Environment Policy 2023
Rushcliffe Borough Council Environment Policy
Corporate Policy Statement
The Environment is one of our strategic priorities; we are fully committed to playing our part in protecting the environment today and enhancing it for future generations.
As an employer and a provider of services, we must try to ensure our activities do not harm, but positively enhance, the environment. Therefore, we adopt the corporate Environmental Policy as set out here, to direct our policies, procedures and working practices.
At Rushcliffe Borough Council, we know that the natural environment is precious and not something we can afford to take for granted and recognise the effect of our operations on the environment and the influence we can have on the community through our actions.
We recognise that that good environmental quality benefits everyone and recognise that we depend upon our environment to provide all our basic needs, and that it is the source of our economic prosperity and provides social benefit.
The council recognises the world is facing both a climate crisis and biodiversity emergency and we will work to mitigate this through our activities.
We will consider the impact we all have on the environment. We commit to making responsible decisions, prioritising what we can do to fulfil the global ambition to become carbon neutral, and supporting green infrastructure to protect our environment for future generations to enjoy and benefit from.
The protection and enhancement of the local environment is not something we can achieve alone, however. Everyone can help at home, at work, at school or at leisure.
We appreciate we are at on a long and vital journey towards becoming a truly green Borough.
The Council will play its full part in achieving this aim by: -
- Ensuring that its own operations meet or exceed all statutory environmental requirements.
- Encouraging others in the community to reduce their negative impact on the environment through information, education and publicity and, where necessary, by enforcement of environmental legislation.
- Identifying areas of public concern and seeking improvements by working in partnership with other interested parties.
- Carrying out periodic reviews of our own policies, strategies and actions and seeking continual improvement.
- Striving to provide, the highest quality and most efficient services possible as appropriate.
- Environmental Improvement – We are committed to continual improvement of our performance in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts. We will use the best technology available within our resources to meet our objectives and plan to adapt to the changing environment.
- Legislation – We will ensure that all our operations, whether carried out directly or through contractors, comply with or exceed all statutory environmental requirements.
- Energy and Water – We will seek to reduce energy and water usage in Council buildings and to reduce fuel used by vehicles engaged in Council business and promote sustainable energy and water use by the community of Rushcliffe. We will use environmentally safe and renewable energy sources where possible.
- Waste Management and Recycling – We undertake to reduce the amount of waste produced by the Council and to encourage and provide facilities to maximise the recycling of waste produced both by the Council and by the businesses and households of the Borough. We will dispose of our waste in a safe and responsible way.
- Environmental Protection –We will adopt the principles of best practicable means and best available technology not entailing excessive costs to minimise and, where possible, eliminate the release of any pollutant that may cause environmental damage to air, water or land, including avoiding unnecessary use of chemicals, herbicides and pesticides.
- Use of Materials – We will progressively specify and purchase the least environmentally damaging and wasteful products and materials which adequately serve requirements within financial and other constraints, taking into consideration manufacture, packaging, transport and disposal.
- Planning and Transportation – We will encourage sustainable patterns of development which will help conserve the environment, encouraging good design in new development and awareness of the historic and cultural heritage of the area. We will promote energy efficient and environmentally beneficial means of transport for our staff, Elected Members and the public at large and seek to reduce the need to travel.
- Natural Environment - The Council will protect and enhance our natural environment and protect our geological heritage. We will improve the extent, quality and variety of wildlife and will seek to reflect these aims in strategies adopted by, or relevant to, the borough. We will also endeavour to improve existing green open space and create new, quality, accessible areas and seek Nature Based solutions where appropriate.
- Climate Change - The Council will continue to raise awareness of the existence and causes of human induced climate change and promote ways of mitigating and adapting to its effects. We will consider the implications of climate change on our strategies, plans and activities, and encourage strategies that support the reduction of greenhouse gases, aiming to achieve net zero for council operations by 2030 and net zero as a borough by 2050.
The council will carry out these commitments by: -
- Ensuring that our environmental principles and the specific requirements that flow from them are met by our contractors and suppliers.
- Respecting and enhancing the diversity and balance of plant and animal life in the Borough
- Conserving natural landscapes and distinctive buildings
- Employing ‘safe’ technologies and operating procedures to minimise the risk of environmental damage.
