Satisfactory
  8. What tender framework/ portal does the council use for the procurement of careline monitoring? - Northern Housing Consortium
  9. For your future monitoring services tender, will you include equipment maintenance/upgrades or keep separate? Procure equipment via ESPO and will keep separate to the monitoring provider
  10. Who is the main person(s)/ decision maker (s) or team – who would be responsible for your Telecare monitoring centre - name/title/direct dial number/email?

Donna Dwyer, Strategic Housing Manager, 0115 9148275