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Playing Pitch Strategy 2022

Rushcliffe Playing Pitch Strategy 2022

Mid-Point Review and Action Plan Update 2022




How the Playing Pitch Strategy has been applied and the lessons learnt?

Are there any new or emerging issues and opportunities?

Housing Growth Scenarios – Update

Impact of Covid-19

Cost of Living Crisis

Inclusion and Disability

Action Plans



This document follows a review of the Rushcliffe Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) which was first published in October 2017 and reviewed in 2019. The strategy identifies the need for a review of the document within 3 years of it first being published, then every 2-3 years thereafter, this is because:

‘The nature of the supply and in particular the demand for playing pitches will likely to have changed over the three years. This should also help to ensure that the original supply and demand information is no more than two years old without being reviewed’ (Rushcliffe Playing Pitch Strategy – Strategy and Action Plan, October 2017, Page 92)

The strategy also identifies the review should contain the following elements:

  • How the delivery of the recommendations and action plan has progressed and any changes required to the priority afforded to each action (e.g. the priority of some may increase following the delivery of others)
  • How the PPS has been applied and the lessons learnt
  • Any changes to particularly important sites and/or clubs in the area (e.g. the most used or high quality sites for a particular sport) and other supply and demand information, what this may mean for the overall assessment work and the key findings and issues
  • Any development of a specific sport or particular format of a sport
  • Any new or emerging issues and opportunities

This review has been necessary to ensure the delivery of the strategy’s recommendations and actions has taken place, and to identify any new developments that may change key priorities.

The review will not undertake a technical quality assessment of playing pitches but will seek advice and guidance from the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB’s), sports clubs/organisations and schools.

The strategy will be updated again within 3 years of the 2022 review.


For the purpose of the strategy, the Borough is split into five distinct areas (termed analysis areas) with an action plan for each one, they are:

  • Bingham
  • Cotgrave and Radcliffe on Trent
  • East Leake
  • Keyworth
  • West Bridgford and Ruddington

To ensure the review is consistent with the 2017 and 2019 versions, it was decided the best approach was to update the action plans using the same format and analysis areas.

Consultation with the following NGB’s has been sought to understand completed developments, new developments that have been identified as a priority and any new recommendations:

  • Rugby Football Union (RFU)
  • Nottinghamshire Football Association
  • Nottinghamshire County Cricket Board/England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)
  • England Hockey
  • England Athletics
  • England Netball Bowls
  • England Lawn Tennis Association (LTA)

In addition, this review has used The FA owned Rushcliffe Local Football Facility Plan (LFFP), published in June 2019, to identify and highlight the priorities for football capital investment across the borough. A review of this strategy will take place in early 2023.

As part of the Leisure Strategy consultation, sports clubs and organisations, including Town and Parish Councils, identified in the Playing Pitch Strategy action plan were contacted to help identify any changes to their site over the past three years. They were sent a questionnaire, with a link to the relevant action plan, requesting an update on the current status and recommended actions.

Seven local secondary schools were also contacted and asked to complete a questionnaire on the status of their facilities, three of those schools responded.

How the Playing Pitch Strategy has been applied and the lessons learnt?

Rushcliffe’s Playing Pitch Strategy has been used by Rushcliffe Borough Council, Sport England and the NGB’s to determine the demand and priorities for facility developments. This has helped shape projects in the borough and supported funding applications.

Linking with the Council’s Planning Officers has been important in making connections to the strategy with provision of new playing pitches and ancillary facilities, and identifying what, if any, developer contributions/Section 106 funding have been required in supporting any approved planning applications.

Are there any new or emerging issues and opportunities?

Undertaking this review has allowed information on emerging issues and opportunities to be gathered, and by updating the action plan, highlights the changing priorities for the borough. The key issues and opportunities this presents are:

  • Due to a significant increase in housing growth applications, the document and action plan is becoming increasingly important to inform planning policy.
  • Hockey across the borough needs to address security of tenure issues to ensure the long-term sustainability at existing grounds in order to protect the future of the sport in Rushcliffe.
  • The security of tenure needs to be addressed at Regatta Way Sports ground to ensure the long-term sustainability of the football and cricket clubs that use the site as a home venue.
  • Whilst demand for netball in Rushcliffe can be met, England Netball stated their priority for facilities in the borough is The Nottingham Emmanuel School.
  • An opportunity to develop the in-field of the athletics track in Bingham, which is currently a condemned AGP, for field events/60 metre running track in consultation with Toot Hill School, England Athletics and Rushcliffe Athletics Club.
  • Section 106 contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) implementation provides an opportunity to support priority projects across the borough.
  • The FA owned Rushcliffe Local Football Facility Plan (LFFP) has presented the opportunity to align both strategies and source funding through the FA and Football Foundation to deliver priority football developments over the next few years.
  • Housing developments at Fairham Pastures may present opportunities to link with sports clubs based in Clifton and surrounding areas. These developments should consider supply and demand identified in Nottingham City Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy, published in 2018, giving accessibility to users in both authorities.
  • The ECB has identified a shortfall of the provision of cricket nets (indoor) across the borough.

Housing Growth Scenarios – Update

The following provides an update on population forecasts and club consultation to 2028 (in line with the Local Plan) which is used to provide an estimate of demand for sports pitches.

The 2017 strategy identifies two scenarios to show the demand for sports pitches generated from projected housing growth. The indicative figures are still based on the assumption that population growth will average 2.3 people per dwelling as based on average household size contained within the 2011 census.

  • Scenario One: Likely demand generated for pitch sports from housing growth requirement over the remainder of the Local Plan period (April 2012 up to March 2028). This is based on the updated development assumptions during the remainder of the plan period.
  • Scenario Two: Likely demand generated for pitch sports from housing growth over the period 2022-2028 based upon the updated assumptions contained within Local Plan Part Two Housing Trajectory (September 2019): Appendix B, page 160.

Scenario 1: Likely demand generated for pitch sports from housing growth requirement over the Local Plan period (2028)

The latest Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) housing trajectory identifies that there will be approximately 7,122 dwellings delivered in the district from 2022 to 2028. This is a slight decrease from the number stated in the 2017 Playing Pitch Strategy due to incorporating the reflection in population projections.

As of 31 March 2022, 5,597 have been built which equates to 42.6 % (Core Strategy identified 13,150 new homes to be delivered by 2028.)

The table below shows a likely breakdown of where new dwellings will be developed from April 2022 up to 2028.

Future dwellings planned in Rushcliffe
 Location Number of New Dwellings
Bingham -
Land North of Bingham Strategic Allocation 766
Strategic Allocation at Former RAF Newton 504
Elsewhere in the Bingham sub-area 410
Cotgrave and Radcliffe on Trent on Trent -
Cotgrave and Radcliffe on Trent on Trent sub-area 1,000
East Leake -
Assumption for other development across the area 650
Keyworth -
Keyworth sub-area 640
West Bridgford and Ruddington -
Melton Road, Edwalton 772
Elsewhere in the West Bridgford and Ruddington sub-area 1,300
Strategic Allocation South of Clifton 992
Sustainable Urban Extensions without planning permission -
Strategic Allocation East of Gamston/North of Tollerton 88
Total 7,122

The table below shows the current participation figures in Rushcliffe and the difference from three years ago. (December 2022).

Rugby Teams

Sport participation - Rugby
Gender/Age Group  Number of Teams (2019)  Number of Teams (2022)  Difference
Men (19-45 years) 12 9 -3
Women (19-45 years) 1 2 +1
Boys (13-18 years) 11 17 +6
Girls (13-18 years) 3 3 0
Mixed (7-12 years) 19 21 +2

Cricket Teams Including Women’s Softball

Sport participation - Cricket and Softball
Gender/Age Group  Number of Teams (2019)  Number of Teams (2022)    Difference
Men (18-55 years) 69 86 +17
Women (18-55 years) 8 8 0
Boys (7-18 years) 54 69 +15
Girls (7-18 years) 9 10 +1
Football Teams (estimated figures, awaiting update)
* includes mixed football
Sport participation - Football
Gender/Age Group  Number of Teams (2019)  Number of Teams (2022)    Difference
Men 11 v 11 (18-45 years) 53 44 -11
Women 11 v 11 (18-45 years) 2 4 +2
Boys 11 v 11 (12-17 years) 95 136* +41
Girls 11 v 11 (12-17 years) 19 25 +6
Boys 9 v 9 (10-11 years) 52 67* +15
Girls 9 v 9 (10-11 years) 10 15 +5
Mixed 7 v 7 (8-9 years) 60 70 +10
Mixed 5 v 5 (6-7 years) 41 54 +13

Hockey Teams

Sport participation - Hockey
Gender/Age Group  Number of Teams (2019)  Number of Teams (2022)    Difference
Men (17-55 years) 21 19 -2
Women (17-55 years) 16 13 -3
Mixed (17-55 years) N/A 1 +1
Masters (35+ years) N/A 8 +8
Boys (14-16 years) 0 0 0
Girls (14-16 years) 0 0 0

If all estimated demand for access to natural grass pitches created by population growth in Rushcliffe were to be accommodated on new natural turf pitches, then 41.17 natural turf pitches would need to be provided. Some of this demand is likely to be provided on site as part of larger development sites. However, the Playing Pitch Strategy indicates that some demand can be accommodated on existing sites through investment to grow capacity or by improving pitch quality and in appropriate circumstances extending existing facilities. In addition, for some sports, even on a larger development, the most appropriate solution is to improve an existing site rather than create a new site.

Scenario 2: Likely demand generated for pitch sports from housing growth over the next five years (2022-2027)

It is estimated that approximately 5,900 dwellings will be built during this period.

Strategic Allocations without Planning Permission

In 2017, the Playing Pitch Strategy identified two large strategic allocations contained within the adopted Local Plan Part 1, Rushcliffe Core Strategy – South of Clifton and East of Gamston/North of Tollerton. In May 2019, outline planning permission was secured for 3,000 new dwellings on land South of Clifton. This is to include playing pitch provision of 87,480sqm and will include sports changing facilities with 8 changing rooms and associated officials changing and storage. The Borough Council has received matters applications for 3 phases of residential development. An outline planning application is currently under consideration for part of the East of Gamston/North of Tollerton allocation.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Council adopted CIL in October 2019 to obtain contributions to priority sites, or pooling S106 contributions from major housing schemes to invest in priority sites. In either case, the preceding Action Plan and future consultation with NGBs should inform the playing fields that most require investment. There are two forms of CIL, Strategic CIL and Neighbourhood CIL.

