Response 3535316
Response to request for information
Response date
30 July 2024
- How much budget is allocated to helping people in the local community quit smoking each year? Please provide the most up to date information possible, either for 2023 or 2024. We define 'quit smoking' as any campaigns, marketing, events, health services, resources, or groups in the local area that are specifically created to help people on their journey to quitting smoking and how much this costs the council each year, either for 2023 or 2024?
- Do you offer free 'e-cigarettes' or Vapes as part of your quit smoking strategy?
- How much budget is allocated to helping people in the local community quit smoking each year? Please provide the most up to date information possible, either for 2023 or 2024. We define 'quit smoking' as any campaigns, marketing, events, health services, resources, or groups in the local area that are specifically created to help people on their journey to quitting smoking and how much this costs the council each year, either for 2023 or 2024?
ABL Your Health Notts is the commissioned service responsible for delivering smoking cessation services in Rushcliffe through Nottinghamshire County Council public health . While the borough council has provided brief interventions and signposting for smoking cessation through existing budgets, it has not done so in a formalised, commissioned manner. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to direct this query to Your Health Notts, as they are the designated provider at the borough and district level.
- Do you offer free 'e-cigarettes' or Vapes as part of your quit smoking strategy?
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