- Preparing contingency procedures to deal with environmental emergencies
- Assessing that all proposed policies, activities and practices for their effect on the environment before they are implemented.
- Providing training for all our employees and Elected Members to ensure that they are aware of the Council’s environmental responsibilities.
- Encouraging environmentally-friendly behaviour by the residents of Rushcliffe by providing appropriate information and advice. Raising awareness and encourage good environmental practices throughout the whole community of Rushcliffe
- Enforcing regulations and give advice to local industry and businesses
- Encouraging and supporting, wherever possible, the sustainable use of local materials and expertise.
This policy provides an overview of the environmental issues impacting on the work of Rushcliffe Borough Council. The details on how these commitments are too be implemented will be provided within the documents, strategies and policies of the council, which should be in accordance with this policy. The documents, strategies and policies of the council may be viewed online.
This policy will be publicised to the Council’s staff and to residents and businesses of the Borough. We undertake to disclose information regarding our performance measured against this policy and to encourage comment and feedback from the community.
This revised policy has been approved by Communities Scrutiny Group on 16 March 2023.
This policy will be reviewed every five years.
Edition 5: Policy Reviewed March 2023
Accessible Documents
- Air Quality Action Plan 2021
- Air Quality Annual Status Report 2024
- Air Quality Annual Status Report 2023
- Air Quality Annual Status Report 2022
- Air Quality Annual Status Report 2021
- Air Quality Strategy for Nottingham and Notts
- Annual Governance Statement 2023-24
- Annual Governance Statement 2021-22
- Annual Governance Statement 2020-21
- Asset Management Strategy
- Auditor's Annual Report 2021
- Internal Audit Annual Report 2021/22
- Auditor's Annual Report 2021-22
- Become a Councillor 2022
- Budget and Financial Strategy 2021-22
- Budget and Financial Strategy 2022-23
- Budget and Financial Strategy 2023-24
- Budget and Financial Strategy 2024-25
- Capital and Investment Strategy
- Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030
- Complaints Policy
- Compulsory Purchase Order Procedure Protocol
- Confidential Reporting Code
- Council Constitution
- Contaminated Land
- Corporate Enforcement Policy
- Corporate Strategy 2024-2027
- Council Tax Recovery and Enforcement Policy 2023
- Customer Access Strategy
- Design Code Baseline Appraisal
- Discretionary Housing Payments Policy 2023-2024
- Disabled Facilities Grant Policy 2022
- Disclosure and Barring Service Policy
- Economic Growth Strategy 2024
- Empty Homes Strategy
- Environment Policy 2023
- Equalities Scheme 2021-25
- External Audit Completion Report 2024
- External Audit Completion Report 2023
- External and Internal Communications Strategy
- Freedom Of Information Policy
- HB Recovery and Enforcement Policy
- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2020 - 2025
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
- Housing Allocations Policy
- Housing Enforcement Policy
- ICT Strategy 2022 -25
- Information Management and Governance Strategy 2022-25
- Rushcliffe Borough Council Information Retention Schedule
- Internal Audit Annual Report 2023/24
- Leisure Strategy 2021-2027 review
- Local Code of Corporate Governance 2024/25
- Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy
- Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies
- Local Plan Monitoring Report
- Local Scheme of Validation
- Off-street Car Parking Strategy
- Pay Policy Statement
- People Strategy 2021-26
- Planning Enforcement Policy
- Play Strategy
- Procurement Strategy
- Playing Pitch Strategy 2022
- 2021-22 Public Inspection Notice
- RIPA Policy and Guidance
- Risk Management Strategy 2023-26
- Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Strategy
- Solar Farm Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study
- Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles
- Statement of Accounts 2019-20
- Statement of Accounts 2020-21
- Statement of Accounts 2021-22
- Statement of Accounts 2021-22 (unaudited)
- Statement of Accounts 2022-23 (unaudited)
- Statement of Accounts 2022-23 (audited)
- Statement of Accounts 2023-24 (audited)
- Statement of Licensing Policy
- Street Trading Policy
- Supplementary Planning Documents
- Tenancy Strategy 2019
- Transformation Strategy and Efficiency Plan
- Tree Management and Protection Policy 2023
- WISE Agreement
- Conservation Areas
- Neighbourhood Plans
- The Nature of Rushcliffe 2021
- The Nature of Rushcliffe 2019