Strategic CIL is a set proportion of funds allocated to a Borough-wide strategic pot. These funds will support the development of the borough as a whole and will support the development of projects highlighted as a priority for the Council through various strategies. Strategic CIL is solely for use towards key items of infrastructure, as identified in the Council’s CIL delivery programme.

Neighbourhood CIL is a set proportion of funds which are specifically identified for use in the areas where they have been collected, rather than being added to the Borough-wide strategic pot. Such funds are automatically passed to the Parish Council for those areas which have them or are otherwise retained by the Borough Council to be spent in consultation with the local community. Neighbourhood CIL funding can be spend on a much broader range of schemes than Strategic CIL and is not limited to just infrastructure projects.

Impact of Covid-19

In March 2020, the country went into lockdown due to the global pandemic Covid-19, and the government issued guidance on social distancing which limited people to outdoor exercise once a day.

In April 2021 Sport England published the first findings for the impact of Covid-19 on sport and physical activity. It revealed that ….

‘The majority of physically active adults in England managed to maintain their habits despite the challenges of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. However, the first eight months of coronavirus restrictions, as well as the storms that had a huge impact on outdoor activity in early 2020, also led to a worrying increase in the number of people who were inactive – doing less than 30 minutes of activity a week or nothing at all’ (Sport England, 29th April 2021. The impact of coronavirus on activity levels revealed, accessed 1 November 2022, The impact of coronavirus on activity levels revealed | Sport England).

The same report stated…

  • Nationally, the number of ACTIVE adults fell by 1.9% or 710,000 compared to 12 months earlier
  • Nationally, the number of INACTIVE adults rose by 2.6% or 1.2 million compared to 12 months earlier
  • Nationally, the number of ACTIVE children and young people fell by 2.3% with just over 100,000 fewer children meeting the recommended level of activity compared to the same period 12 months earlier.

With the closure of gyms, stadiums, pools, dance and fitness studios, the number of people walking, running, cycling and doing at home fitness increased, limiting the negative impact on overall activity levels.

How it affected the Playing Pitch Strategy

In March 2020 when the pandemic began, all facilities and venues closed, and any active developments highlighted in the Playing Pitch Strategy were put on hold, resulting in work being delayed on many new facility improvements.

As restrictions started to lift, developments continued to experience delays due to the demand of materials increasing, the war in the Ukraine and Brexit, as many materials were being imported from abroad. And as NGB’s moved through the different steps of their ‘Return to Play’ guidance, some sports clubs were faced with facility access issues.

Restrictions on facilities and how operators had to use them put pressure on the space that was available, and some sports returned before others depending on whether they were played outdoors or indoors.

Cost of Living Crisis

A recent survey by London Sport showed the rising cost of living is limiting people’s ability to take part in sport and physical activity with 27% of people across the UK reporting that they are less active, and 33% are now discouraged from using their local leisure facilities, due to the associated costs. (London 2012 Games Legacy Report, July 2022)

An increase in running costs such as the cost of chemicals to keep swimming pools in operation, and fertiliser to treat grass pitches will have a huge impact on leisure facilities and sports clubs running their own facilities and as evidenced above, by the reduced number of people accessing their facilities and services. This brings challenges to look at how energy costs can be reduced, how they can be prioritised in clubhouse refurbishments and how the fabric of buildings can be improved.

Covid-19 and the current cost of living crisis has highlighted the importance of creating more opportunities for residents to enjoy the boroughs outdoor parks and open spaces to improve their mental and physical wellbeing, and that these opportunities are free at the point of entry.

Inclusion and Disability

Rushcliffe Borough Council recognises the importance of ensuring playing pitches and the buildings associated with them are accessible for everyone to enjoy. The Playing Pitch Strategy reflects this and states it is in place to help ‘address issues of accessibility, quality and management with regard to facility provision’.

Facility providers must consider how to address the needs of all residents, including those with a disability and their carers, and must include the location of facilities, accessibility, and provision of ancillary facilities such as toilets and changing places. These are conditions that are highlighted in guidance from Sport England and the NGB’s when considering planning applications to ensure all new developments have appropriate facilities in place that are accessible to all.

Action Plans

Site Hierarchy Tier

This review document has adopted the same tiered model approach identified in the 2017 Playing Pitch Strategy, and the review in 2019, to identify the hierarchy of priorities to the management and improvement of sites listed in the action plans. This approach is useful as it will allow for facility developments to be prioritised and programmed within a phased approach for the improvement of playing pitch sites and associated facilities.

Site Hierarchy
Hub Sites  Key Sites  Local Sites  Reserve Sites 
Strategically located.
Priority sites for NGB.
Strategically located
within the Analysis
Services the local
community. Likely to
include education sites.
Services the local
Accommodates three or
more good quality grass
Including provision of at
least one AGP.
Potential for development
as a Parklife football hub.
Accommodates two or
more good quality grass
Accommodates more
than one pitch.
Likely to be single-pitch site.
Single or multi-sport
Could also operate as a
central venue.
Single or multi-sport
Could also operate as a
central venue.
Single or multi-sport
Supports informal
demand and/ or
training etc.
Maintenance regime aligns
with NGB guidelines.
Maintenance regime aligns
with NGB guidelines.
Standard maintenance
regime either by the club
or in-house maintenance contract.
Basic level of
maintenance i.e. grass cutting.
Good quality ancillary
facility on site, with
sufficient changing rooms
and car parking to serve
the number of pitches.
Good quality ancillary
facility on site, with
sufficient changing rooms
and car parking to serve
the number of pitches.
Appropriate access
changing to accommodate both senior and junior use
concurrently (if required).
No requirement for
access changing to

Action plan columns - Partners

The column indicating Partners refers to the main organisation that the Council will liaise with in helping to deliver the actions. The next stage in the development of the action plan will be to agree a Lead Partner to help deliver the actions.

Priority Level

Although Strategic Sites are mostly likely to have a high priority level as they have Borough wide importance, high priority sites have been identified on the basis of the impact that the site will have on addressing the key issues identified in the assessment and therefore some Key Centres are also identified as having a high priority level. It is these projects/sites which should generally be addressed within the short term (1-2 years).

As a guide, it is recommended that:

Key centres are a medium priority and have Analysis Area importance and have been identified on the basis of the impact that the site will have on addressing the issues identified in the assessment.

Low priority sites are club or education sites with local specific importance and have been identified on a site by site basis as issues appertaining to individual sites but that may also contribute to addressing the issues identified in the assessment.


The strategic actions have also been ranked as low, medium or high based on cost. The brackets in which these sit are:

  • Low (L)- less than £50k
  • Medium (M) - £50k-£250k
  • High (H) - £250k and above

These are based on Sport England’s estimated facility costs.


The action plan has been created to be delivered over a ten-year period. The information within the Assessment Report, Strategy and Action Plan will require updating as developments occur. The timescales relate to delivery times and are not priority based. Timescales are recommended within the following three categories:

  • Short (S) – 1 to 2 years 
  • Medium (M) - 3 to 5 years
  • Long (L) - 6+ years


Each action seeks to meet at least one of the three aims of the Strategy; Enhance, Provide, Protect.

The following action plans provide an update for the playing pitches located in Rushcliffe. They include information on pitch and facility improvements that have taken place in the past two years as well as recommendations for improvements in the future.

Bingham Analysis Area

Current and future provision

Bingham Analysis Area
Sport  Analysis Area  Current Picture  Future Picture (2028) 
Football (grass pitches) Bingham

Demand can presently be met.

One youth 11v11 match equivalent session per week.

One youth 9v9 match equivalent session per week.

Football (full sized 3G pitches) Bingham Shortfall of one full sized,
floodlit 3G pitch within or
accessible to the Area.
Shortfall of one full sized,
floodlit 3G pitch within or
accessible to the Area.
Rugby Union Bingham Demand can presently be met. Shortfall of 0.5 senior match equivalent sessions per week.
Cricket Bingham Demand can presently be met. Demand can be met on the basis that actual spare capacity located at Butts Field, Sheldon Field or
The Green can be accessed for clubs wishing to field new senior
Saturday or Sunday teams.
Otherwise demand cannot be met.
Hockey (sand/water AGPs) Bingham Demand can presently be met. Demand can be met.
Tennis Bingham Demand can be met at all sites with the exception of East Bridgford Tennis Club (Butts Field). Expected shortfalls at East
Bridgford TC (Butts Field).
Bowls Bingham Demand can presently be met. Future demand can be met.
Netball Bingham Demand can be met Borough wide. Demand can be met Borough wide.
Touch Bingham No current demand. No anticipated future demand.
Skateparks Bingham Demand to access skateparks can be met. Qualitative improvements needed at East Bridgford Skate Park and Cropwell
Bishop Skatepark.
Future demand anticipated
able to be met Borough wide.
Qualitative improvements
Athletics Rushcliffe Demand able to be met
Borough wide. Qualitative
improvements required.
Future demand anticipated
able to be met Borough wide.
Qualitative improvements


Bingham Area Action Plan


Bingham Area Action Plan
Site ID  Site Sport  Management  Current Status  Recommended Actions  Lead Partners  Site Hierarchy Tier  Priority  Timescales  Cost Aim
3 Aslockton and
Orston Football Club, Spa Lane,
Orston, NG13 9PL
Football Sports Club An Adult and youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality each with an actual spare capacity of 0.5 match sessions. Sustain pitch quality through continued standard and regularity of maintenance.
(Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).
Sports Club, FA Local Site Medium L L



4 Aslockton Tennis
Club, Main Street,
NG13 9AL
Tennis Sports Club Two floodlit macadam courts rated as standard quality. Installation of LED lighting to improve playing experience and efficiency. Ensure quality of courts is sustained for current and future use. Sports Club, LTA Local Site Medium L L


5 Bingham Bowling
Club, The
Bingham, NG13
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as standard quality.
The green is identified as being overplayed by a total of 18 members and future demand expressed by the Club exacerbates the level of overplay.
Ensure the quality of the green is sustained as a minimum and improved when possible through
a more regular, and improved maintenance regime to prevent quality deterioration from
Sports Club Local Site Medium M L



6 Bingham Leisure Centre/Toot Hill School, The Banks,
Bingham, NG13 8BL
Hockey Lex Leisure
via joint use

Floodlit 92mx55m hockey suitable AGP resurfaced in 2016. Good quality, available for community use and used by South Nottingham
HC for midweek training and weekend matches.
Football is also played on this pitch.

Floodlit 92mx55m AGP currently unsuitable for
hockey within the athletics track, built in 2000 and rated as poor quality. Receives little use and near to becoming disused such is the poor quality. Unused by community hockey clubs.

  • Ensure quality is sustained through regular and rigorous maintenance.
  • Encourage the provider to establish a mechanism for long-term sustainability of the facility.


