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Response A1345395

Response to request for information



Response date

26 July 2021


For the purposes of this Freedom of Information Act Request, Senior Officer Roles include Statutory Officers (Chief Executive, s151 Officer and Monitoring Officers), Executive Directors (and their deputies) and Senior Managers.

1) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles also perform the Statutory Officer Roles of:

1.1 s151 Officer

1.2 Monitoring Officer

1.3 Please provide the names of the individuals currently performing these Statutory Officer Roles.

1.4 Please provide the names and current roles of the Deputy s151 and Deputy Monitoring Officer.

2) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles are performed by people on reduced hours, part-time or employed for less the 5-working days per week.

3) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles are performed by people whose services are shared with other local authorities.

3.1 Where this is the case, please give no. of hours or days per week the Senior Officer is employed by this local authority and

3.2 Give the name of the other local authority / authorities by which the Senior Officer is also employed.

4) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles are performed by people on a contractual basis who are not employees of this local authority.

5) Please advise which Senior Officer roles are currently interim roles.


1) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles also perform the Statutory Officer Roles of:

1.1 s151 Officer - Executive Manager Finance and Corporate Services, DCE, Performance and Risk

1.2 Monitoring Officer - Service Manager Legal Services

1.3 Please provide the names of the individuals currently performing these Statutory Officer Roles.

s151 Officer - Peter Linfield

Monitoring Officer - Sanjit Sull

1.4 Please provide the names and current roles of the Deputy s151 and Deputy Monitoring Officer.

Deputy s151 Officer – Sarah Whittaker (Service Manager Finance)

Deputy Monitoring Officer - NA

2) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles are performed by people on reduced hours, part-time or employed for less the 5-working days per week.

None (NB Includes Chief Executive, s151 Officer, Monitoring Officer, Executive Directors and their Service Managers)

3) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles are performed by people whose services are shared with other local authorities.


3.1 Where this is the case, please give no. of hours or days per week the Senior Officer is employed by this local authority and

3.2 Give the name of the other local authority / authorities by which the Senior Officer is also employed.

4) Please advise which Senior Officer Roles are performed by people on a contractual basis who are not employees of this local authority.


5) Please advise which Senior Officer roles are currently interim roles.
