Response 974900
Response to request for information
Response date
6 December 2022
I request to receive a list of all housing planning applications (with minimum of application reference, location and developer shown by column), where they are for 50 or more dwellings, that have been accepted since 1st November 2020 in Rushcliffe, and with each whether or not a condition has been imposed/agreed whereby the council do not adopt the green spaces and instead expect ‘alternative arrangements’, usually being estate rent charges.
This information is publicly available from our website on Planning Online.
You can then filter the results by Development Type and Date. The Decision Notice and/or S106 agreement will provide the information required.
FOI Responses Planning - 2022
- Response A1346206
- Response A1346429
- Response A1346710
- Response A1346Feb01
- Response A1346504
- Response A1346435
- Response A1346433
- Response 869889
- Response 853178
- Response 858718
- Response 866113
- Response 886926
- Response 877768
- Response 889401
- Response 906400
- Response 932983
- Response 949934
- Response 953417
- Response 946492
- Response 970590
- Response 974896
- Response 969865
- Response 974900
- Response 985566