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Response 1044790

Response to request for information



Response date

24 February 2023


Please could you provide answers to the following questions:

  1. Which standards does your council currently adhere to (i.e. ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials etc.)
  2. Which team/department/individual is responsible for managing compliance?
  3. If compliance is managed by an internal staff member, what role(s) is this
  4. Has cybersecurity been set as a priority for 2023?
  5. What software / systems does your council currently use to manage your compliance, and any related documentation?
  6. If software / a system is currently in place, when does the current contract with that supplier expire?
  7. If software / a system is currently in place, when did it last go out for procurement?
  8. What is your current budget for compliance & compliance solutions?


Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 22 February, please see our response below.

  1. Which standards does your council currently adhere to (i.e. ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials etc.)
  2. Which team/department/individual is responsible for managing compliance?

ICT Services: Matthew Doar – ICT Service Support Manager

  1. If compliance is managed by an internal staff member, what role(s) is this

ICT Service Support Manager

  1. Has cybersecurity been set as a priority for 2023?

Cyber Security a priority for the Council and included in the ICT Strategy found on our main website.

  1. What software / systems does your council currently use to manage your compliance, and any related documentation?
  2. If software / a system is currently in place, when does the current contract with that supplier expire?
  3. If software / a system is currently in place, when did it last go out for procurement?
  4. What is your current budget for compliance & compliance solutions?

All questions left unanswered is because I am unable to release the information requested as the information is exempt from disclosure by virtue of section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Section 31(1)(a) states that the information is exempt if its’ disclosure would be likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime.