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Response 2640748

Response to request for information



Response date

05 April 2024


  1. Number of Licensed Breeders: The total number of licensed breeders within your authority as of the end of 2023.
  2. Licence Applications and Approvals for 2023
    1. The number of new licence applications received in 2023.
    2. The number of new licences approved in 2023.
    3. The number of licence renewal applications received in 2023.
    4. The number of licence renewals approved in 2023.
  3. Inspections:
    1. The total number of inspections undertaken in 2023.
  4. Licence Revocations:
    1. Details of any licences that were revoked during 2023, including the reasons for revocation.
  5. Complaints:
    1. The number of complaints received in 2023 related to licensed breeders.
    2. The nature of these complaints and any subsequent actions taken.
  6. Litters Recorded:
    1. The total number of litters and puppies in each litter recorded by each licence holder in 2023.


  1. Number of Licensed Breeders: The total number of licensed breeders within your authority as of the end of 2023. 4
  2. Licence Applications and Approvals for 2023
    1. The number of new licence applications received in 2023. nil
    2. The number of new licences approved in 2023. nil
    3. The number of licence renewal applications received in 2023. nil
    4. The number of licence renewals approved in 2023. nil
  3. Inspections:
    1. The total number of inspections undertaken in 2023. nil
  4. Licence Revocations:
    1. Details of any licences that were revoked during 2023, including the reasons for revocation. nil
  5. Complaints:
    1. The number of complaints received in 2023 related to licensed breeders. nil in relation to licensed premises
    2. The nature of these complaints and any subsequent actions taken. N/A
  6. Litters Recorded:
    1. The total number of litters and puppies in each litter recorded by each licence holder in 2023. not recorded