  • Consider opportunities to develop the in-field AGP for field events/60 metre running track in consultation with Toot Hill School, England Athletics and Rushcliffe Athletics Club.
  • School,
    England Hockey







  • School,
    England Athletics


Hub Site
  • Medium








  • High
  • L








  • M
  • L








  • H





6 Bingham Leisure Centre/Toot Hill School, The Banks,
Bingham, NG13 8BL
Tennis School
Sports Club
10 macadam courts, three of which, are floodlit, rated as standard quality and are only available for the school and Bingham Tennis Club. Four
are without floodlights, rated as poor quality and are available for community use. The remaining three are condemned and not used by
the school or the public. Bingham Tennis Club are ClubSpark and deliver Tennis for Free.
Ensure quality of standard quality courts are sustained and improved when possible for both
current and future use from Bingham Tennis Club and Toot Hill School. Explore potential
opportunities to improve quality of remaining 4 courts through resurfacing and the installation
of floodlights.
School, LTA,
England Netball
Hub Site High L L




6 Bingham Leisure Centre/Toot Hill School, The Banks,
Bingham, NG13 8BL
Netball School
Sports Club
10 courts overmarked on tennis courts, 3 of which are floodlit. The 3 floodlit courts have been resurfaced and are of standard quality, 4 courts are of standard quality and have been re-marked and 3 courts have been condemned. Explore potential opportunities to improve quality of remaining 4 courts through resurfacing and the installation of floodlights. School,
England Netball
Hub Site Low L M




6 Bingham Leisure Centre/Toot Hill School, The Banks,
Bingham, NG13 8BL
Athletics Lex Leisure
via joint use
An eight-lane, 400m synthetic athletics track which was refurbished in August 2019 including long jump run ups, shot put landing area and
steeplechase jump area (drainage). Throwing facilities situated elsewhere on neighbouring playing fields, these are limited in use. The cage has been condemned due to poor condition and
the javelin run up is in need of re-surfacing.
The track received TrackMark accreditation 2021 in four main units – Unit 1 Track; Unit 2 Field; Unit 3 Ancillary; Unit 4 Operations.
Home to the only dedicated multi-discipline athletics club in Rushcliffe (Rushcliffe Athletics Club).
  • Part of negotiations with Toot Hill School (Nova Education Trust) In light of the new leisure centre and keeping site open for community use on site.


  • Consider opportunities to develop the in-field AGP for field events /60 metre running track in consultation with Toot Hill School, England Athletics and Rushcliffe Athletics Club.
  • Consider longer term access to toilet facilities.
  • School, England Athletics





  • School, England Athletics
Hub Site
  • High






  • High
  • S






  • L
  • H






  • M




6 Bingham Leisure Centre/Toot Hill School, The Banks,
Bingham, NG13 8BL
Football Lex Leisure
via joint use
Three standard quality adult pitches only available during the football season for
community use and only for training.
Sustain and improve pitch quality for school and community (available for community use
during the football season only) use through more regular maintenance and remedial work.
N/A Low L L


6 Bingham Leisure Centre/Toot Hill School, The Banks,
Bingham, NG13 8BL
Rugby Union School Two poor quality (M0/D1) senior pitches unavailable for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use through more regular maintenance and remedial work. School
N/A Low L L


9 Butt Field Sports Club, Bingham,
Moorbridge Road East, Bingham, NG13 8GG
Football Town Council
Sports Club
Three adult pitches, one youth 9v9, two youth
7v7 and two 5v5 pitches, all rated as good quality and confirmed a being played to
maximum capacity by The Grounds Management Association (GMA). Current users are Bingham Town FC with two men’s adult teams; one women’s team; one men’s disability adult team; 25 boys teams; 12 girls teams.
There is currently a large waiting list for boys football. Basis of site is the development of affiliated football, women & girls football. Grass pitches have been improved and is now part of the FA’s Grass Pitch Maintenance Programme.

Develop and deliver an additional full sized 3G pitch onsite to address 3G pitch shortfalls for
football in the analysis area. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football
Facility Plan).


Explore the opportunity to purchase additional land to create additional grass pitches to help
meet demand.

Sports Club
Town Council
Local Site High  S L



9 Butt Field Sports Club, Bingham,
Moorbridge Road East, Bingham, NG13 8GG
Cricket Town Council
Sports Club
A standard quality natural grass cricket square with nine wickets. The pitch is overplayed by 10 match equivalent sessions per season (and 27 match sessions per season when considering future demand). Club user Bingham CC has four senior Saturday teams using facilities at Barrowby (Lincs) and Bottesford (Leics) to complete fixtures. The Club continue to aspire to develop an additional grass cricket square on site and NTP fixed nets.

Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.

Explore the feasibility of acquiring more land to create an additional square to accommodate future growth aspirations.

Explore opportunities to accommodate future growth aspirations on squares which are
identified as having actual spare capacity in Bingham as well as NTP fixed nets.

Sports Club
Town Council
Local Site High M L/M



10 Butts Field, College Street,
East Bridgford,
NG13 8LE
Football Parish Council One adult pitch overmarked with a youth 9v9 rated as standard quality. Pitch has no spare capacity. One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard
quality, has spare capacity of 0.5 match sessions per week.
Sustain and improve pitch quality through more regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work to better sustain overmarking. Parish Council
Sports Club
Local site Medium M L



10 Butts Field, College Street,
East Bridgford,
NG13 8LE
Cricket Parish Council An average quality natural grass cricket square with eight wickets. The pitch has actual spare capacity both midweek and on Sundays
equating to 17 match sessions per season. There is no additional capacity on Saturdays.
The club trialled junior cricket in Summer 2022 so there is potential for future growth midweek and at weekends.
Maximise use. Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and
preparatory regime.
Parish Council
Local site Low S L



10 Butts Field, College Street,
East Bridgford,
NG13 8LE
Tennis Parish Council Three macadam courts without floodlights rated as poor quality. East Bridgford Tennis Club uses the site with a membership of 144.
LTA guidance suggests this is over capacity by 24 members. The pavilion has been extended to increase usage of other sports.

Resurface courts to improve quality. Improved court quality will help, in part, to sustain
current overplay.

Explore opportunities to install floodlights at the site to increase court capacity.

Parish Council
Local site High S M



10 Butts Field, College Street,
East Bridgford,
NG13 8LE
Bowls Parish Council One bowling green rated as good quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent,
good quality maintenance.
Parish Council Local Site Medium M L



18 Cropwell Bishop Primary School,
NG12 3BX
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality unavailable for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School
Local Site Low L L Protect
24 Flintham Cricket Club, Inholms Road, Flintham,
NG23 5LF
Cricket Sports Club Average quality natural grass cricket square with ten wickets. Since 2019, the club now have a second team and junior cricket resulting in no
spare capacity on a Saturday and an increase of midweek usage. There is some capacity
midweek and every Sunday all day. Since 2017 drainage has been installed. Since 2019 a digital scoreboard has been purchased and NTP nets

Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.


Explore opportunities to extend the outfield.
Develop and deliver groundsman storage facility.

Sports Club
Local Site Medium M L Protect
46 Orston Primary
School, Church
Street, NG13 9NS
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School
Local Site Low L L Protect
64 The Sheldon
Field Cropwell
Butler, NG12 3AB
Football Parish Council Two adult pitches rated as standard quality.
Pitches cumulatively have actual spare capacity of 1.5 match sessions per week.
Sustain and improve pitch quality through more regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work. Parish Council
Local Site Medium M L



64 The Sheldon
Field Cropwell
Butler, NG12 3AB
Cricket Parish Council A standard quality natural grass cricket square with 5 wickets. There is spare capacity all day on a Saturday however, it is unlikely to be
available for other users. There is no capacity on
a Sunday.
Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Parish Council
Local Site Low M L



78 Whatton Sports Ground, Dark Lane, Whatton in
the Vale, NG13
Football Playing Fields
One adult pitch rated as standard quality and
has an actual spare capacity of one match
session per week.
One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard quality has
an actual spare capacity of one
match session.
Sustain and improve pitch quality for current use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. Trust
Local Site Medium M L



78 Whatton Sports Ground, Dark Lane, Whatton in
the Vale, NG13
Cricket Playing Fields
A standard quality grass square with 10 wickets.
Since 2017 the club have re-introduced a
second team resulting in no capacity on
Saturdays with occasional capacity on Sundays
for additional matches.
The pavilion has been completely refurbished to
a high standard.

Sustain square quality through continued
maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.


Explore options to refurbish facilities as needed.


Explore options to refurbish facilities as needed.

Local Site Low L M



83 Bingham RFC,
Brendon Grove,
Bingham, NG13 8TN
Rugby Union Sports Club One senior pitch rated as poor quality (M1/D3).
Pitch is maintained to a basic level by Bingham Town Council. Small training area which is of an overall poor quality. Clubhouse is outdated and of an overall poor quality. Club has recently seen
significant growth in the mini age groups.
Floodlights have been installed which has helped
alleviate some capacity issues mid-week.
  • As advised by RFU Pitch Report for Bingham RFC it is recommended that the pitch receives an increased, more consistent level of maintenance, involving greater levels of aeration, fertilising, weed control and over-seeding.
  • Seek approval to install floodlighting to the full size pitch directly outside the clubhouse. This will give way to additional space to create an extended car park, in replacement of the existing floodlit training area.


  • Explore potential funding opportunities to improve clubhouse/ changing room extension.
  • Explore the option of converting the football pitch on site to help meet the demands of the growing mini section at Bingham Rugby Club and the identified shortfall.
Sports Club
Town Council
Local site
  • High













  • High
  • S













  • H
  • L













  • H



86 Robert Miles Junior School, Market Place, Bingham,
NG13 8AP
Football School One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance
and remedial work.
Local site Low L L


93 The Green, Tenman Lane, Car Colston,
NG13 8JE
Cricket Sports Club Used by Car Colston CC. One standard quality natural grass cricket square with 10 wickets.
There is capacity all day on Saturdays and alternate capacity on Sundays.
Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Sports Club
Local site Medium M L Protect
96 Barnstone Bowls Club, Works Lane,
Barnstone, NG13 9JT
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as good quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. Sports Club Local site Medium M L Protect
New East Bridgford Skate Park Skate park Parish Council Poor quality skatepark. The Parish Council have plans to update the skatepark and are currently exploring funding options. Seek to improve quality through repair and more regular maintenance work. Explore opportunities to replace provision with low-cost maintenance
Parish Council Local site Low S-M L



New Barnstone Skate Park,
Works Lane, Barnstone,
NG13 9JJ
Skate park Parish Council Standard quality skatepark. The Parish Council have been approached by some young adult users regarding an extension of provision. Sustain and maintain.
Explore opportunities to extend provision with consultation with users.
Parish Council Local site Low S-M L



New Cropwell Bishop Skate Park,
Nottingham Road, Cropwell
Skate park Parish Council Poor quality skatepark. Seek to improve quality through repair and more regular maintenance work. Explore
opportunities to replace provision with low-cost maintenance alternatives.
Parish Council Local site Low S-M L



New Royal Airforce
To be confirmed To be confirmed Reserved Matters approval granted for 528 dwellings (Redrow Homes) in July 2020 including the 2.3 ha of playing field land secured as part of
the outline permission.
Determine management and maintenance model for new playing field provision and determine optimal sporting pitch type based on demand from the new community, given the site is not considered easily accessible or local to existing demand requiring additional capacity. Borough Council Local site Low M-L M Provide


Cotgrave and Radcliffe on Trent on Trent Analysis Area

Current and future provision

Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Analysis Area
Sport  Analysis Area  Current Picture  Future Picture (2028) 
Football (grass pitches) Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent

Three adult match equivalent sessions per week.

