Response 3543958
Response to request for information
Response date
14 August 2024
- The number of new and renewed taxi (Hackney Carriage) driver licenses you have granted.
- The number of new and renewed Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) driver licenses you have granted.
- The number of taxi licences granted to drivers with criminal convictions.
- The number of PHV licenses granted to drivers with criminal convictions.
- In the cases of those with convictions in relation to Question 3 and Question 4:
- The nature and date of conviction.
- Whether said driver’s conviction was known at the time of the licence being approved.
- In each case, the current licence status of the driver.
- The criteria/policy that is applied when deciding on an application from a driver with a current/spent conviction.
- How many times have you checked the national database on driver revocations/refusals?
- How many have had licenses removed due to that?
- The number of new and renewed taxi (Hackney Carriage) driver licenses you have granted.
We issue a Combine Hackney/Private Hire Driver Licence. From 01/08/2022 and 07/08/2024 RBC has issues 297 Combined Licences.
- The number of new and renewed Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) driver licenses you have granted.
We issue a Combine Hackney/Private Hire Driver Licence. From 01/08/2022 and 07/08/2024 RBC has issues 297 Combined Licences.
- The number of taxi licences granted to drivers with criminal convictions.
We do not keep a record of convictions in electronic format. This would require an in-depth search and examination of current and past files.
Each application is taken on its own merits in line with the RBC HC/PH Policy 2020-2025.
- The number of PHV licenses granted to drivers with criminal convictions. As above in 3.
- In the cases of those with convictions in relation to Question 3 and Question 4:
We do not keep a record of convictions in electronic format. This would require an in-depth search and examination of current and past files.
- The nature and date of conviction. Not able to extract the information it is not stored electronically and may or may not be kept as part of an application.
- Whether said driver’s conviction was known at the time of the licence being approved. This information would have been available through production of a DBS but not through an Update Service Check.
- In each case, the current licence status of the driver. Refer to questions 1 & 2.
- The criteria/policy that is applied when deciding on an application from a driver with a current/spent conviction. This is published in our policy
- How many times have you checked the national database on driver revocations/refusals?
The NR3S is checked on each new or renewal application. From the government stats as of 1 April 2024, 186 searches were undertaken.
- How many have had licenses removed due to that? I take it the applicant means the NR3S check, since 01/08/2022 we have refused 4 drivers in which NR3S checks would have played part of the refusal process.
FOI Responses Licensing 2024
- Response 2560396
- Response 2565093
- Response 2569477
- Response 2578262
- Response 2640748
- Response 3485303
- Response 3495034
- Response 3514057
- Response 3518611
- Response 3531355
- Response 3533026
- Response 3543958
- Response to Freedom of Information request for 3554640
- Response to Freedom of Information request for 3565597
- Response to Freedom of Information request for 3584021
- Response 3585400
- Response to Freedom of Information request for 3597481
- Response to Freedom of Information request for 3597532