Response 2572630
Response to request for information
Response date
25 January 2024
I would like to see all emails that mention ‘drains’, ‘drainage’, ‘William Davis’, ‘William Davis Limited’, ‘Shelford Road’, Radcliffe On Trent’ or ‘Prince’s Place’ that have been sent or received by any and all members of the Authority, mainly in relation to the development covered by application number 18/02688/REM or William Davis’ site on Shelford Road (also known as Prince’s Place).
I specified that the time period of these emails should be 1st January 2023 to 11th January 2024.
The specific site is Prince’s Place / Shelford Road.
I’m also awaiting information from the Authority on the following:
- the LPA approved surface water design and strategy in relation to the William Davis development, Prince’s Place, in Radcliffe On Trent.
- Provide evidence of the planning considerations submitted to The Authority in relation to section 44(e) of the a planning application titled: 18/02688/REM.
- The LPA approved surface water design and strategy in relation to the William Davis development, Prince’s Place, in Radcliffe On Trent.
The approved surface water design and strategy for the William Davis development can be found on the website Simple Search ( using the following reference numbers
13/02329/OUT information with the Flood Risk Assessment - Outline application for development of up to 400 dwellings, a primary school, health centre and associated infrastructure including highway and pedestrian access, open space and structural landscaping
Discharge of condition applications to discharge condition 12 (xi) and 17 of 13/02329/OUT for the relevant phases of development:-
19/01223/DISCON- Discharge of condition 6 (Access Arrangements) and partial discharge of conditions 12 (Submission of Details), 13 (Facing and Roofing Materials), 14 (Landscaping Scheme) and 17 (Surface Water) in relation to Phase 1 of planning permission ref 13/02329/OUT
21/01466/DISCON -Discharge of Conditions 12 (Detailed layout plans ground levels, lighting) 13 (facing and roofing materials) and 14 (Landscaping scheme) from planning application 13/02329/OUT
22/01376/DISCON Discharge condition 12 (general details), 13 (Materials) and 14 (Landscaping scheme) of planning permission 13/02329/OUT.
23/01023/DISCON Discharge of Conditions 12 (Various), 13 (Facing and roofing materials), 14 (Hard Landscaping, Planting, Finished Floor Levels, Soft landscaping, Boundary Treatments), and 17 (Drainage) from planning application 13/02329/OUT
- Provide evidence of the planning considerations submitted to The Authority in relation to section 44(e) of the a planning application titled: 18/02688/REM.
The planning considerations for the reserved matters application reference 18/02688/REM - Development of 103 dwelling (Use Class C3), reserved sites for a health centre (Use Class D1) and associated infrastructure, including highway and pedestrian access, open space, structural landscaping and SUDS features (application for approval of matters reserved under outline application ref 13/02329/OUT) can be found within the Planning Committee Report available on the website using the planning online search feature Simple Search ( and using the reference number 18/02688/REM
- All emails that mention ‘drains’, ‘drainage’, ‘William Davis’, ‘William Davis Limited’, ‘Shelford Road’, Radcliffe On Trent’ or ‘Prince’s Place’ that have been sent or received by any and all members of the Authority, mainly in relation to the development covered by application number 18/02688/REM or William Davis’ site on Shelford Road (also known as Prince’s Place). I specified that the time period of these emails should be 1st January 2023 to 11th January 2024. The specific site is Prince’s Place / Shelford Road.
I have to advise you that we will not be able to answer your request without exceeding the appropriate limit. This is because to locate and extract the information requested would involve searching for each individual word requested across the whole authority and would be likely to result in many thousands of emails just for the word ‘drains’ alone.
Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act makes provision for public authorities to refuse requests for information where the cost of dealing with them would exceed the appropriate limit, which for local authorities is set at £450. This represents the estimated cost of one person spending 2 working days in determining whether the authority holds the information, and locating, retrieving and extracting it. The appropriate limit is prescribed by regulation 3 of the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004.
The Council may be able to provide some information in the scope of your request if you reduce or refine your request to bring the cost of compliance under the limit. As previously advised if you wish to refine your search to be a more specific subject matter ie emails received / sent by the planning department relating to drainage on the William Davis site at Shelford Road or emails in connection with application reference 18/02688/REM then this may fall within the scope of the Act. Please contact me if you would like to refine your request or require advice on doing so.
FOI Responses Planning 2024
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- Response 2550719
- Response 2551476
- Response 2572630
- Response 2564682
- Response 2571880
- Response 2571789
- Response 2587286
- Response 2597777
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- Response 3500483
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- Response
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