0.5 youth 9v9 match equivalent sessions per week.

3.5 adult match equivalent sessions per week.

One youth 11v11 match equivalent session per week.

One youth 9v9 match equivalent session per week.

One mini 7v7 match
equivalent session per week.

One mini 5v5 match equivalent session per week.

Football (full sized 3G pitches) Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Rugby Union Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Cricket Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Hockey (sand/water AGPs) Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Tennis Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Bowls Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Netball Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand can be met Borough wide.  Demand can be met Borough wide. 
Touch Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Skateparks Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Demand to access skateparks is able to be met. Demand to access skateparks is able to be met.
Athletics Rushcliffe Demand met Borough wide.
Qualitative improvements
Future demand anticipated to be met Borough wide.


Cotgrave & Radcliffe on Trent Area Action Plan


Cotgrave and Radcliffe on Trent Area Action Plan
Site ID  Site Sport  Management  Current Status  Recommended Actions  Lead Partners  Site Hierarchy Tier  Priority  Timescales  Cost Aim
7 Bingham Road Playing Fields, Bingham Road
Radcliffe on Trent,
NG12 2AX
Football Sports Club An adult and a youth 11v11 pitch which are both standard quality and contain no spare
capacity. Site also contains a youth 9v9 pitch overmarked by a mini 7v7 pitch which is
overplayed by 0.5 match sessions per week.
This site is leased from Redhill Academy.

Sustain and improve pitch quality for 6 pitches in current use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. (Identified as a priority project in
the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).

Explore potential funding opportunities for changing room improvements (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).

Sports Club
Local site High M L Enhance
17 Cotgrave Leisure Centre, Woodview,
NG12 3PJ
Football Commercial One adult pitch rated as standard quality available with 4 regular teams playing and a strong partnership with Cotgrave FC where a wide range of junior teams use the pitches on Saturdays, Sundays.

Sustain and improve pitch quality in current use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work.

Explore opportunity for additional football pitches on open space that is currently used for dog walking (Maddison Park).


Cotgrave Town

Local site Medium M L Protect
48 Radcliffe On Trent Junior School, Cropwell Road, NG12 2FS Cricket School One standard quality NTP. Wicket is unavailable for community use. Ensure the quality of the wicket is
sustained and that adequate funds are available to resurface the wicket in the future.
Local site Low L L Protect
49 Radcliffe-On-Trent Cricket Club,
Nottingham Road,
NG12 2DU
Cricket Sports Club Two good quality natural grass cricket squares, one square has 14 wickets and one has 8 wickets. The 14 wicket square has a capacity rating of 30, the eight wicket square has a capacity rating of 12. No capacity on Saturdays with good capacity on Sundays.
Currently 4 teams playing on site including Midlands CC.
Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Sports Club
Local site Medium M L Protect
50 Radcliffe-On-Trent
Bowling Club, Glebe Road, NG12 2FR
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as good quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. Sports Club Local site Low L L Protect
53 Arthur Ridley Sports Ground, Colliers Way,
Cotgrave, NG12 3HA
(Cotgrave Colts)
Football Parish Council Two poor quality adult pitches. One pitch is overmarked by a youth 9v9 and one is overmarked by two mini 7v7 pitches. Each pitch is overplayed one match session each.
Current users are Cotgrave Colts with 16 teams.
FA Pitch Assessment undertaken in April 2019.
Clubhouse upgrade in 2021.

Sustain and improve pitch quality through more regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility

Explore potential funding opportunities for changing room improvements (Identified
as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).

Parish Council Local site High S L Protect
57 South Nottingham
Academy and Sixth Form, Cropwell Road,
Radcliffe on Trent,
NG12 2FQ
3G pitch Education/
104mx60m floodlit 3G pitch available for community use built in 2007 and resurfaced
in 2022. FA certified and rated as good quality.
Ensure the pitch is maintained to sufficient quality to maintain certification and encourage the provider to ensure a mechanism for sustainability. School Key site High S-M H Protect
72 Upper Saxondale
Tennis Club, Serpentine Close, Saxondale, NG12 2NS
Tennis Sports Club Three macadam courts without floodlights rated as good quality and available for
community use.
Ensure quality of courts is sustained for both current and future use. Sports Club Local site Low L L Protect
72 Upper Saxondale
Tennis Club, Serpentine Close, Saxondale, NG12 2NS
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as standard quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. Sports Club Local site Low L L Protect
77 Wharf Lane Recreation
Radcliffe on Trent,
NG12 2AN
Football Parish Council

One adult pitch rated as standard quality. Match pitch for Radcliffe Olympic FC.

Pitch meets requirements for Step 6 football.

Poor quality changing facilities.

Sustain and improve pitch quality for current use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work.

Support Radcliffe Olympic FC with meeting FA grounding regulations if it aspires to gain promotion.

Radcliffe-on-Trent Parish Council have expressed the desire to upgrade the pavilion to include changing rooms on this site.

Parish Council
Local site Medium M L Protect
80 Woodview Ground (Miners Welfare),
Woodview, Cotgrave,
NG12 3PJ
Football Community
Two adult pitches rated as standard quality.
Pitches have a cumulative spare capacity of one match session per week. The site also contains two mini 5v5 pitches rated as standard quality which have a cumulative actual spare capacity of one match session per week.
Sustain and improve pitch quality for current use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. Community
Key site Medium M L Protect
80 Woodview Ground (Miners Welfare),
Woodview, Cotgrave,
NG12 3PJ
Bowls Sports Club Cotgrave Bowling Club has ceased operation and the site no longer has two bowling
greens. One green has been transformed into a Community Garden, and the other is being used informally for football sessions.

Explore opportunities to re-purpose the second green in line with the Local Football Facilities Plan.

Remove bowls for site 80 in this strategy.

Sports Club Key site High S L Protect
80 Woodview Ground (Miners Welfare),
Woodview, Cotgrave,
NG12 3PJ
Cricket Community
A poor-quality grass cricket square with six wickets. Site now unused since Cotgrave CC folded mid 2016-2017 season. All Stars cricket
is no longer played on site and therefore there is no cricket use on site.
Sustain community based project to utilise the site. Community
Key site Low S L Protect
91 Kinoulton Primary School, NG12 3EN Football Education One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality available with no recorded community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School
Local site Low L L Protect
92 Candleby Lane
Primary School,
Cotgrave, NG12 3JG
Football Education One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School
Local site Low L L Protect
New Radcliffe-On-Trent Skate Park,
NG12 2AN
Skate Park Parish Council High quality skate park, complete replacement of facility in Spring 2020 with
concrete skatepark
Sustain and maintain new skatepark through regular maintenance. Parish Council
Skatepark User
Local site High S-M M Protect


East Leake Analysis Area

Current and future provision

East Leake Analysis Area
Sport  Analysis Area  Current Picture  Future Picture (2028) 
Football (grass pitches) East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Football (full sized 3G pitches) East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Rugby Union East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Cricket East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Hockey (sand/water AGPs) East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Tennis East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Bowls East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Netball East Leake Demand is able to be met Borough wide. Demand is able to be met Borough wide.
Touch East Leake Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Skateparks East Leake Demand to access skateparks is able to be met. Qualitative
improvements took place
November 2018 at East Leake Skate Park.
Demand to access skateparks is able to be met.
Athletics Rushcliffe Demand is able to be met
Borough wide. Qualitative
improvements required.
Future demand anticipated is able to be met Borough wide.


East Leake Action Area Plan

East Leake Area Action Plan
Site ID  Site Sport  Management  Current Status  Recommended Actions  Lead Partners  Site Hierarchy Tier  Priority  Timescales  Cost Aim
15 Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake, LE12 6LY Football Charity

An adult and youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality. Adult pitch played to capacity, youth 9v9 pitch has actual spare capacity of one match session per week.
Standard quality adult pitches played to capacity. Site also have two mini 7v7 and two mini 5v5 pitches which both cumulatively have one match session of capacity per week,
per pitch type.

Pitch Improvement Programme carried out in Summer 2019.

New pavilion with changing facilities including 2 function rooms, bar and catering facilities opened in November 2022.

Sustain and improve pitch quality for current use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. (Identified
as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).

Implement the pitch improvement programme recommendations.

Key site High M L Protect
16 Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake, LE12 6LY Cricket Charity
(East Leake
Playing Fields
East Leake CC play on site with 1 team playing on Saturdays. Ellerslie CC also use the facility on Saturdays – no capacity on Saturdays.
There is full capacity on Sundays.
Explore opportunities for East Leake CC to grow and develop, increasing opportunity to play cricket on site. Charity
Key site Low L L Protect
16 Costock Road Playing Fields, East Leake, LE12 6LY Rugby Union Charity
(East Leake
Playing Fields
One senior pitch rated as standard quality (M1/D1). East Leake RFC reformed in 2021
with plans to join the league in 2023/24.
Potential for an additional team in the future as the club grows.
Sustain pitch through continued regular maintenance to accommodate current and
future usage.
Key site Low L L Protect
20 East Leake Bowling Club, Gotham Road, East
Leake, LE12 6JG
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as good quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. Sports Club Local site Medium M L Protect
21 East Leake Leisure Centre/ East Leake Academy, Lantern Lane,
East Leake, LE12 6QN
Football Commercial
One adult 11v11 and one 9v9 pitch all standard quality. Available for community use
and used by East Leake Bantams, East Leake Robins and Sutton Bonington FC.
Sustain quality of all pitches through continued regular maintenance to accommodate both current and future use. Commercial,
Local site Low M L Protect
21 East Leake Leisure Centre/ East Leake Academy, Lantern Lane,
East Leake, LE12 6QN
3G Commercial
One full sized 3G pitch marked out for 11v11, 9v9 and 7v7 football. Available for community
use and is regularly used for matches and training.
Sustain and maintain quality of the pitch to accommodate future use.


