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Response 3558601

Response to request for information



Response date

17 September 2024


  1. Please can you confirm your expenditure on agency staff for the most recent year available broken down by service and where the information is available also the role.
  2. Can you confirm if you use a vendor (such as Matrix) or engage with agencies directly.
  3. Can you confirm which frameworks you use.
  4. Please confirm if you have any off-framework spend and the % of the total spend this represents.


  1. Please can you confirm your expenditure on agency staff for the most recent year available broken down by service and where the information is available also the role.
    Service Area Department/Role Total
    Economic Growth and Development  Crematorium  £3,742.12
    Strategic Housing  Disabled Facilities Grant Team  £29,747.25
    Public Protection  Environmental Health Officer  £86,144.11
    Streetwise  Grounds maintenance  £35,573.18
    Streetwise  Street cleansing  £55,537.95
    Streetwise  General  £2,124.44
    Waste Collection  Refuse loaders and HGV drivers  £233,591.82
    ICT  ICT  £91,425.27
    Planning  Planning officer  £191,647.28


  2. Can you confirm if you use a vendor (such as Matrix) or engage with agencies directly.

    We engage directly with agencies

  3. Can you confirm which frameworks you use.

    We do not use a framework

  4. Please confirm if you have any off-framework spend and the % of the total spend this represents.

    Not applicable