Response 3483257
Response to request for information
Response date
29 May 2024
- The total number of Section 106 agreements between developers and the Council for each financial year since 2010.
- For the total number of planning obligations agreed under Section 106 since 2010, please provide the number of agreements that fall under each of the following categories:
- Delivered in line with S106 and to expectations
- Expected to be delivered in full in due course
- Delivered but with agreed changes
- Not delivered as agreed
- Outcome unknown
- Of the total S106 agreements made between 2010 to present, the number that resulted in a financial payment to the Council instead of a building or construction obligation.
- Of financial contributions collected under Section 106, how much remains unspent
Question 1
- 2010/11 - 11
- 2011/12 - 5
- 2012/13 - 4
- 2013/14 - 10
- 2014/15 - 4
- 2015/16 - 9
- 2016/17 - 3
- 2017/18 - 3
- 2018/19 - 8
- 2019/20 - 15
- 2020/21 - 7
- 2021/22 - 10
- 2022/23 - 6
- 2023/24 - 1
Question 2
- 40
- 23
- We do not hold information to readily identify instances where an agreement has been subject to agreed changes
- 24
- 9
Question 3
We do not hold information to readily identify instances where a financial contribution was made as an alternative to direct delivery of infrastructure.
Question 4
FOI Responses Planning 2024
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- Response 2550719
- Response 2551476
- Response 2572630
- Response 2564682
- Response 2571880
- Response 2571789
- Response 2587286
- Response 2597777
- Response 2600496
- Response 3483257
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- Response
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