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Response 3599045

Response to request for information



Response date

19 December 2024


  1. Settlement Boundaries: Defined perimeters that delineate areas where new development is generally permissible, contingent upon compliance with additional policies outlined in the Plan concerning the Council's developmental guidelines and restrictions.
  2. Article 4 Directions: Specific legal tools used by local planning authorities to restrict permitted development rights in an area, primarily to protect the character of conservation areas or other significant architectural or historical significance.
  3. Conservation Areas: Designated zones notable for their special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.
  4. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA): A comprehensive evaluation conducted to identify suitable land for housing development, aiming to ensure a sufficient supply to meet anticipated housing needs over a specific period.
  5. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in the UK are legal mechanisms used by local planning authorities to protect specific trees, groups of trees, or woodlands in the interest of amenity.


  1. Settlement Boundaries: Defined perimeters that delineate areas where new development is generally permissible, contingent upon compliance with additional policies outlined in the Plan concerning the Council's developmental guidelines and restrictions.
  • Rushcliffe Borough Council do not define settlement boundaries in its local plan. Planning applications for residential development will be considered against policy 11 of its local plan part 2, together with any other policies referenced in the supporting text.  The local plan can be found Local Plan Part 2

  1. Article 4 Directions: Specific legal tools used by local planning authorities to restrict permitted development rights in an area, primarily to protect the character of conservation areas or other significant architectural or historical significance.
  • There are no article 4 directions located within Rushcliffe.

    For the following requests, our spatial data is created using Ordnance survey licensed data that we obtain through the PSGA (Public Sector Geospatial Agreement). On similar requests, Ordnance Survey have advised as follows-

    "Firstly, note that under FOIA, in general the applicant requests and has a right to "information", rather than information in a particular format (i.e. digital or hard copy). Section 11 of FOIA states that the public authority shall so far as reasonably practicable provide the information in the form requested, but can take into account all the circumstances of the request

    However, it is likely that in some cases an applicant will specifically request that Ordnance Survey Licensed Data (including data you have created using Licensed Data) be provided in a digital format. Such requests should generally be refused, and instead an offer be made to provide the information in an alternative format.

    The reason for the refusal of requests for data in a digital format is that the provision of data in digital form would potentially prejudice Ordnance Survey's commercial interests and therefore be exempt under Section 43 of FOIA. This is because the nature of vector data allows it to be relatively easily exploited. Such exploitation could substitute data provided by Ordnance Survey or our licensed partners, and therefore undermine our revenues."

  1. Conservation Areas: Designated zones notable for their special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.
  1. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA): A comprehensive evaluation conducted to identify suitable land for housing development, aiming to ensure a sufficient supply to meet anticipated housing needs over a specific period.
  1. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in the UK are legal mechanisms used by local planning authorities to protect specific trees, groups of trees, or woodlands in the interest of amenity.