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Response 1060578

Response to request for information



Response date

22 March 2023


  1. Does your authority have an Equalities Officer or a role that includes responsibility for Equalities ? If Yes, please provide: Job Title, name of team, service & Directorate they are within?

If No, how do you ensure Equality Act is complied with ? or advice relating to Equality issues?

  1. Does your authority have Data Analyst Officers (or Data Insight Officer / Data Performance Officer) or a role that includes corporate data analysis ? If Yes, please provide: Job Title, name of team, service & Directorate they are within?


Thank you for your freedom of information request received on March 7, please see our response below.

  1. Does your authority have an Equalities Officer or a role that includes responsibility for Equalities ? If Yes, please provide: Job Title, name of team, service & Directorate they are within ?

No – we do not have a specific role for equalities

If No, how do you ensure Equality Act is complied with ? or advice relating to Equality issues ?

-All employees are required to complete Equality and Diversity Training on an ongoing certification basis.

-We have a nominated officer who attends the East Midlands Council Equality and Diversity Group.

-We hold an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group who led on delivering our equality and diversity action plans.

-We ensure Equality Impact Assessments are updated in line with any policy changes to ensure we are actively assessing the impact on specific groups and reducing and eliminating disadvantage.

  1. Does your authority have Data Analyst Officers (or Data Insight Officer / Data Performance Officer) or a role that includes corporate data analysis ? If Yes, please provide: Job Title, name of team, service & Directorate they are within ?

We do not have a specific role within the Council which specifically focuses on Data Analytics