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Response A1345670

Response to request for information



Response date

20 September 2021


Information about the collection of bulky waste items.


  1. How many bulky waste items were collected in your authority in during the following timescales?
    • We do not collate this information
  2. How many of the items collected were sent to landfill during the following timescales?
    • We do not collate this information
  3. How many of the items collected were recycled during the following timescales?
    • We do not collate this information
  4. How many of the items collected were eligible for reuse during the following timescales?
    • We do not collate this information
  5. If recorded, what was the breakdown of numbers of items collected? Please specify for both May 2020 - April 2021 and May 2019 - April 2020:
    1. DIY waste
    2. Electrical and electronic
    3. Furniture
    4. Garden items
    5. Household Appliances
    6. Soft furnishings
    7. General household items
    8. Other
      • We do not collate this information
  6. What is your local authority's approach to recycling versus reusing bulky waste items?
    • We see reuse as a priority