Senior Officers
Information about the senior officers of Rushcliffe Borough Council, including the chief executive.
Executive Management Team (EMT)
Departmental/Service structure
Adam Hill - Chief Executive
The Chief Executive is head of the paid service and responsible for the overall leadership of the Council's employees. The Chief Executive works closely with the elected councillors to develop the Council's strategic policies and ensure that they are properly implemented. The relevant committees are Cabinet and Council.
You can get in touch with Adam by emailing
Adam is supported by three Directors. They are:
- Leanne Ashmore - Director Growth and Economic Development
- David Banks - Director Neighbourhoods and Deputy Chief Executive
- Peter Linfield - Director Finance & Corporate Services and Deputy Chief Executive
Chief Executive's Department
Head of Service - Sara Pregon (Monitoring Officer)
Lead Specialist Strategic HR Manager - Joanne Wilkinson
Director - David Banks (DCE)
Head of Service Neighbourhoods - Darryl Burch
Lead Specialist Communities - Derek Hayden
Lead Specialist Streetwise - Luke Colaluca
Head of Service Public Protection - Geoff Carpenter
Lead Specialist Strategic Housing - Donna Dwyer
Finance and Corporate Services
Director - Peter Linfield (DCE)
Head of Service Corporate Services - Charlotte Caven-Atack
Lead Specialist Communications and Customer Services - Ed Palmer
Lead Specialist ICT Services - Andrew Disney (Chief Information Officer)
Head of Service Finance - Sarah Whittaker
Lead Specialist Benefits - Paul Mason
Lead Specialist Revenues - Rob Cottee
Development and Economic Growth
Director - Leanne Ashmore
Head of Service Planning - Helen Knott
Lead Specialist Planning - Andrew Cullen
Lead Specialist Planning Policy - Richard Mapletoft
Head of Service Economic Growth and Property - Catherine Evans
Lead Specialist Property Services - Adrian Hutson
Lead Specialist Corporate Projects - Cara Prendergast
Role and Remuneration of the Chief Executive and Executive Management Team
At Rushcliffe Borough Council, the Chief Executive, Adam Hill is the Head of Paid Service – a post determined and defined by Local Government law – and leads and takes responsibility for the work of paid staff of the Council. Rushcliffe Borough Council is a significant business with annual gross expenditure of £41m.
The Chief Executive works closely with elected Members (the Councillors) and senior colleagues to deliver the following:
Leadership: working with the Councillors to ensure strong and visible leadership and direction as well as encouraging and enabling managers to motivate and inspire their teams;
Strategic Direction: ensuring all staff understand and adhere to the strategic aims of the organisation and follow the direction set by the Council;
Policy Advice: acting as the principal policy advisor to the Councillors and leading the development of workable strategies to deliver the political objectives of the Council;
Partnerships: leading and developing complex partnerships with private, public and voluntary/community organisations to achieve improved outcomes and better public services for local people;
Operational Management: financial and performance management, risk management, people management and change management within the Council.
The Chief Executive at Rushcliffe Borough Council is required to lead a complex organisation demonstrating efficient and incisive professional and commercial competence. A high-performance culture is driven by motivation, inspiration and the development of staff. To do this, the Chief Executive:
- Sets an example through personal conduct – integrity and openness
- Champions and displays values of public service and excellence in service delivery
- Sets the right cultural tone through relationships with those she leads and influences
- Provides clear guidance on standards and values
- Is actively involved in managing performance of service areas and providing development for staff
- Determines the appropriate level of resources for services and actively works to improve efficiency
- Ensures effective community engagement and partnership working to obtain the best outcomes for residents.
The Chief Executive’s Remuneration
The current Chief Executive received an annual salary of £127,773.
The Chief Executive’s salary is determined with reference to similarly sized authorities and any salary review is undertaken by a Remuneration Panel that comprises Council Members and an independent person who acts in an advisory capacity to the panel members.
The Chief Executive’s salary is reviewed by a Remuneration Panel every 2 years. The salary is subject to any award agreed nationally by the Joint National Committee for Local Authority Chief Executives.
In 2023-2024 the Chief Executive claimed reimbursable expenses of £894.75
In 2023/2024 the Executive Management Team (EMT) comprised of Chief Executive and three Directors who collectively lead and direct the organisation and work with Councillors to develop and deliver the Council’s objectives. These objectives are outlined in the new Corporate Strategy 2024 - 2027.
The Chief Executive and Directors each have responsibilities covering certain specific service areas of the organisation as well as individual responsibility for key leadership projects.
All members of the EMT actively work on operational issues and problems as required to ensure maximum performance and efficiency is achieved. The Directors also support and manage the work of the Council’s four Scrutiny Groups and other Member meetings.
Directors have overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations and management of their respective service areas. Each one is responsible for managing the staff, assets and budget resources available to them and providing the service to the performance and standard agreed by the Council.
Service Managers
Alongside their Service Manager duties, the seven senior officers are also the Lead Specialists for the service functions within a defined team, providing operational management to a team of employees to deliver and continually improve services. As Service Managers, they provide strategic level support to their respective Director and in their absence provide leadership, guidance, and direction to the team within the service area.
Chief Information Officer
The Chief Information officer’s responsibilities and duties have been assigned to an existing RBC officer whose pay and benefits package do not meet the ‘Role and Remuneration’ reporting threshold.
Monitoring Officer
The duties of the Authority’s Monitoring Officer are undertaken by the Council’s Borough Solicitor, currently the Service Manager, Chief Executive directorate, and is the Lead Specialist, Legal Services. The Monitoring Officer is responsible for reporting on matters which could be illegal or amount to maladministration; responsible for matters relating to the conduct of councillors and officers; and responsible for the operation of the council's constitution.
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a contributory scheme; this means that the employee contributes to the scheme from his or her salary. The Council makes an employer’s contribution of 17.6%.
The Local Government Transparency Code (2015) requires inclusion of Senior Officers in receipt of salaries of £50,000+. The relevant detail is provided below:
Senior Managers Pay and Benefits 2023/24
Post Title |
Salary, Fees & Allowances |
Mileage & Public Transport | Car Parking | Expenses | Total |
£ | £ | £ | £ | £ | |
Director - Neighbourhoods | 98,175.00 | 265.75 | 16.50 | 42.80 | 98,500.05 |
Director - Finance & Corporate Services | 101,133.00 | 150.75 | 37.00 | 9.50 | 101,330.25 |
Director - Development & Growth | 95,175.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 95,175.00 |
Service Manager - Economic Growth and Development | 69,339.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 69,339.00 |
Service Manager - Public Protection | 69,339.00 | 57.60 | 6.10 | 0 | 69,402.70 |
Service Manager - Neighbourhoods | 70,916.05 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 70,916.05 |
Service Manager - Finance | 70,663.96 | 0 | 28.50 | 19.58 | 70,712,.04 |
Service Manager - Corporate Services | 69,339.00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 69,419.30 |
Service Manager – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer |
72,339.00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
72,339.00 |
Service Manager - Planning (see note 1) |
28,495.55 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
28,495.55 |
1. This individual has been on a period of unpaid Maternity leave. Salary reported from 20 November 2023.
About the Council
- Council Spending
- Fees and Charges
- Senior Officers
- Freedom of Information
- Disclosure Log
- Policies, Strategies and Other Documents
- Equality and Diversity
- Internal Audit
- Procurement
- Awards
- Data Protection
- Fraud Prevention
- Publication Scheme and Data Transparency Code
- Protocol
- Pay Multiple
- Gender Pay Gap
- Trade Union Facility Time
- Equality Framework for Local Government
- Environmental Information Regulations 2004