Community Support Scheme Grant
The Council has a Community Support Scheme which enables each Councillor to put forward proposals for expenditure on small projects in their ward or community. Each Councillor currently has a budget of £1,000 each year to spend.
What this grant can be spent on:
- Improvements to community facilities within the ward
- Community events or activities within the ward that benefit all/a wide range of residents of the ward
- Investment in community infrastructure within the ward
- Support to a religious organisation where the project/event to be delivered benefits the wider ward (for example, repair of church clock)
- Support to a local school or academy where the project/event to be delivered benefits the wider ward
- Section of the community within the ward with a specific need.
What this grant cannot be spent on:
- Anything illegal
- Projects of a party-political nature, including supporting political organisations
- Supporting religious groups, activities or events, where the benefit is for that group only.
- Requests which directly benefit a sole individual
- Requests spent on consumables
- Support to lobbying or campaign groups
- The direct employment costs of staff or hospitality payments (including food and drink)
- Anything that will bring the Council into disrepute or damage the Council’s reputation.
A Community Support Scheme Application Form must be completed by the applicant and the councillor, and should include written evidence from the applicant outlining what the money is to be used for. Completion of the online form is preferable although you can also download a pdf copy to print out. Printed forms should be returned to the Business Support Unit. The grant is usually paid by BACS transfer.
All enquiries and grant forms should be sent to Community Support Scheme Grant.
Apply for a Community Support Scheme Grant
Community Support Scheme application form
Grants approved
Summary of grants approved 2022-23
Summary of grants approved 2021-22
Download the guidance or a paper copy of the application form
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