Local site Low M L Protect
21 East Leake Leisure Centre/ East Leake Academy, Lantern Lane,
East Leake, LE12 6QN
Tennis Commercial
Eight macadam courts rated as poor quality.
Courts only receive curricular use. Four are over marked by netball courts.
Explore funding opportunities to resurface courts to improve overall quality for curricular use. Resurfacing courts will also
improve quality of poor quality netball courts.
Local site Medium M M Protect
21 East Leake Leisure Centre/ East Leake Academy, Lantern Lane,
East Leake, LE12 6QN
Netball Commercial
Three poor quality netball courts over marked on tennis courts, used by Thistle Netball Club. Explore funding opportunities to resurface courts to improve overall quality for curricular use. Resurfacing courts will also
improve quality of poor quality netball courts.
Local site Medium M M Protect
21 East Leake Leisure Centre/ East Leake Academy, Lantern Lane,
East Leake, LE12 6QN
Cricket Commercial
Four outdoor cricket nets and an artificial wicket. Available for community use during
the cricket season.
Sustain and maintain quality of the pitch to accommodate future use. Commercial,
Local site Medium M M Protect
21 East Leake Leisure Centre/ East Leake Academy, Lantern Lane,
East Leake, LE12 6QN
Athletics Commercial
A 400 metre, 8 lane grass running track and a 200 metre running track, both marked out during the summer term only. Available for community use. Explore opportunities to look at developing athletics facilities. Commercial,
Local site Medium M M Protect
26 Gotham Village Hall Recreation Ground,
Nottingham Road, Gotham, NG11 0HE
Football Gotham
Ground Trust
Two standard quality adult pitches which have spare capacity of 1.5 match sessions per week. One standard quality mini 7v7 pitch which has actual spare capacity of one match session per week. Two standard quality youth
9v9 pitches which have an actual spare capacity of two match sessions per week.
Sustain quality of all pitches through continued regular maintenance to accommodate both current and future use. GMHRT, Parish
Local site Medium M L Protect
26 Gotham Village Hall Recreation Ground,
Nottingham Road, Gotham, NG11 0HE
Cricket Gotham
Ground Trust
  • An eight-wicket standard quality grass cricket square with an NTP. Site has no peak time capacity.
  • Access to changing rooms on site are accessed through male toilets and therefore this restricts entry for potential female participants.
  • Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.
  • Explore feasibility of redeveloping access to changing rooms to encourage female participation at the site.
GMHRT, Parish
Local site
  • Medium



  • Medium
  • M



  • M
  • L



  • M
26 Gotham Village Hall Recreation Ground,
Nottingham Road, Gotham, NG11 0HE
Tennis Gotham
Ground Trust
Three poor quality floodlit artificial turf courts. Home base of Gotham LTC. Explore funding opportunities to resurface courts to improve overall quality for both tennis and netball. GMHRT, Parish
Council, GSAC, LTA
Local site Medium M M Protect
26 Gotham Village Hall Recreation Ground,
Nottingham Road, Gotham, NG11 0HE
Netball Gotham
Ground Trust
Two non-floodlit courts rated as poor quality. Ensure a sinking fund is in place to resurface courts. GMHRT, GSAC,
Parish Council,
England Netball
Local site Medium M L Protect
26 Gotham Village Hall Recreation Ground,
Nottingham Road, Gotham, NG11 0HE
Bowls Gotham
Ground Trust
One bowling green rated as good quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. GMHRT,
Parish Council
Local site Medium M L Protect
58 Sutton Bonington
Playing Fields, Main Street, Sutton
Bonington, LE12 5PE
Football Parish Council One standard quality adult pitch. Pitch has 0.5 match sessions of actual spare capacity per week. Site also contains an unused, standard quality mini 7v7 pitch.
Planning permission has been granted for the development of changing facilities.
Sustain quality of all pitches through continued regular maintenance to accommodate both current and future use. Parish Council,
Local site Medium M L Protect
58 Sutton Bonington
Playing Fields, Main Street, Sutton
Bonington, LE12 5PE
Cricket Parish Council Standard quality natural grass cricket square with 11 wickets. The club is keen to lease from
Explore opportunities for pitch
Sports Club,
Local site Medium M L Protect
60 Sutton Bonington
Tennis & Bowls Club, Marle Pit Hill, Sutton
Bonington, LE12 5PG
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as standard quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. Sports Club Local site Medium M L Protect
60 Sutton Bonington
Tennis & Bowls Club, Marle Pit Hill, Sutton
Bonington, LE12 5PG
Tennis Sports Club Four floodlit macadam courts. Two courts are good quality, two are poor quality.

Ensure that the quality of poor quality courts does not deteriorate to an extent where they are unusable. Look to improve quality of courts through resurfacing.

Ensure a sinking fund is in place to resurface courts in the future.

Sports Club Local site Medium M L Protect
66 Thrumpton Cricket Club, Church Lane,
NG11 0AX
Cricket Sports Club One standard quality grass cricket square with six grass wickets and an NTP. Square is
identified as being overplayed by a total of nine matches per season. No capacity on a
Saturday, alternate Sunday capacity is available. Improvements to the pavilion and changing rooms have been completed. Two farm gates have been incorporated to the boundary making the site more accessible.

Sustain square quality through regular maintenance.

Explore opportunities to develop the pavilion further.

Greater use of the NTP accompanying the grass wicket square is required to negate
match sessions on the grass square.

Sports Club,
Local site Medium M L Protect
69 University of
Nottingham (Sutton Bonington Sports Centre), College Road,
Sutton Bonington, LE12 5RB
Football University One adult pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use.

Sustain and improve pitch quality for University use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work.

Explore opportunities for community use.

Local site Medium L L Protect
69 University of
Nottingham (Sutton Bonington Sports Centre), College Road,
Sutton Bonington, LE12 5RB
AGP University 3G pitch which has passed testing for FA 3G turf pitch register. Sustain and maintain through regular maintenance. University Local site Low L L Protect
69 University of
Nottingham (Sutton Bonington Sports Centre), College Road,
Sutton Bonington, LE12 5RB
Rugby Union University A standard quality (M1/D1) senior pitch used exclusively by the University of

Ensure quality of the pitch is sustained for use from the University.

Explore opportunities for community use.

Local site Medium L L Protect
69 University of
Nottingham (Sutton Bonington Sports Centre), College Road,
Sutton Bonington, LE12 5RB
Tennis University Two standard quality macadam courts. Sustain and maintain through regular maintenance. University Local site Low L L Protect
89 Brookside Primary School, School Green,
East Leake, LE12 6LG
Football School One standard quality youth 9v9 pitch not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School,
Local site Low L L Protect
95 Willoughby-On-The Wolds Bowls Club,
Main Street, LE12 6SY
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as standard quality. Membership has increased significantly. The ancillary pavilion is rated as poor quality.

Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance.

Explore opportunities to develop the clubhouse to meet growing demand.

Parish Council Local site Medium M L Protect
New East Leake Skatepark Skate park Parish Council Skatepark replaced in 2018 with concrete provision. Sustain and maintain through regular maintenance. Parish Council Local site Low S-M L Protect
New Land South of Clifton N/A N/A

Planning permission has been secured for 3000 new dwellings. It will include playing pitch provision of 87,480sqm and will include
sports changing facilities with 8 changing rooms and associated officials changing and storage. This playing pitch provision has been discharged under application ref 21/03188/DISCON for condition 11, the on-site leisure scheme in February 2022.

Several applications for residential development also submitted for consideration (phase 3 by Countryside) and
Phase 4 by Barratts) both of which propose an area of open space/play space within them. Both applications are currently
pending consideration.

Develop new onsite playing provision and establish a sustainable maintenance and
management model for the new playing field provision and determine optimal sporting
pitch type based on demand from the new community.
Council N/A Low L H Provide


Keyworth Analysis Area

Current and future provision

Keyworth Analysis Area
Sport  Analysis Area  Current Picture  Future Picture (2028) 
Football (grass pitches) Keyworth Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Football (full sized 3G pitches) Keyworth Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Rugby Union Keyworth Demand is able to be met.  
Cricket Keyworth    
Hockey (sand/water AGPs) Keyworth Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met Borough wide.
Tennis Keyworth Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Bowls Keyworth Current demand is able to be met. Future demand is able to be met.
Netball Keyworth Demand is able to be met Borough wide. Demand is able to be met Borough wide.
Touch Keyworth Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Skateparks Keyworth Demand to access skateparks is able to be met. Demand to access skateparks is able to be met.
Athletics Rushcliffe Demand is able to be met
Borough wide. Qualitative
improvements required.
Future demand anticipated is able to be met Borough wide.


Keyworth Action Plan


Keyworth Area Action Plan
Site ID  Site Sport  Management  Current Status  Recommended Actions  Lead Partners  Site Hierarchy Tier  Priority  Timescales  Cost Aim
8 Bunny C of E Primary School, Church Street,
Bunny, NG11 6QW
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School,
Local site Low L L Protect
13 Colston Bassett Cricket Club, Washpit Lane,
Colston Bassett, NG12
Cricket Sports Club A standard quality natural grass square with eight wickets. No capacity on Saturdays due to Keyworth CC utilising the site and spare
capacity on alternate Sundays. Purchased
training nets in 2018.
Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Sports Club,
Local site Low M L Protect
14 Costock C of E Primary School, Main Street,
LE12 6XD
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School,
Local site Low L L Protect
30 Keyworth Bowling Club,
Elm Avenue, Keyworth,
NG12 5AN
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as standard quality. Sustain quality of the green through consistent, good quality maintenance. Parish Council Local site Medium M L Protect
31 Keyworth & District Lawn Tennis Club, Elm Avenue, Keyworth,
NG12 5AN
Tennis Sports Club Four floodlit macadam courts, 2 standard quality which were re-painted in 2022 and 2
excellent quality due to being resurfaced in October 2018.

Ensure quality of courts are sustained for current and future use.

Ensure a sinking fund is in place for the replacement of courts in the future to protect court quality.

Sports Club,
Local site Medium L L Protect
34 Normanton Playing Fields, Platt Lane
Keyworth, NG12 5GE
Football Sports Club Five standard quality adult pitches of which two are overmarked by youth 9v9 pitches, two standard quality mini 7v7 and 5v5 pitches. FA Pitch Improvement  Programme assessment undertaken December 2015.
A full sized 3G pitch was installed in 2020 to help address shortfall.

