Response 953417
Response to request for information
Response date
11 October 2022
Please could you provide me with a list of heritage assets within Rushcliffe.
Designated assets are all in the public realm and that will include listed buildings, registered parks and gardens, registered battlefields and scheduled ancient monuments and scheduled wrecks (all via Historic England).
Conservation areas are all on our website (Conservation webpages).
This leaves non designated heritage assets, some are identified in the various neighbourhood plans for the borough, but all of those documents are in the public domain (Neighbourhood Planning webpages).
Beyond that the Borough Council doesn’t maintain a formal list of non-designated heritage assets, and the NPPF allows for theses to be identified during the planning process as and when required. We do have a criteria based policy in Local Plan Part 2 beginning on page 114.
FOI Responses Planning - 2022
- Response A1346206
- Response A1346429
- Response A1346710
- Response A1346Feb01
- Response A1346504
- Response A1346435
- Response A1346433
- Response 869889
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- Response 886926
- Response 877768
- Response 889401
- Response 906400
- Response 932983
- Response 949934
- Response 953417
- Response 946492
- Response 970590
- Response 974896
- Response 969865
- Response 974900
- Response 985566