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Trade Waste

For economic reasons, we do not collect trade waste anymore

The Council no longer collects trade waste. We can help you make arrangements to have your waste collected. Please contact our Customer Services Centre for more information.

We can provide details of appropriate contractors and if required. To obtain up to three quotes for providing the service you require. We will charge a one off arrangement fee of £50 for this service. Alternatively, you may prefer to make your own arrangements. You could contact adjacent local authorities or local private contractors. Details are in the yellow pages or on the internet.

It is very important that you use a reputable organisation which is able to provide the duty of care documentation for you. This means you can evidence where your waste is sent for disposal. In order to help your make an informed decision, we would recommend you check their details.

New recycling legislation for businesses

From March 31 2025, businesses with more than 10 employees will be required to separate out particular materials for recycling and have a dedicated separate food waste collection.

For further information about these changes, visit our Simpler Recycling for businesses website page.