Response 3570393
Response to request for information
Response date
11 October 2024
- The details of any office accommodation your organisation provides to staff to carry out trade union business. Please include details of:
- space measured in square feet
- how much of this space is contained within entirely separate buildings (i.e. occupied solely by staff carrying out trade union business)
- whether a professional valuation of the market rental value of the space has been sought either in-house or externally, and if so, what the valuation of the space was
- any charges the council levy for office space given to trade unions.
- Do you deduct trade union subscriptions for any of your employees via payroll (sometimes known as the "check off" system)? If so, do you charge a fee to the trade unions concerned for providing this service?
- With regard to trade union facility time, please provide the total cost of facility time from your pay bill for the financial year 2023/24 and the budget for the current financial year. Please also advise the current number of employees that you fund to be union officials, measured as full time equivalents? (For guidance on definitions please refer to the Government's Transparency Code for local government.
- Please advise any estimates for other costs met for those staff on trade union facility time apart from salaries - including travel expenses, office supplies, telephone expenses and energy bills.
- No additional space is allocated
- Yes
- For 23/24 it was £54.06. We have less than 1 full time equivalent. Budget has been set at £200 for 24/25
- Nil
FOI Responses Human Resources 2024
- Response 2545413
- Response 2558604
- Response 2553959
- Response 2564673
- Response 2553976
- Response 2569524
- Response 2570277
- Response 2572548
- Response 2569525
- Response 2569518
- Response 2569564
- Response 2569030
- Response 2572688
- Response 2574540
- Response 2580213
- Response 2599912
- Response 3390348
- Response 3482130
- Response 3479140
- Response 3517418
- Response 3519533
- Response 3532694
- Response 3535825
- Response 3536260
- Response 3547927
- Response 3558601
- Response 3562314
- Response 3558599
- Response 3550872
- Response 3565838
- Response 3566185
- Response 3566807
- Response 3566693
- Response 3570393
- Response 3575702
- Response 3578796
- Response 3586664
- Response 3593455
- Response 3600075
- Response 3600245
- Response 3588905
- Response 3604125