Improve grass pitch quality through more regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work as detailed within the produced technical programme of works. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local
Football Facility Plan).

Explore the opportunity to upgrade the sewer system to serve the ground.

Sports Club,
Key site Medium M L Protect
34 Normanton Playing Fields, Platt Lane
Keyworth, NG12 5GE
Cricket Sports Club
  • A standard quality natural grass cricket square with nine wickets and an NTP. The pitch is overplayed by 17 match equivalent sessions. Utilising other sites to accommodate lower teams. The club are offering a full range of products and offers.
  • Keyworth CC has aspirations to develop a secondary square on its home site to further
    accommodate its growing number of teams.
    The ECB have done a site visit and deemed a second square is viable depending on finances.
  • Keyworth CC’s changing facilities are condemned due to health and safety reasons.
    The club now have an agreement with Keyworth Utd FC to share changing facilities as part of the overarching Sports Association agreement.
  • Improve square quality through improved and more regular maintenance to mitigate the effects of overplay.
  • Utilise the accompanying NTP more regularly to negate some of the identified overplay.
  • Explore the opportunity to upgrade the sewer system to serve the ground.


  • Explore feasibility of creating an additional square on site. An additional square would mitigate overplay on the main square and allow future demand to be accommodated on site.


  • Explore potential funding opportunities to work with Keyworth CC to create new
    changing facilities.
Sports Club,
Key site
  • High




  • High




  • High
  • S




  • S




  • S
  • M




  • M




  • M
35 Keyworth Primary and
Nursery School,
Nottingham Road, Keyworth, NG12 5FB
Football School One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School,
Local site Low L L Protect
36 Kinoulton Cricket Club,
Hickling Lane,
Kinoulton, NG12 3ED
Cricket Keyworth A standard quality natural grass square with nine wickets and an accompanying NTP. No capacity on Saturdays, capacity available on alternate Sundays. Sewer tank work has been completed. Entrance and car park also renovated to account for improved
provision of juniors and women.
Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Sports Club,
Local site High M L Protect
38 Langar C of E Primary
School, Barnstone
Road, NG13 9HH
Football School One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School,
Local site Low L L Protect
65 The South Wolds Academy & Sixth Form,
Church Drive,
Keyworth, NG12 5FF
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as poor quality not available for community use. Pitch requires improved maintenance and remedial work during academic closures to
improve quality.
Local site Low M L Protect
65 The South Wolds
Academy & Sixth Form,
Church Drive,
Keyworth, NG12 5FF
3G School One artificial pitch which is available for community use. Sustain and maintain community usage. School,
Local site High S L Protect
65 The South Wolds
Academy & Sixth Form,
Church Drive,
Keyworth, NG12 5FF
Tennis School Four macadam courts without floodlights rated as standard quality. Courts not available
for community use.

Ensure quality of courts are sustained for current and future use.

Ensure funding is in place for the
replacement of courts in the future to protect court quality.


Local site Low M L Protect
65 The South Wolds
Academy & Sixth Form,
Church Drive,
Keyworth, NG12 5FF
Rugby Union School One poor quality (M0/D0) senior rugby union pitch, unavailable for community use. Pitch requires improved maintenance and remedial work during academic closures to
improve quality.


Local site Low M L Protect
70 Upper Broughton
Cricket Club, LE14 3BB
Cricket Sports Club A good quality natural grass square with eight wickets. Minimal spare capacity which cannot accommodate additional play. Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.

Sports Club,

Local site Low M L Protect
71 Upper Broughton Youth and Social Club, LE14 Tennis Sports Club Two poor quality artificial surface courts with floodlights (installed in 2018). Home venue of Upper Broughton TC which is deemed as being 53 members over capacity. Explore funding opportunities to resurface courts to increase quality. Sports Club,
Local site High M M Protect
79 Willow Brook Primary School, Keyworth,
NG12 5BB
Cricket School One standard quality NTP. Wicket is unavailable for community use. Ensure the quality of the wicket is sustained and that adequate funds are available to resurface the wicket in the future. School,
Local site Low M H Protect
84 Keyworth RFC,
Willoughby Road,
Widmerpool, NG12 5PU
Rugby Union Sports Club Two standard quality (M1/D1) senior rugby union pitches. Main pitch is fully floodlit, the
other is partially floodlit.
  • As advised by RFU Pitch Report for Keyworth RFC it is recommended that the pitch receives a higher, more consistent level of maintenance.
  • Pitch 2 requires completion of floodlighting to offer full pitch coverage.
  • Explore options to provide a third pitch on site to support the growth of the club, in particular the youth age groups.
  • Explore opportunities to look at RFU compliant changing facilities.
Sports Club,
Local site
  • Medium



  • Medium



  • High



  • Medium
  • M



  • M



  • M



  • M
  • L



  • M



  • H



  • L
87 Crossdale Drive Primary
School, Keyworth,
NG12 5HP
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain and improve pitch quality for school use, through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work. School,
Local site Low L L Protect
94 Bridegate Lane,
Hickling, LE14
Cricket Sports Club A standard quality natural grass cricket square with eight wickets. Hickling CC folded
in 2021 and as a result this site has had no cricket play since and no maintenance. NCCC have tried several times to contact the landowner, with no avail. Potential loss of site
for cricket.

Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.

Explore opportunities to keep this site available for cricket.

Sports Club,
Local site Low M L Protect
New Keyworth (Platt Lane) Skate
Skate park Parish Council High quality skate park, complete replacement of facility in April 2022 with
concrete skatepark.
Sustain and maintain new skatepark through regular maintenance. Parish Council Local site Low S-M H Protect


West Bridgford and Ruddington Analysis Area

Current and future provision

West Bridgford and Ruddington Analysis Area
Sport  Analysis Area  Current Picture  Future Picture (2028) 
Football (grass pitches) West Bridgford and Ruddington Shortfalls:
5.5 adult match equivalent
sessions per week.

Nine adult match equivalent sessions per week.

3.5 youth 11v11 match equivalent session per week.

Football (full sized 3G pitches) West Bridgford and Ruddington Shortfall of two full sized,
floodlit 3G pitches within or accessible to the Area.
Shortfall of three full sized, floodlit 3G pitches within or accessible to the Area.
Rugby Union West Bridgford and Ruddington Shortfall of nine match
equivalent sessions per
Shortfall of 11 match equivalent sessions per week.
Cricket West Bridgford and Ruddington Current shortfall of 34 match sessions on a Saturday and Sunday. Future shortfall of 118 match sessions per season on a Saturday and 42 match sessions on a Sunday.
Hockey (sand/water AGPs) West Bridgford and Ruddington Shortfall of 3.5 match sessions per week.

Shortfall of 3.5 match equivalent sessions per week.

Increasing to 13 match equivalent sessions per week if the AGP at West
Bridgford School becomes
inaccessible and Boots HC lose access at The Nottinghamshire Sports Club in April 2024.

Tennis West Bridgford and Ruddington Demand is able to be met. West Bridgford Tennis Club will require additional court space if future demand aspirations are
Bowls West Bridgford and Ruddington Shortfall of one flat bowling green. Shortfall of one flat bowling green.
Netball West Bridgford and Ruddington Demand is able to be met
Borough wide
Demand is able to be met
Borough wide
Touch West Bridgford and Ruddington Demand is able to be met. Demand is able to be met.
Skateparks West Bridgford and Ruddington Demand to access skateparks is able to be met. Demand to access skateparks is able to be met.
Athletics Rushcliffe Demand is able to be met
Borough wide. Qualitative
improvements required.
Future demand anticipated is able to
be met Borough wide.


West Bridgford and Ruddington Area Action Plan


West Bridgford and Ruddington Area Action Plan
Site ID Site Sport Management Current Status Recommended Actions Lead Partners Site Hierarchy Tier Priority Timescales Cost Aim
1 Alford Road Playing Field, West Bridgford,
NG12 4AU
Football Borough
Three poor quality adult pitches overplayed by
3.5 match equivalent sessions per week and two poor quality mini 7v7 pitches.
Improve quality of all pitches on site through better and more regular maintenance and remedial work to reduce
overplay and shortfalls in the Analysis Area. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).
Local site High s L Protect Enhance
1 Alford Road Playing Field, West Bridgford,
NG12 4AU
Rugby Union Borough
One senior pitch rated as poor quality (M0/D1). Sustain and ensure quality is improved through an increased maintenance regime. Council,
Local site High S L Protect Enhance
11 Bridgford Park, West
Bridgford, NG2 5GF
Tennis Borough
Two medium quality macadam courts which are
not floodlit.
Explore future options for the courts. Borough Council,
Local site Low M M Protect Enhance
19 David Lloyd, Rugby
Road, West Bridgford,
Tennis Commercial Five artificial turf courts rated as good quality of which three are floodlit. Ensure quality of the courts is sustained for private use. Commercial,
Local site Low L L Protect
23 Ellerslie Cricket Club,
Little Bounds, West
Bridgford, NG2 7QA
Cricket Sports Club A standard quality natural grass square with 10 wickets and an NTP. The pitch is overplayed by 25 match equivalent sessions per season.
Installed newly acquired practice nets in 2019.
Increase to the height of the ball strike netting from 9 metres to 12 metres, due to take place in February 2023.

As a priority, improve quality of the cricket square through increased remedial and preparatory work to mitigate overplay.

Greater utilisation of the NTP will reduce shortfalls on main square.

Improve pavilion to include additional changing rooms and an accessible toilet.

Sports Club Local site High S L Protect Enhance
27 Gresham Sports Park,
Gresham Park Road,
West Bridgford, NG2
Football and Touch   Five good quality adult pitches which have minimal spare capacity and a mini 7v7 good
quality pitch. Pitches underwent improvements
in 2021 to help resolve drainage issues.
Pitches are over marked with touch pitches in the summer for use by Nottingham Touch and Nottingham Touch Leagues.
Sustain pitch quality through continued and better standard and regularity of maintenance and remedial works. Council,
Hub site Medium S L Protect
27 Gresham Sports Park,
Gresham Park Road,
West Bridgford, NG2
3G pitch Football and Touch    Following developments in 2021, the site now has two excellent quality, full-sized 3G pitches with floodlighting.
Nottingham Touch Leagues report insufficient capacity for touch during the winter months and unmet demand, with the league unable to grow and accept these new teams due to a lack of
pitch space.

Sustain and maintain quality of the pitch to accommodate future use.

Seek to secure additional capacity where possible to facilitate growth of the
Nottinghamshire Touch League, either onsite or through use of a second venue.

