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Checklist for workplaces

The law is changing to increase recycling rates and reduce waste going to landfill. Please follow this checklist below to find out what you need to do in order to be compliant.

1. Check if you need to make changes

Visit for guidance on which workplaces are affected by the changes and when new requirements need to be in place. If you identify that you are not currently compliant, you need to make changes to ensure you comply. The following steps will help you to do so.

2. Identify your waste streams

Take note of the types of recyclable waste you are producing, as well as food waste, to understand what collections you will need and how often.

3. Set up new collections

Speak to your existing waste collector, or set up a new waste service, to ensure your service will collect all of the required materials and that you have all of the necessary infrastructure (e.g. bins).

4. Educate your staff and customers

Use the resources in the toolkit, and anything else you might find useful, to educate your staff on the new processes and how they should handle waste correctly. Depending on your workplace, you may also need to inform customers or visitors to your premises (for example, by putting clear signs on bins).

5. Keep track of your recycling and food waste

By doing so, you will be able to identify where recycling rates for your workplace could be further improved. For example, by addressing confusion around a specific material that you notice is frequently being disposed of into the wrong bin. Monitoring volumes will allow you to tailor the frequency of collections.

Simpler Recycling for businesses