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Response 1123377

Response to request for information



Response date

8 June 2023


This is an information request relating to whether the council has been in contact with researchers and campaigners for a four day working week

Please include the following information:

  • Whether or not the council has been in contact with Liz Watts, a PhD student from the University of West of England and chief executive of SCDC, regarding a four-day working week trial
  • If so, please provide the following details: who contacted whom first, why contact was made, what was the outcome of the discussion?. In particular: did Liz Watts ask the council if they would be willing to run a four-day working week trial, or did the council offer to run a four-day working week trial? If the former, what was the council’s response to the request?
  • If possible, please provide copies of all emails between the council and Ms Watts

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.


  • Whether or not the council has been in contact with Liz Watts, a PhD student from the University of West of England and chief executive of SCDC, regarding a four-day working week trial

No, the council has not been in contact with the above

  • If so, please provide the following details: who contacted whom first, why contact was made, what was the outcome of the discussion?. In particular: did Liz Watts ask the council if they would be willing to run a four-day working week trial, or did the council offer to run a four-day working week trial? If the former, what was the council’s response to the request?


  • If possible, please provide copies of all emails between the council and Ms Watts