Hub site Low
  • L


  • S
  • L


  • L
29 Jubilee Playing Field,
Loughborough Road,
Ruddington, NG11 6NX
Football   Four standard quality youth pitches -11v11, 9v9, 7v7 and 5v5. Spare capacity on 11v11 pitch. Explore funding to improve quality of pitches for both current and future use (Identified as a priority project in the 2019
FA Local Football Facility Plan).
Parish Council,
Local site High M L Protect
37 Nottinghamshire Sports Club, Holme Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 5AA
Rugby Union Sports Club One floodlit senior pitch rated as good quality (M2/D1). First team pitch for professional club Nottingham Rugby Ltd. Three good quality senior
pitches (M2/D1) of which two are floodlit, cumulatively overplayed by 6.5 match sessions per week, largely due to daily training demand
from Nottingham Rugby Ltd. Site also used by Nottingham Corsairs RFC and Nottingham Trent University. Nottingham Rugby Ltd has aspirations
to develop a World Rugby compliant 3G pitch in place of the main senior natural turf pitch which presently exists. Changing and clubhouse provision reported to be inadequate and congested when site is in use by multiple sports clubs playing home matches.
The disused tennis courts are being used for overflow parking on site.

Clubs (Nottingham Rugby and Nottingham Corsairs RFC) onsite to continue exploring the feasibility of delivering a World Rugby compliant 3G pitch in replacement of the current main natural turf pitch to help meet some of the overcapacity pitch
issues on site.

Ensure pitch quality and standards of maintenance and remedial work are sustained to best accommodate current
levels of overplay.

Consider feasibility to extend and improve quality of clubhouse and
ancillary/changing provision to service all sports using the site, potentially as part of a wider development should aspirations
to develop a 3G pitch be progressed.

Sports Club,



Sports Club,
England Hockey

Hub site High S L Protect
37 Nottinghamshire Sports Club, Holme Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 5AA
Hockey Sports Club Floodlit hockey suitable AGP 98mx61m available for community use and used. Resurfaced in 2014 and rated as good quality. Boots Hockey Club has short-term lease of the pitch until April 2024. The
club have raised concerns that the lease will not be renewed.

Ensure pitch quality is sustained through regular and rigorous maintenance.

Seek to renegotiate the existing lease agreement to secure long-term future use of the site for Boots Hockey Club.

Explore options for a new site servicing Boots Hockey Club to alleviate shortfalls in the analysis area.

Sports Club,
England Hockey
Hub site
  • Low


  • High
  • M


  • S
  • L


  • M-H
37 Nottinghamshire Sports Club, Holme Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 5AA
Cricket Sports Club

Two good quality natural turf cricket squares with 12 wickets each. Pitches used exclusively by Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club.

Disused bowling green has been developed to offer additional cricket net provision.

Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime.

Not available for recreational cricket.

Sports Club,
Hub site Low L L Protect
38 Lady Bay Sports & Social Club, Gertrude
Road, West Bridgford,
Tennis Sports Club Seven standard quality macadam courts, all fully
floodlit consisting of 5 full sized courts and two mini pitches.
Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing. Sports Club,
Local site Low L L Protect
38 Lady Bay Sports & Social Club, Gertrude
Road, West Bridgford,
Bowls Sports Club Disused bowling green. Former site of Lady Bay
Bowling Club. Current planning application being
considered to develop the bowls provision into an additional tennis court and ancillary activity.
Convert bowls green into tennis provision due to lack of demand. Sports Club Local site Medium L L Protect
39 Lothian Road/ Tollerton Park, NG12 4EH Football Parish Council One 11v 11 pitch rated as standard quality currently used by Tollerton FC. A 9v9 pitch is  also marked out on this pitch.

Improve quality of the pitch to accommodate future use.

Explore options to enhance ancillary facilities.

Parish Council,
Local site Low L L Protect
40 Elms Park Playing  Fields, Loughborough
Road, Ruddington,
NG11 6NX
Football Parish Council Two adult pitches rated as good quality played to capacity. One mini 7v7 pitch rated as standard quality has no peak time capacity. Site user Ruddington FC has
aspirations to move up the football pyramid (currently step 7) but requires floodlighting,
turnstiles and seating. Fa Pitch Improvement Programme assessment undertaken October 2016.

Sustain and improve pitch quality through more regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work as detailed in the technical
programme of works. (Identified as a priority in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).

Work with Ruddington FC to establish if potential ground improvements can be made
to play step 6 football. Alternatively, explore feasibility of the Club utilising an appropriate facility to play at Step 6.

Parish Council,
Sports Club,
Key site
Local site
Medium S M-H Protect
40 Elms Park Playing  Fields, Loughborough
Road, Ruddington,
NG11 6NX
Cricket Parish Council
  • A standard quality natural grass square with nine wickets. The pitch is overplayed by eight match equivalent sessions per season.


  • Ruddington CC has aspirations to create secondary ground towards the edge of
    Ruddington with accompanying changing
    facilities to accommodate future growth.


  • Ruddington CC has demand for a mobile cage to better accommodate its training demand.
  • Improve square quality through improved maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Increasing quality of the square will partially mitigate effects of overplay.

Explore feasibility of creating additional grass wickets to accommodate additional matches.

Greater utilisation of the NTP accompanying the grass square would help alleviate overplay.

  • Improve square quality through improved
    maintenance, remedial and preparatory
    regime. Increasing quality of the square will
    partially mitigate effects of overplay.
  • Explore potential funding opportunities to
    purchase a mobile cage.
Sports Club,
Key site
Local site
  • Medium








  • Medium






  • Medium
  • M








  • M






  • M
  • L








  • L






  • H
40 Elms Park Playing  Fields, Loughborough
Road, Ruddington,
NG11 6NX
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as good quality. Green is close to capacity and will operate over capacity if future demand of ten members is achieved. Ensure quality of the green is sustained through regular and consistent maintenance to sustain current and future levels of play. Sports Club, Key site
Local site
Medium M L Protect
41 Musters Tennis Club,
Musters Road, West Bridgford, NG2 6BE
Tennis Sports Club Four artificial turf courts rated as standard quality without floodlights. Ensure quality of the courts is sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing. Sports Club,
Local site Low L L Protect
41 Musters Tennis Club,
Musters Road, West Bridgford, NG2 6BE
Bowls Sports Club One bowling green rated as good quality. Ensure quality of the green is sustained through regular and consistent maintenance. Sports Club Local site Medium M L Protect
43 Nottinghamians Rugby Club, Nottingham
Cricket Club, Adbolton
Lane, Holme
Pierrepont, NG12 2LU
Rugby Union Sports Club Two standard quality (M1/D1) senior pitches with minimal spare capacity. Pitches are
primarily utilised by Nottinghamians RFC and
West Bridgford RFC as a secondary venue.

Ensure current levels of maintenance are sustained as a minimum to ensure pitch quality does not deteriorate.

Increase pitch maintenance to create additional spare capacity for increasing use from West Bridgford RFC.

Explore options to improve clubhouse to include a match officials changing room.

Sports Club Local site Medium  M  L Protect
43 Nottinghamians Rugby Club, Nottingham
Cricket Club, Adbolton
Lane, Holme
Pierrepont, NG12 2LU
Cricket Sports Club A standard quality natural grass cricket square with nine wickets. The pitch is utilised
by West Bridgfordians CC on a Saturday and Nottingham Badshahs CC on a Sunday.
Improve square quality through improved maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Increasing quality of the square will partially mitigate effects of overplay. Sports Club Local site Medium  M  L Protect
44 Nottingham Forest FC
Football Sports Club
  • A good quality full sized 3G pitch. Pitch is not available for community use, and is
    exclusively utilized by Nottingham Forest FC. 
  • Four adult, one youth 9v9 and one mini 7v7 pitch all good quality. No community
    use permitted.
  • Ensure quality is sustained for use from Nottingham Forest FC.
  • Explore any potential opportunities to allow
    for community use to alleviate training
    demand shortfalls across Rushcliffe. 
  • Ensure quality is sustained for use from
    Nottingham Forest FC
Sports Club Local site
  • Medium




  • Medium
  • M




  • M
  • L




  • L
47 Plumtree Cricket Club,
Bradmore Lane,
Plumtree, NG12 5EW
Cricket Sports Club
  • A good quality natural grass cricket square with 10 wickets. The pitch is overplayed by approximately 10 match equivalent sessions
    per season.
  • Plumtree has an aspiration to extend their playing area to accommodate capacity for junior practice and have agreed a price with Duchy for the purchase of the field and they are in the final stages of agreeing a loan with the ECB to purchase.
  • Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime to mitigate consequences of high overplay. 




  • Explore opportunities to extend the playing area to accommodate junior practice.
Sports Club,
Local site 
  • Medium







  • Medium
  • M







  • H
  • L







  • M-H 
52 Regatta Way Sports Ground, Regatta Way,
West Bridgford, NG2 5AT
Football Sports Club

Three standard quality adult pitches overplayed by a total of 4.5 match sessions per week. Two standard quality youth 9v9 pitches played to capacity, six mini 7v7 and
one mini 5v5 pitch which don’t have any peak time capacity. FA Pitch Improvement
Programme assessment undertaken April 2015.

West Bridgford Colts lease agreement with the school ceases in 2032 - currently in
discussions with Notts County Council to extend the lease.

  • Improve pitch quality through more regular
    enhanced maintenance and remedial work as detailed within the produced technical programme of works, in order to reduce and better sustain levels of overplay across the site. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan). 
  • Develop and deliver an additional full sized 3G pitch onsite to address 3G pitch shortfalls for football in the analysis area. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local
    Football Facility Plan).
Sports Club,
Key site 
  • High





  • High
  • S





  • S
  • L





  • M
52 Regatta Way Sports Ground, Regatta Way,
West Bridgford, NG2 5AT
Cricket Sports Club Two standard quality grass squares with nine wickets each. Gedling and Sherwood CC have developed a fourth team resulting in no capacity on a Saturday and limited capacity available on Sundays. Sustain square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and preparatory regime. Sports Club,
Key site   Medium  M Protect
56 Rushcliffe School,
Boundary Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7BW
Football Commercial Five standard quality adult pitches, three 11v11, one 9v9 and one 5v5.
Proposals to develop a football suitable ATP will include the loss of one existing adult
football pitch.
  • Improve quality of grass pitches through an increased and improved maintenance regime
    to alleviate overplay. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan).
  • Explore opportunities to alleviate overplay by
    transferring football match demand onto the FA certified 3G pitch on site.


  • Ensure that any proposed development
    affecting the net loss of playing pitches is
    able to meet National Planning Policy.

