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Response 1850730

Response to request for information



Response date

9 October 2023


This is an information request relating to the MJ Awards.

Please include the following information, for the 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019 awards:

  • The total amount the council spent from its own budget attending each award ceremony
  • The number of representatives from the council that attended each ceremony (please provide a breakdown of the number of councillors and council officials)
  • The cost of travel for each year, including the mode and class
  • The cost of accommodation for each year, including the name of the hotel or other form of accommodation
  • The agenda for each awards ceremony, including details of the food and drink available, if these documents are available


  • The total amount the council spent from its own budget attending each award ceremony
    Rushcliffe Borough Council only attended one MJ Awards during the years listed and that was in 2023. The total amount spent was £9597.80 inclusive of the items split out below.
  • The number of representatives from the council that attended each ceremony (please provide a breakdown of the number of councillors and council officials)
    Rushcliffe Borough Council paid for 3 individuals to attend as part of the application presentation this included, The leader of the council, The CEX and 1 officer
    Rushcliffe had 22 representatives attend the actual Awards which consisted of 15 employees, 6 Cllrs and the Ex-Leader of the council as the award related to the period he was in tenure.
  • The cost of travel for each year, including the mode and class
    The total cost of travel was £2,368.16, Made up of
    • Taxi Fares £67.60
    • First Class Train Travel £305.45
    • Standard Train Travel £1995.11
  • The cost of accommodation for each year, including the name of the hotel or other form of accommodation
    Rushcliffe stayed overnight in advance of the Application presentation due to the event starting at 9am and on the day of the presentation, this was due to proposed rail and underground strike. The cost for the 3 representatives was £954.00. The hotel stayed at was The Clermont Victoria which was selected due to its location to the presentation.
  • The agenda for each awards ceremony, including details of the food and drink available, if these documents are available
    The 2023 event brochure contains the running order etc, We do not have an agenda. Rushcliffe did book standard tables, the table price includes the food and some drink (fixed price not dependent on menu choice) but we do not have a menu.