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Planning Applications - Public Speaking Protocol

Planning Applications ... having your say

A guide on how to speak at Planning Committee

Rushcliffe Borough Council receives around 1,400 planning applications each year. Some of these will be from an individual household wanting to improve their home with additional accommodation, a new garage or conservatory; others will be from a property developer proposing to build a new housing estate, primary school and local shops with additional open community spaces. All of the applications we receive need to be considered by our planning officers, this includes consulting people who may be affected by the application. In many cases, these planning officers can make a decision under delegated powers but around 6% of applications each year are referred to the Council’s Planning Committee for a decision.

What is the Planning Committee?

The Planning Committee is formed of 11 Borough Councillors who make decisions on those applications referred to the Committee. These meetings take place once a month and are open to the public – dates and agendas (once they are published) can be found on our website in Minutes and Agendas. You can also see who is on the Planning Committee on our website.

The majority of applications are referred to the Planning Committee where:

  • they have been submitted by a Borough Councillor or senior member of staff
  • they demonstrate a difference of opinion between the planning officers’ recommendation and the ward councillors’ views as expressed during the consultation
  • the ward councillor has declared an interest
  • the Borough Council is the applicant.

Please note that large or complex applications may be considered differently by the Planning Committee.

Having your say at Planning Committee

If you are the applicant, an objector or ward councillor (Borough Councillor for the ward in which the application is being made), and an application is to be discussed at Planning Committee in which you have an interest, you can present your views directly to the Committee. The Planning Committee agenda is available on the website (at the same address as above) a week before the meeting and it lists the applications that will be discussed at the meeting. You will be able to speak directly to the Planning Committee if you are the applicant for the application under consideration or if you are representing objectors to the application for a maximum of five minutes; or if you are the ward Councillor for the ward in which the application is being made you may speak to the Committee for up to five minutes (in multi councillor wards where the views of ward councillors are different, then both viewpoints will be heard). Speakers will be heard by the Committee in the following order: Planning Officer (time unlimited), applicant, objector, and ward Councillor. No cross examination of the applicant or objector will be permitted.

How do I register my wish to speak?

If you wish to speak at Planning Committee, you will need to contact our Constitutional Services team at or on 0115 9148 320 with your name, address and telephone number, the application number you wish to speak about, and whether you are objecting to, or supporting the application. Requests to speak at Planning Committee must be received by 5pm on the Monday before the meeting. Only one applicant, objector and ward councillor (except in a multi councillor ward where the views of councillors differ) may speak at the Planning Committee on each application. If more than one person in each category wishes to speak, you will be asked to give us permission to share your contact details with other people wishing to speak and decide amongst yourselves who speaks at the meeting.

If you wish to introduce relevant additional material as part of your presentation to committee, you will need to forward copies to our Constitutional Services team at: no later than 12 noon the day before the committee meeting. Relevant additional material may include (but is not limited to):

  • Photographs
  • Sketch Plans
  • Models
  • Petitions

In circumstances where the deadline for submission of additional material is not met, submission of it at the meeting may be refused at the discretion of the chair.

What happens at the Planning Committee?

The following format is followed at each Planning Committee:

  • apologies for absence from Committee members absent
  • notification of any substitutions
  • declarations of interest from Committee members
  • minutes of the previous meeting agreed and signed.

Then the applications for consideration at this meeting are presented – for each application:

  • the planning officer presents a report containing the recommendation
  • opportunity for the applicant to speak
  • opportunity for a representative of any objectors to speak
  • opportunity for the relevant ward councillor to speak
  • the Committee members will then discuss the application and take a vote
  • this process will be repeated until all applications have been considered.

What should I talk about when I speak to the Committee?

Firstly, it depends on whether you are the applicant, whether you are representing those that object to the application, or acting in your capacity as a ward councillor. All speakers must ensure that their statement only refers to planning-related issues, examples are detailed below – these are the only issues which the Committee can consider and to speak about other issues would waste the time that you have. Speakers may not address questions directly to the Committee or the planning officers present. Speakers will not generally be questioned by the Committee – in very exceptional cases the Chairman might ask you to clarify a point of fact.

Relevant planning-related issues that can be considered by the Committee

The Committee can only take planning-related issues into account when making their decision. Therefore, you should ensure that your statement relates to material planning considerations which may include:

  • Overlooking / loss of privacy
  • Design / effect on appearance of area
  • Access, parking, traffic, road safety
  • Trees / biodiversity / landscape / heritage
  • Noise / disturbance
  • Local or government policy / economic benefits
  • Flooding issues.

Matters which are not considered to be material planning considerations include:

  • Loss of property value / loss of view
  • Boundary / land ownership / neighbour disputes
  • Impact on private drainage systems
  • Inappropriate or personal comments
  • Doubts as to integrity of applicant
  • Breach of covenant.

Please ensure that your statement does not contain any inappropriate comments, including those, which are racist, sexist, xenophobic, defamatory, prejudiced or likely to cause offence. It should not be derogatory to this Council, or to any other party, or relate to matters the Council could consider to be confidential.

Let us know if you want to speak by contacting: or on 0115 9148 320