Hub site









  • Medium








  • High
  • M








  • S
  • L








  • H
56 Rushcliffe School,
Boundary Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7BW
3G pitch Commercial
  • Full-sized floodlit low pile 3G AGP available for community use installed/resurfaced in
    2014 rated as standard quality. Pitch is on the
    FA register and can accommodate competitive fixtures. The existing full size 3G is FIH approved and can be used for hockey but there are no current or future plans to use it for hockey.


  • Two small sided 3G pitches with floodlights.
    Pitches are not on the FA register.


  • Proposals to develop a football suitable 3G pitch to meet the needs and demand of the school, which include the loss of one existing adult grass football, pitch and would mean the loss of capability to deliver community hockey provision.
  • Ensure pitch is regularly maintained to avoid quality deterioration.
  • Ensure funding is in place to resurface the
    carpet of the pitch when required in the


  • Ensure a sinking fund is in place to resurface the carpet of the pitches when required in the future.


  • Ensure that any proposed development affecting the net loss of playing pitches is able to meet National Planning Policy.
  • Develop and deliver an additional full sized 3G pitch onsite to address 3G pitch shortfalls for football in the analysis area. (Identified as a priority project in LFFP).
  • As previously identified as a site for hockey, the loss of the ability to deliver a new hockey pitch on this site compacts the risk of
    identified shortfall for hockey in the analysis
    area. This will need to be addressed elsewhere in the borough.
Hub site
  • Medium






  • Medium








  • High
  • M






  • M








  • S-M
  • L






  • L








  • H
56 Rushcliffe School,
Boundary Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7BW
Tennis School

Seven standard quality floodlit macadam courts. Courts are available for community use but receive limited use.

Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing. School,
Hub site Low Protect
56 Rushcliffe School,
Boundary Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7BW
Netball School Six floodlit courts rated as poor quality. Courts are available for community use but receive limited use. Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.  School,
England Netball
Hub site Low Protect
61 The Becket School,
Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, NG2 7QY
Football School An adult, two youth 11v11, two youth 9v9 (one overmarked on an adult pitch), one mini
7v7 and two mini 5v5 all rated as standard quality. Pitches are all deemed to be at capacity through both usage from curricular use and main external site user Holy Spirit Celtic FC.
Sustain and maintain pitch quality for both current and future use, through better and
more regular maintenance and remedial work. (Identified as a priority project in the 2019 FA Local Football Facility Plan). 
School, FA  Hub site Medium  Protect
61 The Becket School,
Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, NG2 7QY
Hockey School One full sized hockey suitable AGP with floodlighting. Available for community use
and used by Manning HC and as a secondary venue by West Bridgford HC. Standard quality
pitch built in 2009 and has approached the ten year recommended surface lifespan.
Potential to be used by Boots HC should access to Nottingham Sports Club cease. 

Maintain the pitch rigorously and regularly to ensure quality for use. Consider resurfacing
in the coming years subject to natural deterioration of quality.

Encourage school to carry out England Hockey approved pitch inspection.

Encourage the provider to put in place a mechanism for future sustainability.

School, England
Hub site  Medium S-M  L-M  Protect
61 The Becket School,
Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, NG2 7QY
Rugby Union School A poor quality (M0/D1) senior pitch overmarked by a youth 9v9 football pitch.
Pitch not available for community use due to Holy Spirit Celtic FC accessing overmarked youth 9v9.
Look to improve pitch quality through improved maintenance for curricular use. School,
Hub site  Low Protect
61 The Becket School,
Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, NG2 7QY
Tennis School Six macadam courts rated as standard quality without floodlights and are available
for community use.
Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.  School,
Hub site Low L  L Protect
61 The Becket School,
Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, NG2 7QY
Netball School Five non-floodlit courts rated as standard quality. Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.  School, England
Hub site Low L  L Protect
62 Nottingham Forest FC (The City Ground),
Football Sports Club Nottingham Forest FC stadium. Plans for stadium redevelopments to UEFA compliance. Ensure stadium is protected for professional use. Sports Club Key site  High  S Protect 
63 The Nottingham
Emmanuel C of E School, Gresham Park
Road, West Bridgford,
Football School Two adult and a youth 9v9 pitch unavailable for community use due to pitch quality.
Pitches have issues with geese foul. 
Explore opportunities to increase pitch quality through removing geese from the immediate area. School,
Local site Medium  M  L Protect
63 The Nottingham
Emmanuel C of E School, Gresham Park
Road, West Bridgford,
Rugby Union School A poor quality (M0/D1) senior pitch primarily used for curricular use, but also as an
overspill pitch my Nottingham City based Club, Nottingham Moderns RFC. Community
use is available and being used by Moderns RFC.
Explore opportunities to increase quality of the pitch through increasing levels of maintenance. School,
Local site Medium  M  L Protect
63 The Nottingham
Emmanuel C of E School, Gresham Park
Road, West Bridgford,
Tennis School Six floodlit macadam courts rated as good quality and are available for community use. Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.  School,
Local site Low  L  L Protect
63 The Nottingham
Emmanuel C of E School, Gresham Park
Road, West Bridgford,
Netball School Five floodlit courts rated as good quality.  Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.  School,
England Netball 
Local site Low  L  L Protect
74 West Bridgford School,
Loughborough Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 7FA
Football School Two standard quality youth 11v11 pitches, and a standard quality youth 9v9 pitch.
Pitches are unavailable for community use, although have previously received Football
Foundation funding to improve quality of pitches prior to pitches being unable to be
used for community use.
Explore opportunities to work with the school to provide community access to the
pitches to alleviate shortfalls in the analysis area.
Key site  Low  S Protect
74 West Bridgford School,
Loughborough Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 7FA
AGP Hockey School Full sized floodlit hockey suitable AGP, built in 2007 and rated as poor quality.
Main site used by West Bridgford HC.
Concerns over long-term viability of club use and cost accessibility.
West Bridgford Hockey Club’s lease agreement with the school ceases in 2023.
The club have received confirmation that the school have no plans to resurface the pitch. 
Consider more sustainable and secure options including a new site servicing West Bridgford Hockey Club with a minimum of 2 AGP pitches to alleviate shortfalls in the analysis area. School,
England Hockey
Key site  High  S  H Protect
75 West Bridgford Tennis Club, Little Bounds,
West Bridgford, NG2 7QA
Tennis Sports Club There are six floodlit courts, three of which are artificial turf and rated as standard quality
and the remaining clay surface and rated as good quality. Demand for court time
increased in 2022.
Ensure quality of the courts is in sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.  Sports Club,
 Local site Low  Protect 
76 West Park,
Loughborough Road, 
West Bridgford, NG2 7JE
Football Borough
Sports Club
Five standard quality 5v5 pitches played to capacity with no peak time capacity.  Sustain and improve pitch quality for both current and future use, through better and
more regular maintenance and remedial work.
Sports Club,
Key site Medium  M Protect 
76 West Park,
Loughborough Road, 
West Bridgford, NG2 7JE
Cricket Borough
Sports Club
A standard quality natural grass square with 10 wickets. No capacity on a Saturday with
capacity available on alternative Sundays.
One artificial wicket rated as poor quality.

Enhance and improve square quality through continued maintenance, remedial and
preparatory regime.

Explore the opportunity to increase cricket play.

Explore the opportunity to replace net provision, improve artificial wickets.

Sports Club,
Key site Medium  L Protect 
76 West Park,
Loughborough Road, 
West Bridgford, NG2 7JE
Tennis Borough
Sports Club
One full size macadam court without floodlights rated as standard quality. There are 4 mini tennis red courts rated as poor quality with only 2 in use.

Ensure quality of the court is sustained and a sinking fund is in place for future resurfacing.

Explore opportunity to increase usage of mini tennis courts.

Sports Club,
Key site  Low  L Protect 
82 Roko Health Club,
Wilford Lane, West Bridgford, NG2 7RN
Football Commercial Two poor quality adult pitches played to capacity.
Pitch assessment completed on 20 June 2019.
Improve pitch quality through improved and more regular maintenance. Commercial,
Local site  Medium  M L Protect
85 West Bridgford Sports Club, Stamford Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 6GF
Rugby Union Sports Club One floodlit senior pitch rated as standard
quality (M1/D1) overplayed by 1 match
session. One senior pitch rated as standard
quality (M1/D1) overplayed by 3 match
Girls development is priority for the club, as
this grows, there will be additional pressure
on the pitches. 

West Bridgford RFC to explore
opportunities and be prioritised in gaining access to any new World Rugby compliant 3G pitch in the South Nottinghamshire area.

As advised by RFU Pitch Report for West Bridgford RFC it is recommended that the
pitch receives a higher, more consistent level of maintenance.

Source funding to support the need for requiring own equipment for maintenance.

Sports Club,
Key site  High  S Protect
85 West Bridgford Sports Club, Stamford Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 6GF
Cricket Sports Club A standard quality natural grass cricket square with 10 wickets and an NTP, in additional to a standalone NTP on site. The square is overplayed by 39 match
equivalent sessions per season.
The quality of the grass square had significant renovation work in Autumn 2022 to improve quality. Both NTP’s have been
renovated, allowing additional use for junior cricket.
Sustain and maintain the cricket square and both NTP’s through regular maintenance.  Sports Club,
Key site Medium  S Protect
88 Abbey Road Primary,
Tewkesbury Road,
West Bridgford, NG2 5ND
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use. Sustain quality of pitch for curricular use through regular maintenance. School,
Local site Low  L Protect
90 Greythorn Primary
School, West Bridgford,
Football School One youth 9v9 pitch rated as standard quality not available for community use.  Sustain quality of pitch for curricular use through regular maintenance. School,
Local site Low L Protect 
New Tollerton Skate Park Skate park Parish Council Standard quality skatepark.  Seek to improve quality through repair and more regular maintenance work. Explore
opportunities for future replacement. 
Parish Council Local site  Low  S-M Protect
New Lady Bay Skate Park (The Hook),
Holme Road, West Bridgford,
Skate park Council High quality skate park complete replacement of facility in Spring 2019 with
concrete skatepark.
Sustain and maintain new skatepark through regular maintenance. Council  Local site  Low  S-M Protect
New Rushcliffe County Park Skate Park, Ruddington, NG11 6JS Skate park Council High quality skatepark complete replacement of facility in 2020 with
concrete skatepark.
Sustain and maintain new skatepark through regular maintenance. Council  Local site  High  S-M Protect
New Land East of Gamston N/A N/A Allocation proposing the development of circa 4000 new dwellings. An outline
planning application for the first 2,250 dwellings was submitted in December 2020
but recently undetermined.
Subject to application and approval, develop new onsite playing provision and establish a sustainable maintenance and
management model for the new playing field provision. See Part 7 scenarios for further detail on potential demand for additional playing pitch provision as a
result of new development. 
Council   N/A Low  L  Provide


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