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Response 1012940

Response to request for information



Response date

14 February  2023


An ancient willow tree on RBC maintained green space at the south west corner of Melton Gardens and Alford Road in West Bridgford was removed within the last month of two.

Please tell me:

  1. Any details previously reported on the tree and by whom.
  2. Who decided the removal of the tree and reasons why.
  3. Who removed the tree and what did it cost.
  4. What is RBC policy towards managing trees on its maintained land.


Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 31 January, please see our response below.

  1. Any details previously reported on the tree and by whom.

An external tree inspection in May 2020 noted the tree had decay in the trunk, was a former pollard, had a Ganoderma fungal infection at the base of the trunk and was a landscape/veteran tree. At the time no recommendations for work were made.

  1. Who decided the removal of the tree and reasons why.

Discussions took place between the Council’s Senior Design and Landscape Officer and the Council’s Tree Team Co-ordinator, the level of decay in the trunk had become extensive with large sections of decayed wood falling away from the trunk. It was considered that the tree was close to the point of failure and should be removed. Given the prominent location it was considered that the best course of action was to plant some replacement trees in this location.

  1. Who removed the tree and what did it cost.

The tree was removed by the Council’s tree team at a cost of £650.00

  1. What is RBC policy towards managing trees on its maintained land.
    The Council is currently producing a tree policy and this will be published on our website when it is finalised.