Response 1137206
Response to request for information
Response date
14 June 2023
- How many permanent/Fixed term Contract (FTC) hires did you make in the calendar year 2022?
- How do you manage permanent recruitment? E.g. internal team, outsourced etc.
- If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end?
- How much did you spend in a year on permanent recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?? Please include any advertising costs and fees paid to agencies.
- How many agency hires in a year did you make in 2022?
- How do you manage the recruitment of Agency staff? E.g. a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service? Where do you advertise permanent / FTC and temporary roles currently?
- If the answer to question 6 involves a 3rd party, when does this contract expire? When will you decide on the future method & procurement? Who is the 3rd party?
- On average how many temporary staff did you have engaged on a monthly basis(as an average) for 2022?
- How much did you spend in a year on Agency temporary recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?
- How many permanent/Fixed term Contract (FTC) hires did you make in the calendar year 2022? 55
- How do you manage permanent recruitment? E.g. internal team, outsourced etc.
We have an internal HR team who manage our recruitment
- If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end? Not applicable
- How much did you spend in a year on permanent recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?? Please include any advertising costs and fees paid to agencies. £55,209
- How many agency hires in a year did you make in 2022?
For the financial year of 2022/23 we made 5 hires from an agency, and we had 123 agency/temporary workers during this period.
- How do you manage the recruitment of Agency staff? E.g. a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service?We do not have a vend provider or managed service. If we require agency cover we will contact an agency directly. Where do you advertise permanent / FTC and temporary roles currently?
We advertise our roles on the usual jobs boards including Indeed, Jobsite, Total jobs, Monster. We also advertise on our main RBC website Rushcliffe - Jobs and on our social media channels.
There may be occasions in specialist areas where our jobs our advertised in particular magazine’s or publications.
- If the answer to question 6 involves a 3rd party, when does this contract expire? When will you decide on the future method & procurement? Who is the 3rd party? Not applicable
- On average how many temporary staff did you have engaged on a monthly basis(as an average) for 2022?
For the financial year of 2022/23 we had 123 agency/temporary workers over a 12 month period.
- How much did you spend in a year on Agency temporary recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?
For the financial year of 2022/23 our spend on agency temporary recruitment was £925,811
This information is available on our RBC website please use the link below.
FOI Responses Human Resources 2023
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- Response 988845
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- Response 1005779
- Response 1017025
- Response 1017007
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- Response 1010673
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- Response 1060578
- Response 1074346
- Response 1083037
- Response 1092789
- Response 1104065
- Response 1123377
- Response 1137206
- Response 1803167
- Response 1802476
- Response 1800773
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- Response 1828594
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- Response 2532509
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- Response 2541878
- Response 2540832
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